Unify all heavens

Chapter 277 Making a big fuss in the Netherworld! (seventeen)

Li Qing was startled when he heard this. He narrowed his eyes and carefully looked at the bamboo shoots in front of him.

Upon seeing this, Mr. Zhu chuckled: "This bamboo shoot has been sealed by Lao Chan for a long time. As long as you have not exceeded Lao Chan's realm, you will not be able to see the mystery on it!"

Li Qing nodded slightly, his eyes fell on Mr. Zhu, and he said, "You said that as long as I take this bamboo shoot away from this world and plant it, you will promise me three things, right?"

Mr. Zhu nodded while stroking his beard and said: "You only need to put it in the purple coffin and go back to find a world with sufficient spiritual energy to plant it! As for these three things, as long as I can do it, anything can be done. OK!"

After saying this, he smiled again and said: "You don't need to test me or hide it from me. I have already seen the memories in your seven souls. I have also studied your purple coffin. I know everything you know. You don't I also know everything I know!”

Hearing this, Li Qing smiled and decided to stay away from this kind of boss who could check other people's memories at will in the future! , but then again, since Mr. Zhu already knew everything, he had no choice but to agree.

After all, this is just a casual thing. In exchange for Zhu Gong's three things, it can be said to be a big profit.

You need to know that this big boss has been around since ancient times!

Thinking of this, he nodded and said: "Okay, I will definitely find a world with enough spiritual energy to plant this bamboo shoot!"

Seeing Li Qing nod in agreement, the smile on Mr. Zhu's face suddenly became stronger.

"Since you have agreed to this matter, let's talk about those three things! Whether it is to remove the hidden dangers in your body or to solve Zhubi for you, as long as you speak, I can do it for you now. You solve it!"

Li Qing was shocked when he heard this and couldn't help but said in amazement: "You and Zhubi are separated by a world, how do you solve it?"

Zhu Gong chuckled and said: "The place where Zhubi is is not the world, but the only space connecting many purple coffins, and this space can be easily passed through your purple coffin!"

Li Qing was shocked in his heart. No wonder all the Purple Coffin inheritors were brought to that space when they evolved to a certain level. It turned out that the root cause was here.

At this time, Zhu Gong asked again: "How about it? Do you need Lao Chan to help you to deal with Zhubi directly?"

Li Qing shook his head first, and then asked: "Mr. Zhu, you should know what level Zhubi is, right? I want to know how big the gap is between him and me!"

Zhu Gong stroked his beard and chuckled: "Zhubi? It's just a corpse god, not even an immortal. If the old man is still alive, he can turn it into ashes with just one glance! But now my amazing cultivation has long since disappeared. For most of it, you need to use magic or magical powers to kill it with one move! As for the gap between you and it, well - it's like an egg and a stone of the same size!"

Li Qing smiled bitterly when he heard this. Mr. Zhu was indeed a big shot in the prehistoric era. Even when most of his cultivation was gone, he could kill Zhubi with one move. It's just that this metaphor is a bit awkward.

If Mr. Zhu had any ill intentions towards him, he might be able to turn him into ashes with just one glance.

Now he just needs to do one easy thing, and he can ask this great man to do three things for him!

When he thought of this, Li Qing couldn't help but feel a little elated.

Zhu Gong, who was sitting cross-legged opposite him, didn't know what Li Qing was thinking. He took a sip of the mist in his wine cup and then started talking.

"Little friend, if you can't think of anything that needs my help for the time being, how about I make the decision for you?"

As he spoke, he took out a palm-sized bamboo figurine from his arms, placed it in front of Li Qing and said: "This is the clone refined by the old man. You only need to crush it to summon the old man's clone. This clone He has all the strength of Lao Chan, but he can only exist for three seconds!"

"what do you think?"

Mr. Zhu looked at Li Qing.

Li Qing nodded heavily. For a powerful person like Zhu Gong, not to mention three seconds, even one second can definitely solve a lot of things.

After Li Qing picked up the bamboo puppet, Mr. Zhu smiled again and said: "Then the first thing is done. Let's talk about the second thing. My friend, do you know why you swallowed the guard of Fengducheng? But all the way to Naihe Palace, there are no undercover people looking for trouble for you? Moreover, if the guards of Fengdu City are really so weak, how can they suppress the many ghost kings in the city? "

Li Qing nodded when he heard this. He was also very strange about this matter.

"Because all this is a plot, to get rid of you and the ghost corpse you possess! The world cannot continue to allow zombies of your level to exist, and this world cannot allow ghost zombies to exist!"

Zhu Gong stroked his beard and chuckled: "Zhong Kui is the one who set up this trap! In order to let you into this trap, he did not hesitate to sacrifice the clone of Black and White Wuchang and the four little ghosts who have followed him for many years. He also tells you that if you want to find someone who can completely Yinwu, who has exerted the power of Youzhi, came to Naihe Palace to find the pure souls who drank Meng Po soup! Moreover, he also used Youzhi as bait to get rid of those ghosts in the city who have lived for a long time! "

After listening to Zhu Gong's words, Li Qing was extremely shocked. If Zhong Kui was really like Zhu Gong said, then he would be too terrible!

Seeing Li Qing's uncertain expression, Mr. Zhu stroked his beard and smiled: "I can help you break this situation forcibly, what do you think?"

Li Qing was silent for a moment, then nodded heavily.

An hour later;

"Why are you leaving the city now? Did Mr. Zhu give you a pure soul as a gift?"

Looking at the Fengdu City Gate getting closer and closer in front of him, Zhong Kui's eyes flickered and he asked Li Qing with some confusion.

He was just stunned before he found that Li Qing and Zhu Gong had all disappeared, and even the bamboo house was missing.

And when the housekeeper handed him the five white Panlong Fruits and sent him out of the manor, he discovered that Li Qing had stood outside the manor without knowing when.

After Li Qing saw him coming out, he walked towards the gate of Fengdu without saying a word.

At this time, they had been walking for more than ten minutes and were not far from the huge Fengdu City Gate.

After Li Qing heard Zhong Kui's words, he didn't answer and just walked quickly towards the huge Fengdu City Gate.

Seeing the Fengdu City Gate getting closer and closer, Zhong Kui's eyes twitched unconsciously, and he thought to himself, "Does this kid know something?"

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt uneasy. He stopped immediately, stretched out his hand to stop Li Qing, and said with a worried look: "My friend, the guards of Fengdu City change every hour. It has been nearly two hours since we entered the city. And the fact that you swallowed two green-skinned imps guarding the gate at the city gate must have been known to other guards. If my guess is correct, there must be many guards or ghosts waiting for us at the city gate at this moment! Maybe ghosts from the five directions The emperor is waiting for us at the city gate right now, so we must not fall into the trap!"

He turned back and pointed to the location of Naihe Palace, and said: "If you want to leave the Netherworld now, I will take you away from the teleportation array of Naihe Palace!"

When Li Qing heard this, he looked at Zhong Kui and said, "Is there no other ghosts and gods in the palace?"

Zhong Kui's expression remained unchanged and he said with a smile: "As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place. If what happened at the city gate is discovered, the five ghost emperors from the Naihe Palace will definitely go to the city gate to guard and wait. We have thrown ourselves into a trap! As a result, there is only one ghost and god, Po Meng, sitting in the palace. This god is the judge of the Department of Punishing Evil, and holding the treasures of the underworld, Po Meng cannot stop us! If nothing happened at the gate of the city, If you are discovered, I can protect you among the many ghosts and gods out of the city! Although the five ghost emperors are stronger than me, they cannot keep me!"

After Zhong Kui finished speaking, Li Qing nodded slightly, as if he believed what he said.

When Zhong Kui saw this, he felt relieved. Then he turned around with a calm expression and took steps towards the direction of Naihe Palace.

At the same time, in the middle of the bamboo room, the housekeeper was bowing and reporting to Mr. Zhu who was sitting cross-legged on the futon.

"Master, it's ready!"

Mr. Zhu gently stroked his long beard, nodded with a smile, and said, "In that case, send someone to inform Little Friend Li!"

"As you command!"

The steward nodded slightly, and when he turned around, he asked with a puzzled face: "Master, if we do this, will we offend the Emperor and Lord Yan?"


Zhugong heard this and sneered: "They don't dare to be angry!"

The butler nodded, then turned and left.

After the housekeeper left, Mr. Zhu stroked his beard and looked in the direction of Naihe Hall.

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