Unify all heavens

Chapter 271 Making a fuss in the Netherworld! (eleven)

When Zhong Kui finished speaking, Li Qing subconsciously looked down.

Only dozens of meters below him, a blood-red river about ten meters wide was flowing through in turbulent waves.

This big river was like a moat, separating the dark city with dim yellow lights in the distance from the desolate area that Li Qing had just flown over.

Listening to the rushing sound in his ears, Zhong Kui had a serious face and said to Li Qing with fear: "This blood river is a branch of the sea of ​​blood. It is specially designed to pollute the soul. It is listed as one of the forbidden places in the Netherworld. Even if I fall into the river, I will disappear instantly!"

Li Qing was surprised when he heard this. This blood river turned out to be a branch of the sea of ​​blood.

After flying across the bloody river with fear, Zhong Kui signaled Li Qing to come down and said: "Flying is prohibited within ten miles of Fengdu City, otherwise you will be attacked by the ghost weapons of Fengdu City. Even if I get hit, it will be uncomfortable." !”

As he spoke, he landed on the ground and walked with Li Qing towards Fengdu City in the distance.

One of them is a ghost from the underworld, and the other is a ghost corpse, one of the forbidden corpses in heaven and earth. Even if they walk, they are not much slower than flying. The ten-mile journey was halfway gone in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the brightly lit Fengdu City in the distance, Li Qing's eyes flashed with wonder.

He saw that Fengdu City was like a dormant giant beast. Even standing here, he could feel the sense of oppression coming from the city.

At this time, only Zhong Kui was heard saying: "Originally, the reincarnation of ghosts requires drinking Meng Po soup on the Naihe Bridge, and then being escorted to the reincarnation passage by ghost messengers. However, due to the great catastrophe of the end of the Dharma in the world, the Naihe Bridge suddenly broke. So the ghost was temporarily placed in Fengdu City, under the care of the ghost king and Meng Po's clone, so as to prevent the wild ghost king from breaking into the city and devouring him!"

When Li Qing heard this, he wondered: "Is there no guard force in Fengdu City? How could a wild ghost king break into it?"

Zhong Kui sighed: "Originally, there were some, but since the King of Hell took away most of the ghosts and gods in the underworld, the only ones left in Fengdu City are the clones of some gods. However, these clones of the gods are not strong, even you. It can swallow four of the clones of the top ten evil commanders, not to mention those ghost kings who have been entrenched in the Netherworld for thousands of years!"

After he finished saying this, he and Li Qing had already walked to the gate of Fengdu City.

Then two green-skinned ghosts wearing loose armor came forward and raised their hands to Zhong Kui. Then one of the green-skinned ghosts smiled and said, "I've seen Mr. Zhong, why did you think of wandering around Fengdu City today?" ?”

When it was talking, Li Qing saw that its mouth was full of sharp teeth.

Zhong Kui put his hands behind his back and snorted coldly: "I have something to do with Po Meng. Is she in the city at the moment?"

The green-skinned kid chuckled and said, "It's not just Po Meng who's here, even the Five Ghost Emperors are in the city today!"

Zhong Kui's heart sank when he heard this, and he narrowed his eyes and said, "What are these five ghost emperors doing in the city?"

After hearing Zhong Kui's question, the green-skinned kid suddenly showed a cautious look on his face, and then he took a step closer and whispered: "Master Zhong, I heard that a ghost corpse appeared in the underworld, killing black and white impermanence and bull-headed and horse-faced people. The clones of one of the adults were swallowed up, and the King of Hell was afraid that the ghost corpse would come to Fengdu City to swallow the clones of other adults, so he invited the five ghost emperors into the city!"

When Zhong Kui heard this, he looked at Li Qing and reminded him: "My little friend, the strength of these five ghost emperors is still higher than Zhong's, we have to be careful!"

Li Qing nodded when he heard this and raised his eyes to look at the gate of Fengdu City.

When the two green-skinned brats beside them heard Zhong Kui's words, the corners of their eyes suddenly trembled unconsciously.


Be careful about what?

Then he looked at Li Qing, and asked with a stiff smile on his face.

"This gentleman looks a little unfamiliar. I wonder what his name is?"

When Li Qing heard this, he looked at the two green-skinned brats who were only one meter away from him, and then grinned coldly.

"Didn't you mention me to Zhong Kui just now?"

As soon as Li Qing finished speaking, he was stunned when he saw the two green-skinned brats in front of him.

Then, as if they remembered something, a look of horror suddenly appeared on their faces. They pointed tremblingly at Li Qing, their lips trembled and they were unable to speak for a long time.

Just staggering back.

It wasn't until he took several steps back and leaned against the tightly closed dark city gate that he trembled and said, "You, you are that secluded, secluded, secluded body."

Because of the fear in their hearts, while they were talking, the skin of the two green-skinned imps gradually turned gray.

Li Qing sneered before they finished speaking.

Then I saw the two little ghosts turning around with frightened faces and pushing hard towards the city gate, wanting to report the news to the city.

As a result, before they could open the city gate, Li Qing's voice could be heard in their ears.

"The glutton swallows the sky!"

Following this sound, the two green-skinned brats were pulled into the air by a strong suction force. Then their bodies twisted, and in the blink of an eye they were sucked into Li Qing's mouth by this suction force. middle.

After experiencing the energy wash of bull-headed horse-faced and black-and-white impermanence, Li Qing's digestion power was greatly enhanced at this moment.

Almost as soon as he swallowed these two brats, he had transformed them into pure soul power and merged them with his own soul.

Even the armor they wore was converted into yin energy by him and integrated into the body.

From head to toe, Zhong Kui watched all this with a calm expression.

After seeing Li Qing digesting the two little ghosts, Zhong Kui smiled and said: "Let's go into the city. Although the five ghost emperors are here, if we are fast, we can definitely kill them before the five ghost emperors find out." Take away the ghost!"

After saying this, he waved his hand towards the forty-four-meter-high dark iron door a few meters away, engraved with various ferocious ghosts.

"Crunch, crunch!"

Just hearing two weird sounds, the city gate slowly opened.

Only the two imps guarded the gate of Fengdu City, so until the city gate opened, the residents in the city did not know that the two green-skinned imps outside the city were swallowed up.

Compared to the extremely desolate city outside, the inside of Fengdu City is much more lively. If the residents in the city were not all pale-faced and full of gloomy energy, they would be almost like the human world.

Whether it’s a wine shop or an inn, everything in the world is available here.

The only thing that was different from the human world was that the city was very quiet, and all the residents had dull expressions on their faces.

Whether he was eating downstairs in an inn or setting up a shopping cart on the street, his face was expressionless.

At this time, on the street paved with bluestones, three or five ghosts who looked like they were only seven or eight years old ran past Li Qing and Zhong Kui with black and white paper kites in their hands, smiling sinisterly.

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