Unify all heavens

Chapter 238 Shock in the hospital!

"Originally, in this human world, there were people born in the legendary Ten Spirits Period who could deal with this Yin-Yang Corpse... Hey, maybe it was a disaster. The two young men and women from the Ten Spirit Periods drank some time ago. The drinking water of Corpse Water was frightened to death by a resentful ghost!"

Having said this, Land Master suddenly hugged Li Qing's fists, and then said with a serious face: "So, now you are the only one who can deal with this Yin-Yang Corpse! I hope I can eliminate that Yin-Yang Master as soon as possible!" "

Li Qing nodded when he heard this, and then said: Don't worry, I will go to that building now to find the Yin-Yang corpse! "

As soon as he finished speaking, he stood up from his chair.

Strangely enough, after he stood up, both Zhong Kui and Tudi Ye returned to their previous normal size.

After Li Qing glanced at them, he shook his head slightly and walked out in the direction he came from.

After Li Qing left the Tutu Temple, Tu Tuye looked at the direction Li Qing left, and then asked Zhong Kui: "Master Zhong, why don't you give him the blood of the men and women of the Ten Spirits? There are no men and women of the Ten Spirits." Blood, he will definitely fall into trouble if he goes here! Although he is a flying zombie, one level higher than the Yin-Yang corpse, the magic he uses is the ghost magic of this world and has no effect on the Yin-Yang corpse. of!"

Zhong Kui smiled when he heard this and said, "Don't be impatient. What I want is for this kid to make a mistake here!"


The land man's eyes suddenly widened.


After drinking a glass of wine, Zhong Kui suddenly sneered: "Because I want to make that Buddhist sect lose one Buddha!"

After hearing these words, the land master's expression suddenly changed.

At this moment, he regretted extremely why he asked this question.

Sometimes, the more you know, the sooner you will fall.

Especially in troubled times!

Thinking of this, Tu Tuye glanced at Zhong Kui in fear, only to see Zhong Kui looking at him with a half-smile.

Under Zhong Kui's gaze, the Earth Master sighed with a sad face: "Master Zhong, why do you bother the little god?"

After hearing these words, Zhong Kui glanced at the land, only to see him holding a glass of wine with trembling hands.

Zhong Kui knew this very well, and the earthly master was planning to use that cup of immortal wine to suppress the unrest in his heart.

But he still laughed enigmatically, and said what was in his heart: "Now all the gods and Buddhas in the sky have gone to find a way out of the territory, and what is left behind are us abandoned sons with low priesthood. If we don't Go find a way out, in this Dharma-ending era, you will one day turn into that clay sculpture and stone statue!"

Before hearing these words, Tu Tuye was still extremely frightened, but after hearing this, his mood suddenly calmed down.


After sighing, Tu Tuye smiled bitterly and said: "Master Zhong, after this incident, are you sure that little friend will take you and me out of this world?"

Zhong Kui smiled lightly when he heard this: "You don't need to worry, I will make my own decision!"

After saying this, Zhong Kui picked up his chopsticks and took a bite of the cold dish.

And when he put the cold dish into his mouth, Li Qing was already approaching the hospital.

After all, with Li Qing's speed, if he wanted to, he could fly across Hong Kong from the air in just a few minutes.

At this time, a full day and night had passed since he left the hospital.

Because he was still thinking about the unborn Kang Xingui, he came here first instead of going to the skyscraper in the center of the city.

As the oncoming air flow blew his long hair back high, a cold light flashed in Li Qing's eyes.

He didn't know what Zhong Kui's plan was, but since his fists were not as big as Zhong Kui's, he could only follow Zhong Kui's wishes for the time being.

In addition, Li Qing was still thinking about one thing.

Since there is something wrong with the body that Zhubi refined for him, and there is something wrong with the technique he taught him, is there something wrong with the corpse god body technique that he once told him?

Thinking of this, Li Qing started to think.

Originally, Zhong Kui should be able to solve his problem, but after this incident, he found that Zhong Kui was a bit cunning. It seemed that he should find a more reliable person to ask about this matter.

As for the Land Master, he should wear the same pants as Zhong Kui, so he is not considered.

In this case, there is only the future Happy Buddha.

Just when he thought of this, he found that he had flown over the hospital.

After looking down at the hospital, Li Qing suddenly frowned.

He found that the smell of Nintendo disappeared, and then there was an smell in the hospital that disgusted him.

"what happened?"

Li Qing's face changed slightly and after flying to the hospital, his eyes instantly narrowed.

Before he left, although the hospital was quiet, you could see nursing staff or doctors from time to time. But at this moment, there was not a single living person in the hospital from the first floor to the fifth floor.

Instead, there were corpses everywhere!



The first floor was okay. Apart from being a bit messy, there were not many corpses, only about a dozen.

But starting from the second floor, all you can see is black and red blood on the ground, and a body with a hole as big as an arm.

When Li Qing saw this, he slowly narrowed his eyes and his expression became gloomy.

It seems that the Yin Yang Corpse has been here.

In fact, when the Land Master asked him if he knew about the Yin-Yang Corpse, Li Qing's reaction was fake.

As a fan of ghost movies in his previous life, he had naturally seen the movie with the Yin-Yang Corpse.

So after Tutu and Zhong Kui told him about the Yin-Yang corpse, the general plot of the movie naturally appeared in his mind.

If he guessed correctly, the corpses in front of him were definitely killed by the Yin-Yang corpse.

Li Qing sneered when he thought of the plot in the movie.

Although it had been a long time, he still remembered the general plot of that movie.

Although he had forgotten almost all the details, he remembered that the Yin-Yang corpse was finally destroyed by a man and woman from the ten spirit hours who merged.

And it was always said in that movie that the Yin-Yang Corpse is most afraid of people born during the Ten Spirits Period.

Thinking of this, Li Qing couldn't help but sneered.

He didn't believe that without the pair of men and women who appeared at the time of the Ten Spirits, the Yin-Yang Corpse couldn't be destroyed!

Li Qing thought of this and slowly walked towards the fifth floor of the hospital.

When he reached the stairs between the fourth and fifth floors, he saw a police officer's ID card on the ground.


After seeing the photo and name on the police officer's ID card, Li Qing let out a sigh of relief.

Then he raised his hand, and the police officer's ID card on the ground flew into his hand.

"Senior Inspector He Fenni?"

After Li Qing softly read out the name on the police officer's ID card, his brows gradually wrinkled.

It seems that the Hong Kong police have already been here before him...

He found that the efficiency of the Hong Kong police was always very fast.

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