Unify all heavens

Chapter 165: Old and cunning (Part 1)

Under the light of the purple coffin, Li Qing became the only being in the basement who was not suppressed but stood up.

At this moment, the void above the Two Realms City suddenly shattered, and then a huge light door suddenly appeared in the broken place.

With the appearance of this giant door, the momentum became much stronger again.

Immediately afterwards, densely packed figures were seen flying from various areas of the Corpse Mansion. In the blink of an eye, these figures were all concentrated in the sky above the Two Realms City, covering the entire sky above the Two Realms City.

At this time, some residents of Two Worlds City looked up and found that wherever they could see, there were countless black shadows floating quietly.

Since these figures appeared, they have not said a word, and the atmosphere is extremely solemn.

Just when these residents were wondering if the master of the palace had returned, a faint daughter's fragrance suddenly appeared in the air, and then they saw a person suddenly flying out of the tallest building in the city of two realms at this moment. A woman wearing a red grosgrain dress with her hair in a high bun.

Although they only looked at it from a distance, four words appeared in the minds of the residents of the city at this moment.

"Lord Youruo City!"

Although the Lord of Two Worlds City only appeared a few times in their impressions, he left an indelible impression in the minds of these residents.

Unrivaled in splendor!

Overwhelming the country and the city!

These are the only two words that the residents of Two Realms City can think of that can be described as Lord Youruo.

After the Lord Youruo appeared, the eyes of the entire city's residents never blinked again, and all they could see in their eyes was a deep sense of astonishment.

As Lord Youruo flew higher and higher, the Corpse Mansion disciples above the two realms cities also focused their attention on this woman who looked like a banished immortal.

Just when the Lord of Youruo City was standing in the air, a black light suddenly flew towards her in the distance.

When the black light dissipated, the young and handsome senior brother Ouyang Qing, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, appeared beside the Lord Youruo.

Although he was still in the air, Ouyang Qing had already bent down, cupped his fists with his hands and said respectfully to the Lord Youruo: "Ouyang Qing has met the Lord!"

Lord Youruo nodded gently to him, and then set his sights on the huge light door.

Although his nose smelled the faint daughter's fragrance coming from Youruo City Lord, Ouyang Qing's eyes did not dare to go beyond it in the slightest, and his eyes always remained clear.

After Lord Youruo nodded to him, he took the initiative and slowly flew back a few steps, and then set his sights on the light door.

Even so, he was still observing You Ruo, the city lord of Two Worlds City who was famous in the Corpse Mansion, from the corner of his eyes.

I saw this Youruo City Lord's skin was like gelatin, and his face was ethereal and clear. Although he was floating quietly in the air, his figure revealed endless charm.

The two completely different styles not only did not make the Lord of Youruo City appear weird, but made him even more unique.

Once you see it, it will never be forgotten in your mind.

At this moment, one after another, old-looking but terrifying figures wearing black robes suddenly flew out of the huge light door.

After they appeared, everyone in the sky, except for the Lord Youruo City, bowed and clasped their fists, shouting in unison: "Welcome all the elders to return!"

"Elders are back!"

"The elder is back!"

After they finished shouting, there was still an echo in the air.

When these one hundred and eighty-three elders all flew out of the light gate, they landed in front of them amid the shouts of many disciples, and then stood quietly in mid-air.

Then a middle-aged man wearing a dark robe embroidered with exotic animals appeared in the light door. Behind him was a young man wearing a white robe with a delicate appearance, like a scholar.

When they appeared, everyone in the sky above the Two Realms City bowed and shouted: "Welcome the master of the palace to return in triumph, and the master to return to the house!"

At this moment, their voices spread throughout the Corpse Mansion.

The echoes are endless!

After the Master of the Corpse Palace nodded to the many disciples and elders below, he set his sights on the face of City Master Youruo, then nodded gently to her with a kind expression, and then said: "I heard that in this city When I was away, the elder of my Corpse Mansion, Hei Mu, was so distraught that he couldn't even find his body?"

As soon as he said these words, all the disciples below turned pale.

"What do you all do for food? Even if most of the disciples go to other realms to patrol and practice, there are still tens of thousands of disciples staying in the mansion! There are thousands of disciples patrolling every day! How can anyone actually look under the eyes of thousands of you? Are you going to kill the elders stationed in the mansion?"

When the Master of the Corpse Palace finished speaking in a cold voice, all the disciples in the darkness below bent down and said: "Master, please calm down!"

"Hehehe, calm down?"

The Master of the Corpse Mansion first sneered, and then said in a cold voice: "Pass the order of this Mansion, from now on, until a new disciple is promoted to an elder, everyone's monthly salary will be reduced by half, from the elders to the disciples!"

When the disciples below heard this, they all breathed a sigh of relief, and then they all shouted: "I will obey the Master's instructions!"

"The two elders Lingshi and Tunyue, along with Ouyang Qing, quickly find the murderer! Avenge my corpse mansion, Elder Heimu!"

After the Master of the Corpse Palace said these words, he and the young man behind him turned into a ray of light and disappeared.

As the corpse palace master disappeared, Youruo City Lord turned around and returned to the city lord's palace in Two Realms City.

When Lord Youruo returned to his residence, most of the disciples and elders in the sky dispersed in all directions, performing their respective duties.

When everyone had almost disappeared, two gloomy-looking old men in black robes flew out of the crowd and flew straight towards Ouyang Qing in mid-air.

Seeing the two elders flying towards him, Ouyang Qing bowed his waist and cupped his fists and said, "Ouyang Qing has seen the two elders Ling Zhi and Yan Yue!"

Ling Zhi and Tun Yue nodded to Ouyang Qing and then said: "Tell me the specific situation. Why was Hei Mu killed? After all, he was also an elder in the distraction period! In our case, In the absence of everyone else, apart from the Lord Youruo City, there is no one with a higher realm than him in the entire Corpse Mansion, right?"

Ouyang Qing nodded and began to narrate: "The disciple has gone through many investigations."

Just as Ouyang Qing was narrating what happened to Ling Zhi Tun Yue and the two corpse mansion elders, in the basement of Yinju below, under the protection of the purple coffin, Li Qing's body gradually became full, and he once again returned to the state of jumping. middle.

Different from the last time he became a jumping zombie, after becoming a jumping zombie this time, Li Qing could completely feel the powerful feeling brought by this body.

He had a feeling that if he had been so powerful last time, even if there was no dragon slaying present, he would be able to suppress the Ghost Slayer by himself.

Not to mention his talent for plundering and inherited spells, he can kill that corpse monster with his own strength alone!

Seeing that Li Qing had actually evolved from Purple Zombie to Jumping Zombie in such a short period of time, Wang Tie's eyes flashed with horror.

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