Unify all heavens

Chapter 237 The road to transcendence! (Down)

After Li Qing asked this question, Land Master showed an expression that he had expected. Then Li Qing heard Zhong Kui say: "I will explain this matter to you. Speaking of which, I want to cover it up." If you have this extraterrestrial aura, I can do it now, but if you want to transcend the 'mundane' realm, it will be more difficult, because there are two types of transcendence, one is the innate transcendence, It is the 'immortal' that I told you before, and the other is the 'ordinary' that is acquired the day after tomorrow!"

Li Qing looked up at Zhong Kui and saw him patting his chest, pointing at the Earth Master with a smile, and then raised his eyebrows and said: "There are many ways to transcend the extraordinary, such as the legendary method of proving with force. Tao! As long as you are strong enough, not to mention transcending 'ordinary', even if you completely destroy this world, it is just a matter of chance, or you can surrender to heaven and earth and use the power of heaven and earth to help you transcend 'ordinary'. As you can see, this Both God and the land have transcended the 'mundane', and after we transcend the 'mundane', we will never be able to leave this world again!"

When he said this, Zhong Kui sighed softly.

"Just because we are in heaven and earth, there are some things we cannot control ourselves!"

Li Qing ignored Zhong Kui's sigh, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is there any other way?"

Zhong Kui nodded and said: "I am about to explain to you that in addition to this, there is another way to seize the heaven and earth's creation, integrating the essence of all things into your body, in order to forcibly transcend the ordinary! That is the so-called The method of body refining!"

When Li Qing heard this, his brows suddenly frowned.

He felt that after talking for a long time, Zhong Kui returned to the original point.

Just when he was thinking this, he heard Zhong Kui say: "So, if you agree to help us get rid of that yin-yang corpse, I will give you the magic to refine the external incarnation! You need to understand that refining When refining the external incarnation, the materials required are all top-notch in the world, so this is the path to transcendence. When refining the external incarnation, you must separate a part of your soul to control it. Distraction! And if you do this, you can also eliminate your own hidden dangers!"

After Li Qing heard this, he immediately took a deep look at Zhong Kui.

His guess was indeed correct. Zhong Kui had already prepared his words and methods. Now he almost suspected that the appearance of the ghost king riding a rabbit was also arranged by Zhong Kui. Otherwise, there would not be so many coincidences.

But he just thought about it. After all, Zhong Kui shouldn't be that powerful yet!

Just when Li Qing was thinking about these things, he heard Zhong Kui say: "You should still remember what I once said to you. The hidden danger of your body is that your soul has already been integrated with the body. It is difficult to separate the two. When refining the external incarnation, you need to separate a part of your soul and place it on the avatar. After you take this step, you can slowly map it out step by step. Your soul is separated and placed in the clone, until the clone has all your souls, your current body can be discarded!"

After Li Qing heard this, he nodded slowly and subconsciously.

If this method really works, he can get rid of the body that Zhubi refined for him.


At this time, Zhong Kui took another sip of wine, and then looked at Li Qing with a smile in his eyes.

"How about it? Do you want to agree?"

Li Qing looked at him deeply when he heard this, and then smiled: "Since there are so many benefits, I naturally agree!"

When Li Qing finished speaking, Zhong Kui nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay! Since you agreed, I will not break my promise, so I will teach you the spell to refine the incarnation outside of you!"

After saying this, he raised his hand and pointed at Li Qingxu from an unknown distance away.

When a red light appeared from his fingertips and hit Li Qing's forehead like a meteor, a piece of paper with a golden light appeared in Li Qing's mind.

He just subconsciously observed it, and all the words on this paper merged with his soul.

In an instant, Li Qing successfully understood the spell for refining the external incarnation.

After successfully comprehending, Li Qing's eyes suddenly flickered.

This spell is very similar to the Corpse God Body Technique Zhubi once taught him, but it is much more advanced than Zhubi's one.

The Corpse God Body Technique that Zhubi taught him was to absorb the essence of various corpses and then use it to strengthen the body, but this incarnation had to be refined with all the supernatural things in the world.

The most important point is that there is no fixed or upper limit to the things you can refine.

In other words, as long as he is willing, he can find all kinds of strange objects to refine his body, and he can replace inferior ones with better spiritual objects at any time.

As long as he does not separate his soul and place it on the clone, then the clone can continue to strengthen.

This spell is said to be an external incarnation, but in Li Qing's opinion, it is more like a weapon refining technique, because he feels that relying on the principle of refining an external incarnation, he can refine some other items.

In addition to the spells for refining the external incarnation, the paper also mentioned what is called the 'mortal' realm.

When Li Qing understood the spell, he also understood what the 'ordinary' realm was.

In his understanding, the 'mortal' realm has nothing to do with strength, but is related to the level of life and one's own potential.

For example, in a TV series he watched in his previous life, there was a unicorn. Obviously Qilin is a peaceful beast in all myths and is very powerful. But in that TV series, the unicorn was called a monster. Dragons, phoenixes, and dragon turtles were also called monsters.

And they are the ‘mortal’ realm!

It only has the form of a divine beast, but does not have the strength of a divine beast.

Just when Li Qing was thinking about these things, Zhong Kui was heard saying: "Since you have understood the spell, I will tell you about the Yin-Yang Corpse!"

When Li Qing heard this, he temporarily put aside the thoughts in his mind and looked up at Zhong Kui.

Zhong Kui sighed softly and said: "About a week ago, a man and a woman were transformed into Yin-Yang corpses by two masters. Then this Yin-Yang corpse came to Hong Kong by coincidence. As soon as it came to Hong Kong, Then he occupied the territory that originally belonged to the ghost of a Japanese pirate general. Before it appeared, the Japanese pirate army soul rarely killed people because he was worried about the underworld. He only asked his men to collect lonely souls and wild ghosts to strengthen his team. , because of the current chaos in the world, the underworld has never had time to pay attention to them."

When he said this, he paused, then looked straight at Li Qing and said, "The Colonel Miyake you killed before was one of the subordinates of the Japanese pirate army spirit!"

Li Qing nodded slightly when he heard this. He thought of this when Zhong Kui said that the Japanese pirate army soul had many subordinates.

At this time, Zhong Kui suddenly snorted coldly, and then said in a cold voice: "But after that Yin-Yang corpse appeared, it killed humans every day, and even let the Japanese pirates use ghosts to help it find beautiful women. With a strong man, in just a few days, it tortured and killed several humans, and even many Taoist disciples and Buddhist disciples in the human world were killed by it!"

The earth also sighed at this time: "Not to mention the Taoist monk, even Lao Chan was found by it once. Although Lao Chan is the earth god of this world, it can't do anything about it because it is outside the Three Realms and Six Paths. Lao Chan is outside the Three Realms and Six Paths. The magic has no effect on it at all! It’s shameful to say that although Lao Chan can’t deal with it, it can deal with Lao Chan. It’s precisely because of this that Lao Chan used the covering method to cover up the temple and hide here all day long!”

When he said this, he sighed again, his face full of sorrow.

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