Unify all heavens

Chapter 164 The life card is broken and the master of the palace returns! (Down)

After seeing Wang Tie's appearance, Jiang Feihan shouted coldly: "What are you doing standing around? Go and lead the way!"

"Good, good master!"

Although Wang Tie subconsciously didn't want to answer, his body responded involuntarily.

Then he walked toward the basement stairs with a ferocious expression, then walked up the steps and pulled the iron door hard.

With a "squeak" sound, the heavy iron door was opened, and then a bright light shone in from the house.

Jiang Fei took the lead, followed closely by Li Qing and Nintendo, who walked out of the basement and came to Yin Ju's room.

Then Wang Tie found a jet black cloak and put it on his body, then he led the way with a bulging vein on his forehead and a ferocious expression on his face.

Although Yinju was not big, he was full of twists and turns. Every few steps he took, Wang Tie forcefully broke through Jiang Fei's control and tried to escape, but was soon controlled again.

Behind Jiang Fei, Li Qing looked at Wang Tie's back thoughtfully.

Judging from the current situation of the old man, I believe that he will definitely escape Jiang Fei's control in the future. It seems that as long as the old man takes them away from the two cities, he will eradicate the roots.

Although judging from the old man's expression when he saw Kuroki being blasted by Jiang Fei at the beginning, he might also be scared in his heart. But compared to himself, he definitely knows more about these two cities than he does.

Thinking of this, Li Qing took precautions in his heart.

No matter what, don’t be afraid of anything, just be afraid of ten thousand! If something unexpected happened, he, Jiang Fei, Nintendo, and himself would all hide in the purple coffin.

In Tulong's memory, the Purple Coffin inheritors have had various encounters, but no Purple Coffin inheritor has ever been said to have been forcefully pulled out of the Purple Coffin.

Therefore, if there is an accident and you hide in the purple coffin, I believe that the people in the Corpse Mansion will not be able to deal with you for a while.

As long as he survives a month, he can travel again!

Thinking of this, Li Qing secretly became vigilant in his heart, ready to open the purple coffin at any time.

In addition, Li Qing has another basis, and that is the owner of the purple coffin.

The owner of the Purple Coffin once said that he would protect them three times before they decide who is the true inheritor of the Purple Coffin, and he has already used it once, which means there are two more times!

As a being who once suppressed thousands of worlds, including the prison world, even if the master of the purple coffin only has one finger bone left now, I believe he can be safe in this world!

Just when Li Qing was preparing for the worst, more than forty young disciples wearing black robes suddenly flew over from the Two Realms City. As soon as they arrived above the Two Realms City, they used their own coffins to start arranging the Underworld Coffin Burial Formation.

On the way here, these disciples had already drawn runes on their coffins, so they flew over the Two Boundary City with their front legs, and controlled the coffins they were standing on to rise into the sky with their back legs.

For a moment, forty black coffins with strange runes on them were seen rising into the sky, and then they were arranged according to formations in the sky.

Below, more than forty disciples all stood with their hands in front of their chests, staring at the coffin above without blinking, silently reciting the mantra of the Underworld Coffin Burial Formation.

This Underworld Coffin Burial Formation is one of the core formations of the Corpse Mansion. It is said that if it is arranged by the Master of the Corpse Mansion, it is so powerful that it can bury immortals!

At this time, a majestic female voice was heard coming from the Two Realms City, and it spread throughout the Two Realms City in an instant.

"Starting from now on, Seal the Two Boundaries City! No one is allowed to enter or leave the corpse! In addition, during this period, the sky above the Two Boundary City will also be closed, and no one will be vacated without orders. Any violators will be buried in the Corpse Stream!"

Under this voice, the residents in the two world cities were all stunned, and then their expressions changed drastically.

The person who committed the crime was buried directly in the Corpse Stream?

What happened?

For a time, all the residents in the two cities were talking about it.

After all, this Corpse Chou Stream is one of the forbidden areas of the Corpse Mansion. Historically, only those who rebel against the Mansion will be buried in this Corpse Chou Stream.

In the middle of Yinju, Wang Tie, who was about to open the door of Yinju, turned pale after hearing this voice.

A pair of triangular eyes shone with an unpredictable light.

Now that these two cities have been sealed off, the palace master who went out must be coming back soon.

Thinking of this, Wang Tie had a sneer on his lips.

When I was roaming the Immortal Realm, where were these three beasts? How can I let a few evil beasts take control of me with my dignity?

Now that these two cities are blocked, it's a great opportunity for me to escape and take revenge!

Thinking of this, the coldness in Wang Tie's eyes instantly turned into a look of horror, and then he quickly turned around with a look of fear on his face and said: "Hurry, hide in the basement!"

When Jiang Fei saw this, he frowned and said, "Why is this?"

Wang Tie licked his lips and said with fear on his face: "The owner of the voice just now is the city lord of Two Boundary City. The blockade of Two Boundary City is only temporary. I believe they will send people to search for Heimu's murderer soon!"

Li Qing narrowed his eyes when he heard this, with a trace of suspicion flashing in his eyes and said: "If they search, wouldn't we hide in the basement just enough for them to catch us all?"

Wang Tie already had in mind a way to turn defeat into victory and the desire to take revenge and get out of trouble, but he could not reveal a trace of this thought.

So after hearing Li Qing's words, he pretended to be the same as before, snorted and said nothing.

He knew that if he explained to Li Qing, Li Qing would definitely become suspicious.

After all, everything he did before showed his immense hatred for Li Qing.

As expected by Wang Tie, Li Qing sneered after seeing him like this. Then Jiang Feihan asked with a face: "Didn't you hear the Lord ask you?"

After hearing Jiang Fei's words, Wang Tie sneered in his heart, then pretended to be humiliated but had to say it, and said with a ferocious face: "I secretly built the basement of my Yinju, and the entire Corpse Mansion blocked it. No one knows about it except me! And my basement was built by skilled craftsmen in the mortal world, so when the people from the Corpse Mansion come to search, they will never be able to detect the basement with just their spiritual thoughts!"

After explaining this, he continued: "The inspection of the Corpse Mansion only lasts two days, so as long as we survive in this basement for two days, we can escape from the two world cities!"

After saying this, Wang Tie sneered in his heart.

Because he has stayed in these two cities all year round, he knows these two cities very well.

These two cities are the only way out of the Corpse Mansion to the outside world, so once these two cities are blocked, no one or zombie can break through these two cities unless ordered by the palace lord or city lord.

After all, these two world cities once suppressed an immortal!

His so-called two days were just to wait for the master of the palace to come back. With the cultivation of the master of the corpse palace, not to mention that they were hiding in the basement, even if they were hiding under the two world cities, they would be discovered instantly.

At that time, it will be his time to escape and seek revenge!

After hearing Wang Tie's words, although Li Qing always felt that the old man had ulterior motives, he could only retreat to the basement for the time being and wait quietly for the past two days to pass.

The first day passed quickly, but no one came in to search as the old man said.

Just when Li Qing suspected that the old man had ulterior motives, the blood between his chest and abdomen was refined again by him.

Just when he was about to evolve into jumping freeze, an unspeakable terrifying aura suddenly descended on the basement.

Both Jiang Fei and Nintendo were pressed to the ground by this momentum.

When Li Qing noticed this scene, he saw that the purple coffin on his chest suddenly lit up with purple light.

First update!

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