Unify all heavens

Chapter 264: Making a fuss in the Netherworld! (Four)

After hearing the Jade Emperor's words, Li Jing, who was standing in the first place on the left, wearing gold and red armor, a golden-winged black crown, holding a tower with one hand, and a sword hilt at his waist, slowly took a step forward. Then he waved his big red cloak, bowed to the Jade Emperor and said, "Li Jing obeys the order!"

After saying this, he turned around and faced the Long-Eyebrow Arhat, taking the Yin-Yang Mirror from the Long-Eyebrow Arhat's hand with a cold expression.

Although his expression was cold, his eyes were full of smiles.

The long-browed Arhat nodded and smiled when he saw this, then he stood with one hand in front of his chest and chanted the Buddha's name softly.


Listening to the Buddha's name passed to his ears, Li Jing's eyes moved, and then he slowly returned to his previous position with an expressionless face, and then continued to be silent.

Although he is the Pagoda King of Heaven, except for his third son Nezha, all of his family are involved in Buddhism.

The eldest son Jin Zha is the protector of the front part of Lingshan, and the second son Mu Zha is the great disciple of Guanyin Bodhisattva in the South China Sea. Even the exquisite pagoda in his hand was given by the ancient Buddhist monk Ran Deng.

Now that the Yin-Yang Mirror was borrowed by the Arhat with Long Eyebrows, his identity became even more sensitive.

Although the Yin-Yang Mirror in his hand gave him the confidence to defeat the enemy, and he was filled with pride and wanted to kill the ghost corpse immediately, but at this moment he did not dare to make any sound for fear of angering the Jade Emperor.

At this moment when Li Jing was silent, Taibai Jinxing, who was standing next to the Jade Emperor with a slight bow, smiled and said: "Since the King of Heaven has obtained the precious mirror, he must be able to eliminate the ghost corpses here!"

When Li Jing heard this, his heart suddenly jumped.

He has not offended this old man in the past few hundred years. Why is this old man so hard on him today?

Now he had to attract attention. It would be best if all the gods in the temple couldn't see him, but as a result, the old man kept calling his name.

Just when he was thinking this, he heard the Jade Emperor snort and say: "Li Jing, the king of the tower, listens to the decree!"

Hearing this, Li Jing hurriedly took a step forward, then turned to face the Jade Emperor and bowed and replied: "Li Jing is here!"

The Jade Emperor squinted at Li Jing, who was bowing, and said: "I order you and the four heavenly kings to immediately send avatars to the Netherworld to kill the ghost corpses, and you are not allowed to stay in the human world for a while!"

Upon hearing this, Li Jing hurriedly bowed deeply to the Jade Emperor and said, "Li Jing obeys the order!"

The Jade Emperor nodded, looked around at the gods in the temple, and then said, "Where are the gods of society?"

The moment the Jade Emperor finished speaking, an old man with a stooped figure, white eyebrows, and long beard hanging down to the ground walked out from the end of the gods, leaning on a staff.

After the old man walked to Li Jing, he bowed deeply to the Jade Emperor and said respectfully: "The God of Society pays homage to the Jade Emperor!"


The Jade Emperor nodded expressionlessly and said: "God of Society, you are the chief god of the five soils. I order you to go to the Nether World immediately, remove the sacred bones from the land where the Nether Corpse is refined, and bring it back here. I want to take a look. , who gave him the courage to ignore the laws of heaven and earth and refine the ghost corpse without permission!"

Upon hearing this, the God of the Society bowed and said: "I obey your order!"

After he finished speaking, the Jade Emperor waved his hand and said, "Stay back!"

After the Jade Emperor finished speaking, Li Jing, together with the four heavenly kings and social gods standing behind him, bowed deeply to the Jade Emperor and slowly exited the hall.

After they exited the main hall, the Jade Emperor glanced at the seventeen bald heads in the still pestle hall, and said to Taibai Jinxing standing next to him: "Taibai Jinxing, immediately open the passage to the three realms and send several masters to earth!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he reached out and lightly brushed it on the empty table, and then he saw an oval golden token carved with mountains and seas, shining with nine colors of light, appearing out of thin air on the table.

Then he said: "When Ling Nai left the Three Realms, I made a special trip to Zixiao Palace to get it, in order to isolate the breath of the great catastrophe of the end of the law in the human world."

As he spoke, he picked up the token and handed it to Taibai Jinxing beside him.

Then a faint smile appeared on his face, he looked down at the seventeen bald heads in the hall, and said: "This order is called the Infinite Boundary Order. It was produced by the ancestor. One side is engraved with mountains, rivers and seas, and the other side is engraved with the sun and moon. Just throw the stars gently at the passage of the Three Realms and say the word 'Guan', the passage of the Three Realms can be closed, and the gods of heaven and earth can be protected from all calamities."

After hearing the strong sense of showing off in the Jade Emperor's tone, the seventeen Arhats in the hall all twitched their eyes and slowly lowered their heads, silently reciting the Buddha's name in their hearts.

Upon seeing this, Taibai Jinxing smiled bitterly in his heart, bowed and took the token with both hands, and then slowly left the hall with the seventeen Arhats.

After they left, the atmosphere in the hall became weird again.

Whether it was the Jade Emperor sitting on the jade steps or the gods in the temple, they all remained silent without even uttering a single glance.

Feeling that the atmosphere was getting more and more weird, the King of Hell's cheeks twitched slightly, and then he raised his leg and kicked the cow's head that was still lying there. Then he bowed to the Jade Emperor and slowly left the hall.

Niutou glanced at the expressionless gods on both sides with a cute look on his face, then followed the King of Hell with his neck scrunched up.

After seeing that Niutou didn't even understand the basic rules, the Jade Emperor's eyes twitched slightly, and then he looked at the motionless gods standing on both sides of the hall and snorted heavily.

After hearing the Jade Emperor's snort, Shunfeng Er next to him bowed and said, "Please calm down the Jade Emperor!"

"Hmph, calm down?"

The Jade Emperor snorted coldly and then smiled angrily, saying, "How do you want me to calm down?"

After saying this, he raised his hand and pointed at the gods in the temple in turn, and sneered: "Look at these gods who are famous in the three realms, which one was not a monstrous one when he was a god?"

When he said this, he slammed the table, stared at a strong man with red eyebrows and armor, and said in a cold voice: "Lord Huodexing, I miss you when you were the Immortal in Flames. Yanjian, with the Zhaotian Seal hanging on his waist and the Five Dragon Seal on his back, uses the three-headed and six-armed method to fight against many gods including Jin Zha, Muzha, Nezha, Yang Jian, etc. He can also take the opportunity to defeat Huang Tianhua as a unicorn. You can't surrender to him. A ghost corpse? Where is the fire that burned you and caused thousands of immortals to flee?"

Lord Huodexing was silent when he heard the words, as if the Jade Emperor was not talking about him, and his expression and eyes showed no reaction at all.

Seeing this, the Jade Emperor's face turned livid, he raised his hand and pointed at the twenty-eight constellations, and said in a cold voice: "And you, before becoming a god, any one of you who is not majestic, a humble Kui Mulang can be... Without the exquisite inner elixir of the relic, I can fight that monkey for seventy or eighty rounds with no outcome!"

When he said this, the Jade Emperor laughed angrily.

"Now that a ghost corpse has just appeared, you are all intimidated? You actually let those bald men come to help? Where are your abilities? Where is your prestige?"

Seeing the Jade Emperor sitting on the steps and furious, all the gods in the audience were like sculptures, with their eyes downcast and expressionless.

It wasn't until the Jade Emperor scolded them all by name and left the court that they left with gloomy faces and deep thoughts.

Thanks to book friends: Jian Yu Suda rewarded 500 starting coins, Scholar 616 rewarded 100 starting coins, Gao Wenjia rewarded 600 starting coins, Call Me Chen Yingjun rewarded 4000 starting coins, SISQ rewarded 100 starting coins, The reward is 500 starting coins from Huansha Feixue, the 100 starting coins from book friend 180322110435875, the 500 starting coins from Pajie, the 100 starting coins from Galloping Lu, and the 400 starting coins from Falling in Love with Destroying Tianmeng. Coin, 500 starting coins as a reward from Menghui Jiuyuan County. . .

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