Unify all heavens

Chapter 175 Collision in the air! (superior)


As the sound of the bronze door rang, a breath different from that of Corpse Mansion blew in from the crack in the door.

At the same time, an indifferent voice sounded.

"The gates of the Two Boundaries City have been opened, please hurry up!"

After hearing the sound, Li Qing nodded slightly, and then allowed Jiang Fei and Nintendo to walk out through the two-meter-wide crack in the door.

As if after a long dark night, light finally comes,

The moment Li Qing walked out of the giant bronze door, a different kind of aura enveloped him.

The first thing that catches the eye is a flat land with green grass. In the distance of these green grass that exudes a faint fragrance, there are lavender trees that exude slightly fluorescent trees.

After seeing this scene, Li Qing couldn't help but close his eyes and quietly feel the aura surrounding him.

After a few seconds, he slowly opened his eyes, and then said to Jiang Fei: "I'm worried that the Corpse Mansion will come to us. Please take me out of here quickly and find a private place!"

"As you command!"

As Jiang Fei said this, he carried Li Qing on his back, then nodded slightly to Nintendo, and then jumped into the air.

Nintendo followed closely and flew into the sky, then flew around Jiang Fei, then narrowed his eyes and became alert.

The moment Jiang Fei flew up into the sky, Li Qing closed his eyes, and then used all his strength to convert the blood between his chest and abdomen.

He had already felt before that he was not far away from evolving to Feizhiang, so he took advantage of the moment and continued to use the nameless mantra.

Different from the time when he evolved in the Corpse Mansion, when he entered the Prisoner Immortal Realm, the rich spiritual energy was affected by the nameless mantra, slowly approaching Li Qing's body, and then got into his body, speeding up Li Qing's evolution into flying zombies. speed.

Because of Li Qing's orders, Jiang Fei has been flying at the fastest speed.

Two days passed quickly.

That night, Jiang Fei, who was flying at full speed, suddenly felt that Li Qing's aura on his back suddenly began to slowly increase.

"Could it be that tonight is the time when the Lord evolves into Fei Zong?"

As a zombie, Jiang Fei knew it very well.

When the Jumping Zombie evolves into the Flying Zombie, the more moon essence is absorbed, the higher the chance of comprehending the spell after evolution.

He didn't know that when the Purple Coffin inheritor evolved to jump to the zombie state, each realm would enter a space, and then the spells would be passed down in that space.

So after he felt that Li Qing was about to evolve, he flew high, towards the bright moon hanging in the sky at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, a young man wearing a green gown and an unshaven beard was sitting on a huge yellow gourd, and flew out of the huge bright moon with a blush on his face.

"Goodbye, Senior Brother Qiangwei, hiccup~!"

He said with half-lidded eyes while waving his hands.

Looking at his back, in a silver-white palace in the bright moon, a handsome young man waved to him with a smile and shouted: "Junior brother Zhang Hao, go slowly, come and play often in the future! !!”

After Zhang Hao's figure swaying on the yellow gourd disappeared, a young man in green clothes walked up behind him.

After the young man came to the young man's side, the young man bowed and said: "Sir, the palace master asked his subordinates to tell you that during the three months in our Han Palace, Master Zhang Hao ate more than 3,200 jade rabbits, and More than 800 colorful deer!”


The young man's smile suddenly froze, and then his eyes widened in disbelief. Then he said with a look of astonishment: "Have you remembered wrongly, Palace Master? During the time that Junior Brother Zhang Hao was in the palace, I was always with him! How could he have the time to steal so many rare beasts?"

When the boy heard this, he sighed helplessly and said, "Sir, Master Zhang Hao puts Ecstasy in your tea every day, haven't you noticed?"

The young man's face changed when he heard this, and he laughed dryly and said: "No way? Junior Brother Zhang Hao shouldn't be this kind of person, right? With his bold personality, how could he do such a thing? You must have seen it wrong!"


The boy shook his head and sighed with a look of despair, and then said: "Master, don't forget that Master Zhang Hao is the only disciple of the Eight Idiots!"

Having said this, he sighed again: "Every night when you are sleeping soundly, Mr. Zhang Hao will use the boundary-breaking technique to break open the world of precious beasts, and then go in and start catching jade rabbits and seven-color deer!"

After saying this, he was afraid that the young man would not believe it, so he took out a jade plate from his arms, then gently tapped the jade plate, and then handed the jade plate to the young man.

The corners of the young man's mouth twitched and he took the jade plate and looked at it with wide eyes.

The scene displayed on the jade plate was exactly the scene of his close friend Zhang Hao roasting jade rabbit meat. Next to him was a trembling seven-colored deer with tears in his eyes.

After seeing this, the young man's expression darkened.

The Jade Rabbit and the Seven-Colored Deer are two famous spiritual beasts in the Han Palace. Han Palace usually raises these two spiritual beasts as ancestors. Let alone eating them, even if these two spiritual beasts lose some hair, they will Some people feel very distressed.

After all, these two spiritual beasts were used by Han Palace as gifts to other sects in exchange for friendship.

Seeing that Junior Brother Zhang Hao, whom he had regarded as his confidant, actually ate a mouthful of oil from the Jade Rabbit, the young man's face instantly turned livid.


When the sound of the jade plate being crushed was heard, the young man suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked up to the sky and roared: "Zhang Hao!!!"

"Zhang Hao!!!"


In the distance, Zhang Hao, who was sitting on a yellow gourd flying unsteadily when he heard the sound in the dark, suddenly laughed, and then flew downwards with wine burps.

"Hiccup~ I heard that there is... hiccup in the Corpse Mansion! A kind of ghost crab. I, I have to go and have a look!"


As he spoke, he flew towards the Corpse Mansion with half-closed eyes, leaving behind a smell of alcohol.

Because the distance between his current location and the Corpse Mansion would take more than a day, he flew for less than twenty minutes before lying down on the yellow gourd and falling asleep. Let the yellow gourd fly forward.

Looking at the bright moon that had appeared in the palace, Jiang Fei showed a smile on his face. Now he has flown under the moon. With such rich moon essence, the Lord will definitely understand the flying zombie technique. !

He thought as he slowed down his flight speed.

Just when he slowed down his flying speed and turned to look behind him, he suddenly heard Nintendo's exclamation.

"Jiang Fei, be careful!!!"


"What are you careful about?"

Jiang Fei thought and looked back.

Then his face changed instantly!

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