Unify all heavens

Chapter 158 Return (Part 2)


The moment he turned around, he saw a green-faced, long-haired and red-robed resentful ghost turning into a red line amidst the screams, and was then sucked in by a purple zombie wearing a worn apricot yellow robe. In the mouth.

"The art of swallowing ghosts!!!"

After seeing this, Uncle Jiu's eyes suddenly widened.

At the same time, Li Qing also looked at Uncle Jiu with a calm expression.

Although his face was very calm, the feeling of fear in his heart lingered for a long time.

Just when the resentful ghost sneaked towards Uncle Jiu, Li Qing subconsciously wanted to follow him, but the moment he had this idea, he felt an aura that made his soul tremble lock him. It seemed that if he took action, something terrible would happen to him.

The moment this feeling appeared, Li Qing immediately used the ghost swallowing technique to swallow the resentful ghost that was about to approach Uncle Jiu. At the same time, he forcibly dispelled the thought in his mind.

And just when he finished all this, the frightening feeling dissipated.

Seeing the calmness in Li Qing's eyes, Uncle Jiu frowned, and then looked at Li Qing closely, as if he would take action immediately if Li Qing made any move.

After Li Qing saw this, he bent his arms inward with an expressionless face, then held an oval-shaped token from his arms with his fingers, and then threw it towards Uncle Jiu.

When Li Qing raised his arm, Uncle Jiu was ready to take action, but he saw a token thrown by the purple zombie.

"Mortuary order?!"

The moment he took the token, Uncle Jiu widened his eyes and made a sound of surprise. Then he looked at Li Qing in shock, only to see Li Qing beating past him and then standing in front of him. .

I don't know why, but when he saw the purple corpse standing in front of him with his back exposed, Uncle Jiu's expression was rare and shocked.



Just when he was shocked, he saw Li Qing jumping towards the walking body.

When he saw that Xing Zheng was already waving his arms and sweeping towards Li Qing, Uncle Jiu suddenly shouted: "Be careful!"


The next moment he shouted these two words, he heard a 'bang' sound, and then he saw that the dead body was kicked on the chest by Li Qing.

Then he saw the frozen figure staggering back several steps. Li Qing jumped forward fiercely, swung his arms and hit the frozen figure on the neck. Then there was just a 'bang' sound, and the frozen head was smashed away by Li Qing.

The next moment, the frozen body fell forward and hit the ground heavily.

Uncle Jiu was stunned when he saw this, and couldn't help but said in surprise: "It's amazing!"

When Qiu Sheng heard the voice, he turned around and asked, "Master, what did you say?"


Uncle Jiu waved his hand and then turned his attention to Li Qing again, only to see Li Qing suddenly turn his body in the direction of the resentful ghosts who were about to escape, then open his mouth and take a deep breath.

The next moment, the resentful ghosts who had run five or six meters suddenly screamed and were pulled by the strong suction into a colorful thread as thick as a finger. Then, in the astonished expressions of Uncle Jiu and Qiu Sheng, Li Qing swallowed it in one gulp.

"What a domineering ghost-eating technique!"

Uncle Jiu's eyes widened in shock.

Qiu Sheng was stunned when he saw this, then his face turned pale, and he said with some horror: "Master, this zombie is so powerful, can we defeat it?"

After he finished saying this, Uncle Jiu turned around and glared at him, then turned back to look at Li Qing's Taoist robe and asked, "My friend, are you from Maoshan too?"

In Uncle Jiu's mind, both wearing Maoshan Taoist robes and having a morgue order from the morgue inn, this purple zombie is inseparably involved with Maoshan.

When Li Qing heard this, he turned to look at Uncle Jiu. It wasn't until he saw Qiu Sheng hiding behind Uncle Jiu that he said, "No!" Then seeing Uncle Jiu's eyes fixed on the Taoist robe on his body, Then he said again: "I picked up the Taoist robe!"

"Master, master, it, it, it can actually talk!!!"

After Qiu Sheng saw Li Qing speak, he was stunned and exclaimed.

Uncle Jiu glared at him indifferently, and then said: "After a zombie evolves to a certain level, not only can it speak, but it can even look the same as a human!"

Although he said this, he was extremely shocked that Li Qing could speak in the purple zombie realm.

After all, in Uncle Jiu's impression, only jumping or flying zombies can speak.

In Qiu Sheng's seemingly understanding look, Uncle Jiu cupped his fists at Li Qing and said, "Thank you for the rescue!" Then he asked, "I wonder where my friend got this mortuary order?"

Li Qing's eyes moved slightly when he heard this, and then replied: "It's a long story. I was bitten to death by a zombie wearing bronze armor more than ten years ago. After the zombie transformed, I found that I still retained consciousness, so I took the initiative. I was looking for that zombie, and ended up having a battle with Uncle Liu when I passed by the Morgue Inn. Then after Uncle Liu learned about my experience, he sighed and handed me the token!"

When he heard the words 'bronze armor', Uncle Jiu's expression changed, and he suddenly thought of dragon slaying. Then after he listened to Li Qing's words, his expression darkened. Then he sighed and said, "One dragon slayer has killed so many people!"

Upon seeing this, Li Qing said tentatively: "I no longer need this mortuary token. Please give it to the Taoist Priest to Uncle Liu!"

Uncle Jiu sighed after hearing this and said: "Uncle Liu was killed by two flying zombies three years ago. Even one of my junior brothers died in the hands of those two flying zombies!"

The moment Li Qing heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief, then narrowed his eyes and said to himself: "Two flying zombies? Could it be them?"

After Uncle Jiu heard Li Qing's words, his eyes suddenly widened and he said anxiously: "My friend, have you seen those two flying zombies?"

Li Qing heard this and said: "I saw two flying zombies flying towards the morgue inn not long ago!"

After hearing this, Uncle Jiu immediately clasped his fists and said, "Thank you for letting me know!" Then he turned back to Qiu Sheng and said, "Qiu Sheng, let's go to the Morgue Inn!" After saying this, he said to Li Qing again. : "Friend, let's leave first. If you have any difficulties in the future, come to Yi Zhuang in Renjia Town, not far away, to find me!"

After saying this, he took Qiu Sheng and left.

Looking at Uncle Jiu's back, Li Qing seemed to have thought of something, his face suddenly changed, and then his eyes narrowed.

It wasn't until Uncle Jiu and Qiu Sheng disappeared in the woods that he murmured softly: "No wonder he can say those six words!"

He chuckled softly after saying this, then turned around and jumped slowly towards where Jiang Fei and Nintendo were.

The movie world of Uncle Nine has come to an end and will probably not appear again in the future. When the city owner wrote about these worlds of Uncle Nine’s movies, he was always feeling emotional in his heart. Occasionally I saw a piece of lyrics on the Internet, which I felt was good. The excerpts are reproduced as follows: Killing demons and forging heroic spirits, the whole life is clear and righteous; a cross-shaped eyebrow has extraordinary destiny, and the petite body is full of martial arts; it is more difficult to remake in later generations, but all the classics will be passed down forever; red string glutinous rice is still sold today, but the Taoist priest in the past is not here; three incense candles Bow down and worship, hating that the heaven is causing mischief; drink too much wine to pay homage to the Taoist, let the fallen leaves return to their roots to enjoy peace; copper coins and wooden swords are placed in new graves, and no ghosts or ghosts of the past are seen;

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