Unify all heavens

Chapter 263 Making a big fuss in the Netherworld! (three)

After the bull's head was kicked by the King of Hell, his body couldn't help but tremble, and then he lay on the floor and hurriedly said: "Jade Emperor, the earth god of Panyu County, Nanhai County (Hong Kong), stole into the underworld not long ago. Where Jiuyin gathered, a ghost corpse was refined!"

After hearing Niutou's words, except for the King of Hell who already knew the news, all the gods in the hall changed their expressions.

At the same time, the almost invincible ghost corpse figure from ancient times appeared in his mind.

The Jade Emperor narrowed his eyes and said gloomily: "Is this true?"

Niutou's body trembled and said: "The little god saw it with his own eyes, and saw that the clone of the little god was also swallowed by the ghost corpse on the spot!"

Upon hearing this, the Jade Emperor's face suddenly turned cold. He slammed the table in front of him and shouted: "Announce the gods to come to the temple!"

As soon as the Jade Emperor said these words, the general at the entrance of the hall hurriedly began to send messages to the gods.

Because this place is not like the heaven they were in before, the gods live further away from each other.

So in just the blink of an eye, rays of light of various colors flew from outside the palace door.

When the light dissipated, gods who were famous throughout the ages and powerful in the three realms stood in two rows on both sides of the hall.

When they saw the King of Hell, these gods were frightened in their hearts. Then when they saw that neither Taibai Jinxing nor the Jade Emperor looked very good-looking, they became so angry that they did not dare to breathe.

Standing there quietly with eyes, nose, and heart in mind, motionless.

After seeing all the gods gathered together, the Jade Emperor said with a gloomy face: "I just learned that there is an earth god in the world. Recently, he sneaked into the nether world, ignored the laws of heaven and earth, and refined a god in the gathering place of Jiuyin. Ghost corpse!"

After hearing the Jade Emperor's words, all the gods present changed their expressions and took a breath of cold air.

Then they all stood there quietly, not daring to make a sound, for fear that the Jade Emperor would send them to capture the ghost corpse.

If we talk about other zombies, even Drought Demons, they would dare to fight, but if their opponents are ghost zombies, they have no choice but to do so.

After all, when the last ghost corpse appeared, they had not forgotten the figure that shocked everyone from heaven to earth.

Seeing that none of the gods dared to say a word after he finished speaking, the Jade Emperor's face became a little gloomier.

Taibai Jinxing, who was standing next to him, suddenly took a step forward after seeing the Jade Emperor's ugly expression.

His move was particularly jarring in this hall where the drop of a needle could be heard.

The corners of the eyes of several gods, including the Tota King Li Jing, suddenly twitched after hearing the sound.

They knew without thinking that Taibai Jinxing would definitely suggest that the Jade Emperor send them to fight.

Just when they were thinking about how to refuse, Taibai Jinxing spoke.

"Reporting to the Jade Emperor, since this ghost corpse has just been refined, it must not have become a disaster yet. Why not let King Li and the clones of the four heavenly kings go to the underworld to suppress it?"

Upon hearing this, Li Jing and other gods couldn't help but greet Taibai Jinxing's family.

When the Jade Emperor heard this, he glanced at the expressionless Li Jing and the Four Heavenly Kings, then stroked his beard and began to think.

Then at this moment, Shunfeng Er, who was guarding the door of the hall, walked to the Jade Emperor in a few steps, leaned down and said, "Jade Emperor, the Seventeen Arhats are here!"

The Jade Emperor, who was stroking his beard and thinking, suddenly raised his eyebrows after hearing this sentence.

"Seventeen Arhats? What are they here for?"

"Could it be that the story about the ghost corpse has already reached Tathagata?"

Thinking of this, he nodded slightly and said: "Xuan!"


After Shunfeng Er responded, he slowly retreated.

After a while, seventeen golden monks walked in.

After passing through the gap between the gods in heaven, they stood next to Niu Tou who was still kneeling on the ground. Then they clasped their hands together, bowed and said: "Seventeen Arhats meet the Jade Emperor!"

Although he was angry that none of the gods in heaven could live up to his expectations, in front of outsiders, the Jade Emperor still maintained his proper demeanor.


So after the Jade Emperor nodded slightly, he said with a smile: "I don't know what masters, what do you mean to me?"

The Seventeen Arhats looked at each other after hearing the words, and then the Long-Eyebrow Arhat took a step forward, clasped his hands together and said: "Jade Emperor, the Happy Arhat reincarnated into the human world 800 years ago to confirm the Buddha's heart. As a result, he was killed by a body not long ago. The yin and yang corpses have broken the Buddha's body and shattered the Buddha's soul. Following the Buddha's decree, we have come to see the Jade Emperor, hoping that the Jade Emperor can open the passage to the three realms and allow the poor monk and others to descend to earth in real form to recast the Happy Arhat Buddha body!"

The Jade Emperor was startled when he heard this, and then glared at the King of Hell. He had no idea about the Happy Arhat's reincarnation in the human world 800 years ago. If these seventeen Arhats hadn't come to him now, he wouldn't have known that he was being kept in the dark. How long!

He also had no idea about the Yin-Yang Corpse.

Thinking of this, the Jade Emperor snorted coldly in his heart.

After feeling the Jade Emperor's eyes, the King of Hell thought. If these seventeen Arhats were allowed to descend to earth, wouldn't they be able to deal with the ghost corpse!

Thinking of this, he blinked at the Jade Emperor.

When the Jade Emperor first saw the King of Hell blinking at him, he was confused for a moment, but he soon came to his senses.

Nowadays, none of the gods in heaven dare to come down to earth. If he agrees to these seventeen Arhats, wouldn't it be possible to maintain the majesty of heaven and at the same time solve the problem of the ghost corpse?

Thinking of this, he said with a smile: "Heaven and the Buddhist world have been on good terms for ten thousand years, so this matter should be agreed to!"

After hearing the Jade Emperor's words, the faces of the seventeen Arhats showed smiles at the same time. Then the Arhat with Long Eyebrows took out a double-sided mirror from his arms. One side of the mirror was blue and the other side was red. The mirror handle is made of pure gold and has a dragon on it, and the rim of the mirror is hollow and engraved with a phoenix.

The moment he saw this mirror, the Jade Emperor's smile froze, but the eyes of the gods in heaven lit up.

Yin Yang mirror! ! !

At this moment, the scene suddenly returned to its previous state where the needle could be heard.

Looking at the group of golden Arhats below, the Jade Emperor's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he snorted in his heart: "What a group of thoughtful bald men!"

But on the surface, he smiled calmly and said, "Hey, isn't this the red gold yin-yang mirror of Mount Taihua?"

When the long-browed Arhat heard this, he nodded and said with a smile: "It is this mirror. Lord Buddha heard that a ghost corpse appeared in the netherworld, so he sent us to offer the mirror to help!"

Looking at the smile on the long-browed Arhat's face, the Jade Emperor always felt that he was laughing at the gods in heaven, so the smile on his face suddenly dropped a bit. Then he nodded expressionlessly and said, "Thank you Lord Tathagata Buddha for my kindness!"

After the Jade Emperor said these words, the Arhat with Long Eyebrows said with a smile on his face: "The Lord Buddha once said that the Buddhist world and the heaven have been on good terms for thousands of years, and they should help each other!"

Hearing the long-browed Arhat return what he said before, the corners of the Jade Emperor's eyes twitched, and then he said in a cold voice: "Li Tianwang, why are you still standing there? Why don't you accept the mirror?"

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