Unify all heavens

Chapter 233 Meeting Zhong Kui again!

In Li Qing's opinion, there is definitely something weird about this corpse!

Thinking that he might find something strange about the building from this body, he used the invisibility technique while the body was still in the air.

Since he had not had much time to practice this technique since he obtained it, he could only hide his figure for the time being.

Unlike the previously flawed invisibility.

This invisibility technique really made his figure invisible. Even if something flew by him at this moment, it would not hit him like the previous invisibility technique, but would pass straight through his body.

Under this invisibility technique, as soon as Li Qing landed on the ground, several taxis passed through his body.

He touched his body in surprise and found that he could touch it.

Li Qing smiled softly and walked straight across the road towards the corpse.

At this moment, a policeman was using a walkie-talkie to report the situation above.

"Yes, yes, yes, it's still under that building!"

"Okay, I will control the scene!"

After saying this, he turned to the crowd who were still trying to get closer to the body and shouted: "Everyone, please step back, don't stop me from reporting the crime!"

Amid the policeman's scolding, no one came near the body, but people did not leave either and stood in a circle on the side of the road.

When Li Qing walked here, he passed directly through the bodies of the people, and then squatted next to the corpse.

"What a pity. I don't know which street kid failed me!"

"Yes, what a beautiful girl she was, but suddenly she turned into this!"

"Alas! Speaking of which, this is already the fourth person!"

"Yes, I don't know if the feng shui of this building is bad, but four people committed suicide by jumping off the building in just a few days!"

Amid the sighs of the surrounding people, Li Qing looked at the female corpse carefully.

At this moment, the female corpse had already turned into a pile of mud, half of her body was shattered, and her bones and flesh had long been mixed with the blood and water around her.

After all, jumping from such a tall building is not bad without being smashed.

Although it looked like this, Li Qing still felt something was wrong from this corpse.

Because it had not been long since this person died, her blood had already solidified, as if she had died a long time ago.

Thinking of this, Li Qing reached out and gently lifted up the clothes on the corpse's arms.

If you want to know whether this woman has just died, you only need to look at her body to find out.

As a zombie, Li Qing knows corpses very well.

Generally speaking, within two to three hours after death, corpse spots will appear on the lowest part of the body, which is the part closest to the ground.

If you encounter a very dark place, the corpse spots will appear earlier.

While Li Qing was thinking about this, he looked at the corpse's arms intently.

The arms of this corpse were at the top, hanging down at the waist, and did not touch the ground.

But at this moment, corpse spots have appeared on it, and it seems that they have not just appeared.

Li Qing suddenly sneered when he saw the patches of corpses on this arm.

Sure enough, this person had died long ago, and what fell was just a corpse.

This means that the condensed ghost king in red that he saw in the air was just a corpse resurrected.

But the strangest thing about Li Qing was that he felt that the body was still alive even though it had been dead for a while.

Just when he frowned and wondered what was going on, he saw a burst of green smoke suddenly rising from the ground one meter away from him.

When the green smoke rose to a height of more than two meters, Zhong Kui, dressed in a red robe, was seen slowly walking out of the green smoke.

When Zhong Kui saw that Li Qing was there, his expression remained calm, as if he had known Li Qing was here for a long time. After lightly nodding to him, he looked at the corpse with a stern face.

Looking at the female corpse at his feet whose clothes had been dyed red by blood, Zhong Kui shook his head and sighed.

"When you are a ghost, you all dream about reincarnation, but after reincarnation, you don't cherish life!"

After he said these words, he raised his hand to look at the female corpse from a distance, and then Li Qing saw a woman wearing a white dress slowly floating on the corpse.

As soon as the woman appeared, she first looked down at the corpse at her feet, and then asked Zhong Kui expressionlessly.

"Are you a ghost?"

Zhong Kui nodded silently after hearing this.

When the woman saw Zhong Kui nodding, she suddenly knelt on the ground, lowered her head and said, "Master Gui Cha, I beg you, can you take me away later, I want revenge!"

Zhong Kui sighed and said, "When will the injustice be repaid? I'm sorry that I cannot agree to your request!"

After saying this, he waved his sleeves and took her into his sleeves before he could wait for the woman kneeling in front of him to react.

Then he slowly looked up to the top floor of the building, and saw a young man in a suit looking at the ground through the window on the top floor.

The young man looked at the ant-sized body on the ground with cold eyes.

Although he only looked at it from a distance, Zhong Kui felt an evil aura from this young man.

Although he is a ghost and god, he is sometimes very difficult.

For example, now he really wants to go up and catch the ghost from the young man's body, but his coming to the human world this time did not follow the formal procedures, so he can't take action, otherwise other ghosts and gods in the underworld will find that he is no longer in the underworld. .

He could only wave his sleeves and snort to express his dissatisfaction.

Then he looked back at Li Qing, and then his gloomy face instantly softened a lot, and he showed a smile and said: "Looking at your expression, you are very strange about this!"

Li Qing nodded when he heard this, then stood up and frowned and asked: "That was her soul just now? Why didn't I feel it from her body?"

Zhong Kui smiled and said: "Leave here first, I will talk to you in detail somewhere else!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure disappeared instantly, then reappeared on the other side of the road in the blink of an eye, and then disappeared again.

Li Qing knew that he couldn't catch up with Zhong Kui on the ground, so he jumped into the air and chased after Zhong Kui's back.

Ten minutes later, Zhong Kui stopped outside a huge garage.

Almost the moment he stopped, Li Qing landed from the sky.

The moment his feet hit the ground, Li Qing frowned.

He felt a very powerful aura, and the existence that sent out this aura may be stronger than him.

Thinking of this, Li Qing looked at Zhong Kui, wondering why he brought her here.

Zhong Kui glanced sideways at Li Qing, then smiled softly, then took two steps forward, raised his hand and knocked on the large iron door of the garage.

"Bang bang bang!"

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