Unify all heavens

Chapter 176 Goodbye Zhubi!

"Hoo ho!"

Along with the strong air flow, a huge yellow gourd suddenly appeared in Jiang Fei's eyes.

The moment he saw the gourd, Jiang Fei's expression changed drastically and he flew upwards, trying to avoid the gourd.

But the moment he flew upward, the mouth of the yellow gourd had already hit his chest.


The next moment the sound sounded, a crack appeared on the gourd's mouth, and then with a 'click' sound, the gourd's mouth was broken in the middle.

Then I saw the gourd suddenly shaking violently, and then numerous cracks appeared on the entire gourd.

After seeing this, Jiang Fei's eyes suddenly narrowed, and then he raised his leg anxiously and kicked on the gourd, trying to use his strength to leave the gourd.

After he kicked the gourd, he saw dozens more cracks on the gourd, and before Jiang Fei could react, he heard a huge 'boom' sound.

Amid the roar, a huge stream of air suddenly hit his chest, blowing him dozens of meters away.

At the same time, Zhang Hao, who was originally lying on the gourd, was blown to the ground by the sudden explosion of the gourd.

When Jiang Fei finally stopped in the air, he was horrified to find that Li Qing, who had been carried behind him, had disappeared at some point.

He looked down subconsciously and saw Li Qing closing his eyes tightly and falling towards the ground.

Jiang Fei's eyes instantly widened when he saw this, and he hurriedly flew towards the ground.

If it hit the ground from here, even Li Qing would be smashed into a pile of meat in an instant.

Thinking of this, Jiang Fei used corpse energy to force out a trace of the essence and blood in his heart, and then gritted his teeth and shouted loudly.

"Yin Lei Escape!"

A few seconds after he shouted these words, a roar of thunder suddenly came from below.

Then he saw a jet-black thunder snake striking his body from below at an extremely fast speed.


When the black lightning spread across Jiang Fei's body, Jiang Fei roared ferociously, and then his body exploded into pieces with a 'bang'. Then these fragments slowly dissipated in the lightning.

At the same time, on the ground, some irregular fragments suddenly appeared in a dark curved snake connecting to the sky.

As soon as these fragments appeared, they moved closer to each other and merged.

As more and more fragments appeared, a burly figure wearing a white undershirt was gradually pieced together.

About five or six seconds later, the figure's body was completely put together in the lightning, and then he slowly opened his eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes, Jiang Fei looked up at the sky nervously.

About ten minutes later, a figure appeared in the sky and landed towards the ground.

After seeing this figure, Jiang Fei's expression slowly calmed down, and then he slowly flew towards the sky, preparing to meet this figure.

When he saw Jiang Fei stretching out his hands to catch Li Qing, his eyes suddenly became dull, and then his flying body remained in place.

At this moment, it was as if time had stood still.

Whether it was Jiang Fei, who was opening his hands to take over Qing, or Nintendo, who had a gloomy face and was desperately using short-distance teleportation, or Zhang Hao, who was about to fall to the ground, they were all stopped!

They maintained their original movements at first, floating motionless, and then suddenly shattered like a shattered mirror, turning into irregular fragments one after another.

When Li Qing opened his eyes, he happened to see the scene of these fragments dissipating, and then there was a smell of blood at the tip of his nose.

This familiar smell made Li Qing's eyes widen suddenly, and then he looked at the blood-red hillside under his feet with a look of astonishment.

This is

The space where Zhubi was imprisoned? ? ?

While he was thinking, he looked into the distance with his eyes widened, only to see in the distance the bloody plain full of corpses of gods.

At this moment, Li Qing suddenly remembered a familiar voice behind him.

"I didn't expect you to advance to Feizhiang so quickly. It seems I was right about you!"

When these words rang in Li Qing's ears, he subconsciously looked back.

I saw Zhubi's head that had fallen down on his back, now full of smiles.

Although this scene was very strange, a hint of warmth appeared in Li Qing's heart at this moment.

When he was outside, he was always on tenterhooks, fearing that he would be suppressed.

Strangely enough, every time he evolved to a higher level, he would encounter some powerful people that he could only look up to.

Because of this, Li Qing always felt that he was weak.

It wasn't until he heard Zhu Bi's words that a relieved smile suddenly appeared on Li Qing's face. Even he himself did not expect that he would be promoted to Feizheng in such a short period of time.

After seeing the smile on Li Qing's face, Zhubi chuckled and said: "It seems that you have had some adventures during this period of time! Otherwise, you would not be able to advance to Feizheng in such a fast time. After all, even if you With that incomplete secret, the energy to evolve from a black *** to a flying zombie is enough for you to spend decades searching for it."

Li Qing nodded when he heard this, but did not speak.

When Zhubi saw this, the smile on his face did not change, and he chuckled: "I will take you to see the teacher of the flying zombie technique!"

"What? You weren't the one who taught me the flying zombie technique?"

Li Qing said with a look of astonishment.

He always thought that it would be Zhubi who would teach him techniques in the future, but now it seems that he was wrong.

Zhubi laughed when he heard this and said, "Of course not!"

After saying that, he took Li Qing and walked towards the other side of the bloody hillside, and then said: "I am only responsible for the skills of the Purple Coffin inheritors when they jump to the zombies, and when you evolve to the flying zombies, or more When you reach a high state, there will be other corpse gods who will teach you techniques!"

When Zhubi spoke, Li Qing's eyes kept looking at the surrounding environment.

The last time he came here, he jumped directly from this hillside and then went to the plain full of corpses of gods.

But this time, Zhubi took him in the opposite direction.

After they descended the hillside, Li Qing discovered that a hundred meters ahead there was a huge lake that could not be seen to the edge, and on the shore of the lake were several figures standing quietly.

At this time, I heard Zhubi suddenly say: "Boy, I need to remind you that the corpse god who taught you the technique this time has a very bad impression on you, so you must be careful secretly and be careful when he teaches you the technique. It’s that kind of useless technique!”

Li Qing narrowed his eyes when he heard this, and then nodded slightly.

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