Unify all heavens

Chapter 232 Ghost Hunting Team! (end)

"Bang bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang bang!"

When Superintendent Ashin finished these words, the sound of running came from behind him.

The moment he heard the sound, Superintendent Ashin's pupils narrowed instantly.

He looked at Meng Chao, who had a bitter face in front of him and was about to cry out of fear, and a layer of dense cold sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead.

No, there won't really be a ghost, right?

While he was thinking, he slowly turned his head and looked behind him.

Before turning back, Superintendent Ashin was still a little bit lucky, thinking that maybe Jin McGee and Meng Chao were playing tricks to scare him.

But when he turned around and saw the face with a strange smile and white eyes in front of him, he felt his heartbeat stop.


After the female ghost looked at the extinguished flame on Superintendent Ashin's shoulder, she let out a ferocious roar and reached out to grab him.

"It's over, I'm going to die!"

The moment Ashin saw the pale palm grabbing towards him, his eyes widened in horror.

Although he didn't know it, there was still a faint red light on his body at this moment.

As long as the red light does not disappear completely, it means that his good luck is at the beginning!

So just when the female ghost's hand was about to touch his neck, a ray of sunlight suddenly shone in from the window.

"Drink uh~"


Just as he was about to grab Superintendent Ashin's neck, the female ghost in police uniform was caught in the sunlight.

Then, amidst the wails of the female ghost, Superintendent Ashin and Meng Chao, who was about to cry from fear, watched helplessly as the female ghost turned into a pile of white powder in the sunlight.

After being stunned for a few seconds, Superintendent Ashin's face changed drastically and he spat out the white powder that had just been splashed into his mouth.

"Bah, bah, bah!"

Not far away, Jin McGee, who had just run more than 20 meters, suddenly thought that Meng Chao and Superintendent Ashin were still there.

Thinking of this, Jin McGee immediately wiped the sweat from his face, then swallowed, and when he had the courage to look back, he only saw Superintendent Ashin and Meng Chao.

"Where's the female ghost?"

After seeing that the female ghost was not around them, Kim McGee's eyes suddenly widened.

At this time, Superintendent Ashin was heard shouting.

"Kim McGee? Kim McGee?"

After Kim McGee heard the sound, he subconsciously responded.


After responding to these two words, he slowly walked towards Superintendent Ashin with a little fear.

When he walked to Superintendent Ashin, he saw a small pile of white powder and a few pieces of clothing on the ground.

"Bureau, Director, where is that ghost?"

he asked stammeringly.

Upon hearing this, Superintendent Ashin pointed to the ground and said, "It turned into ashes."

Jin McGee was stunned when he heard this.

He subconsciously thought that the director was teasing him, but when he looked around, there was indeed no trace of the female ghost.

Could it be true?

Did that ghost really turn into ashes?

When he thought of this, his face looked a little surprised, and he let out a long breath.

At this time, Superintendent Ashin calmed down, took a deep breath and said: "Jin McGee, Meng Chao, you two go and bring out the surveillance now!"

After hearing what Superintendent Ashin said, Kim McGee subconsciously asked: "Chief, why do you need to adjust the surveillance?"


Superintendent Ashin glared and cursed, then said: "Of course it is transferred out for the superiors to see. Otherwise, how can we write a report? If we directly write that there is a ghost in the bureau, do you believe that the superiors will directly send the three of us to Qingshan? Go to the hospital!”


A hint of embarrassment suddenly appeared on Jin McGee's face.

Seeing Jin McGee still standing stupidly in front of him, Superintendent Ashin suddenly opened his eyes and shouted: "What are you doing standing still? Why don't you hurry up!"

"Yes, sir!"

After reacting, Jin McGee quickly raised his chest and saluted.

Then he dragged Meng Chao, whose legs were weak and could no longer walk, toward the monitoring room.

After they left his sight, Superintendent Ashin, who had been holding on for a long time, let out a breath. Then he subconsciously glanced at the police uniforms and white powder on the ground, and his body couldn't help but tremble.

Then he swallowed and walked quickly towards the office.

An hour later, Director Ashin received a call from above in his office.

On the phone, it was said that a senior inspector named He Fenni would be sent to take over his job, and he would need to set up a ghost-hunting brigade to clean up ghosts.

He also said that the entire Hong Kong police force is at his disposal, and even some of the military will open the door to him when necessary.

Thinking about the content on the phone, Superintendent Ashin held his forehead with a headache.

Forming a ghost hunting brigade?

And he still needs to lead?

He already had a headache. After thinking about these two things, he felt that not only his head hurt, but also his heart ached.

It's like being stabbed with a knife!

After a long while, he sighed deeply.

Since the decision had been made above, he could only obey.

Thinking of this, he walked to the door and shouted outside: "Call Meng Chao and Jin McGee over here!"

After saying that, he returned to his seat and called the directors of other branches.

On the other side, Li Qing had already flown to the center of Hong Kong, as Colonel Miyake said.

Looking down from the air at this moment, the ground is full of high-rise buildings.

This scene is normal, but also very abnormal.

Because from the outside, these buildings don’t have a trace of yin.

Li Qing couldn't help but frown when he saw this. Although these buildings had no yin energy, for some reason, he always felt that the five or six buildings below him were particularly weird.

But he couldn't explain why it was weird, he just had such a feeling.

At this moment, the outer window on the highest floor of one of the buildings was suddenly pulled from inside.

Then I saw a woman in a white dress jumping out of the window with an expressionless face.

More than ten seconds later, there was a sudden "bang" on the ground.

Following this bang, a shower of blood appeared on the ground.

Then there were screams from a group of people on the ground.

Amidst the screams of these people, Li Qing noticed that a figure in red suddenly floated over the body that had been smashed into a puddle of flesh.

After seeing this, Li Qing's eyes widened fiercely.

Turns out to be the Condensed Ghost King? ? ?

After seeing this ghost queen, Li Qing's face showed surprise.

Is this a resurrection of the dead? Or some kind of ghost magic?

The moment the thought appeared, Li Qing flew down quickly.

Amidst the whistling wind, Li Qing's eyes were fixed on the condensed ghost king.

Generally speaking, after the human body dies, the soul will leave the body, but the soul that has just come out of the body is confused and has no thoughts. It is not until the first seven times that the soul remembers everything in life.

There has never been a situation where the soul turned into a condensed ghost king and appeared just after the body died.

Seeing that the distance to the ground was getting closer and closer, Li Qing suddenly discovered that the condensed ghost king in red had slowly disappeared, leaving only the fleshy corpse and the crowd next to him who started calling the police.

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