Unify all heavens

Chapter 270 Making a big fuss in the Netherworld! (ten)

"The God of Society wants to return to the Three Realms?"

The moment Zhong Kui finished speaking, Tu Di's eyes suddenly widened, and his face turned light blue due to the excessive fear in his heart.

His transparent body rippled like water at this moment.

After Zhong Kui saw the state of the land master, he snorted and said, "You are ready to leave this world, and you are still afraid of a mere Zhao Minglang?"

Upon hearing this, the Land Master sighed thoughtfully, then shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "Master Zhong, you don't understand. The God of Society is the Chief God of the Five Soils. He is in charge of the three realms of land and has an unparalleled deterrent to us!"

After saying this, his expression became sad, probably because he was thinking about how to avoid the social god.

As for other gods, he only needs to hide in the land, and those gods will have nothing to do with him.

But when facing the God of Society, his trick was of no use at all.

Because the priesthood of the Earth God is given by the God of the Society, the God of the Society can take back his position and the divine power that lasted for hundreds or thousands of years just by waving his hand to him.

Thinking of this, Land Master sighed again, with a melancholy look on his face.

Li Qing smiled lightly when he saw this.

"Lord Tutu, you don't need to worry. When you return to the human world, you will hide in the purple coffin with me. Then the gods will not be able to find us!"

The land master's eyes lit up when he heard this, but soon dimmed again.

"How long can we hide?"

he sighed.

Li Qing smiled and said: "If we really can't hide, we will leave this world!"

After saying this, he looked at Zhong Kui, hesitated for a moment and then asked: "About when will those gods return to the Three Realms?"

When he said this, Li Qing was also thinking about something.

If those gods cannot come back for the time being, can he rely on Zhong Kui to find an obedient ghost in the nether world and penetrate it into the body of this ghost corpse?

After all, he had to return to his body, because the purple coffin was still hanging on his body.

At this moment, Zhong Kui frowned and said, "Heishui Wichang did not explain this matter to me. He only said that when those gods entered the Three Realms Passage, the King of Hell informed them."

After saying this, his eyes gradually narrowed, and he said with a trace of hesitation on his face: "Although I have never been to the outside world, I have heard rumors about the Three Realms Passage. I heard that if you come to the human world from the Three Realms Passage, even if you are It will take three to five days for Erlang to show his sage to the true king!"

Li Qing's eyes lit up when he heard this. It would take Erlang Shen three to five days to travel from the Three Realms Passage to the human world? Then doesn’t he still have time?

Thinking of this, he expressed his thoughts.

"Master Zhong, since it takes those gods three to five days to reach the human world, I want to find a ghost from the Netherworld and infiltrate it into the body of the Netherworld before returning to the human world!"

After listening to Li Qing's words, Zhong Kui couldn't help but frown and said, "Although any yin creature can control the ghost corpse, it cannot exert the full strength of the ghost corpse, just like you now! And if you want to find a ghost that can fully unleash the power of ghost zombies without affecting subsequent development, you can only look for those ghosts who have drank Meng Po soup!"

After saying this, he seemed to have made up his mind. He nodded heavily, looked at Li Qing, narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Since you want to leave this world, then Zhong will be bold once more!"

When the Tudou Master heard this, his eyes suddenly widened and the corners of his eyes twitched as he said, "Master Zhong, are you thinking..."

He was only halfway through when he saw Zhong Kui suddenly burst into laughter.

"That's right, I will accompany you to explore the Fengdu Ghost City!"

After saying this, he looked at Lord Tu Tu, and then said: "Tu Tu, your divine power has been dispersed at this moment. In order to prevent your soul from being stained by the sea of ​​blood, I need to put you in my sleeves. ,what do you think?"

Tutu nodded, then raised his hands and smiled at Zhong Kui: "Then I'll trouble you, Mr. Zhong!"

After he finished saying this, Zhong Kui shook his head, and then waved his long red sleeves and quickly brushed them against the Earth Master.

When he put his hands behind his back again, the Earth God had disappeared.

Li Qing looked at Zhong Kui's sleeves with some eager eyes, and made up his mind that when he took Zhong Kui and Tu Tu Ye out of this world, he must learn this magic from Zhong Kui.

Just when he was thinking this, he heard Zhong Kui say: "Little friend, let's go, I will take you to Fengdu City to see it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure flew in one direction.

After Li Qing looked at Zhong Kui's figure, he jumped up and chased after Zhong Kui.

Zhong Kui was not very fast, so he was caught up by Li Qing in the blink of an eye.

When he saw that the ghost corpse possessed by Li Qing could fly only in the zombie state, Zhong Kui couldn't help but sigh: "It is worthy of being one of the top ten forbidden corpses in the world, and it can fly even in the zombie state!"

Li Qing had been curious about the top ten forbidden corpses in the world for a long time, but he never had the chance to ask Tu Tu Ye. Now that he met Zhong Kui, he asked: "By the way, Master Zhong, tell me about these ten corpses." How about the Great Forbidden Corpse, I don’t know much about these!”

When Zhong Kui heard this, he glanced at Li Qing in surprise. He didn't understand why Li Qing, who was a flying zombie, didn't understand these things.

But since Li Qing asked, and he also wanted to use Li Qing's power to leave this world, he explained with a smile.

"The so-called top ten forbidden corpses in the world refer to the ten categories of bone demons, divine corpses, zombie nightmares, sky corpses, ghost corpses, beast demons, pupil zombies, incorruptible corpses, golden corpses and blood corpses. The most ferocious of them is Corpse nightmares and beast demons, because they take pleasure in killing. The most human-like ones are zombies, and they are also the deepest hidden. It is said that zombies exist in the world today. The most evil ones are blood corpses, because they feed on blood. , using resentment as its power. The one with the heaviest Yin Qi is the Youzhi, and the ones with the strongest combat power are the Divine Corpse and the Heavenly Corpse. Only when a world is destroyed will corpses appear!"

When he said this, Li Qing nodded slightly, frowning and not knowing what he was thinking.

After Zhong Kui glanced at him, he continued: "The golden corpse is the zombie that the gods and Buddhas in the sky don't want to encounter the most, because the skin of this zombie is stronger than the Lingbao magic weapon. The third prince once encountered such a zombie. When fighting with the golden corpse, his universe circle was shattered, and in the end it was Laojun who used the diamond bracelet to subdue the golden corpse!"

"As for the incorruptible corpse, its body is extremely huge. It is said that it is one of the three thousand gods and demons in the world. As for the bone demon, it is a demon made from white bones. It is born to understand the art of transformation and the escape of the five elements. When the Great Sage was there When we were traveling west, we encountered a bone demon. It is said that the Great Sage was almost cursed to death because of this bone demon!"

When Zhong Kui said this, Li Qing was startled. There seemed to be only one person whose bones turned into demons during the journey to the west!

He didn't expect that that person was actually one of the top ten forbidden corpses in the world!

Just when he thought of this, he heard Zhong Kui chuckle and say: "Speaking of which, there were originally only nine forbidden corpses. There were no bone demons in the first place, but they were added to them by the Great Sage! As for the reason, I can't tell you the reason. God doesn’t understand!”

As soon as Zhong Kui finished speaking these words, he flew over a large river.

He pointed at the river below and said to Li Qing seriously: "After passing this river of blood, we will not be far from Feng!

Thank you to the helmsman, Charming Chuci, for another 10,000 rewards!

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