Unify all heavens

Chapter 157 Return (Part 2)

The night is quiet and the lone moon hangs high;

In front of the graves that glowed faintly green, a green-faced zombie wearing military uniform was worshiping the moon.

Every time the zombie bows, a white light will shine down from the bright moon and be sucked into its nostrils.

The more moonlight he drank, the more dry skin and rotten flesh appeared on the zombie's green and ferocious face.

Seeing more and more rotten flesh on the frozen face, a trace of envy flashed in the white eyes of the dozens of resentful ghosts around him.

After all, after zombies reach a certain level, they can evolve step by step just by relying on the essence of the moon. Although it is slow, it is safer. Unlike them, no matter what level they are, they need popularity to practice.

Although their realm improves quickly, it is also dangerous.

Because we don’t know when Taoist monks will come to destroy them.

Although the zombie looks more and more terrifying at this time, they know that when all the rotten flesh on the zombie falls off, the zombie will evolve into a jumping zombie.

And when this walking zombie evolves into a jumping zombie, it is also the time for them to leave this place.

Just like animals have a sense of territory, when walking zombies evolve into jumping zombies, they will also have a sense of territory. No ghosts are allowed to appear in its territory.

So don't look at it. They and the zombie who is worshiping the moon are living in this mass grave now, and they don't invade each other. But as soon as this walking zombie evolves into jumping zombie, they have to leave, otherwise they will be swallowed up by this walking zombie as a ball of walking yin energy.

At this moment, a beating sound suddenly came from the originally quiet mass grave.




After hearing the beating sound, these resentful ghosts all turned their heads to look. When their pair of pitch-white eyes saw the owner of the beating sound, they were suddenly startled.

"Zi Zhan?"

When they saw that it was a purple corpse that came to the mass grave, expressions that seemed to be smiling but not smiling suddenly appeared on the pale dead faces.

It looks extremely weird.

Li Qing had seen a lot of zombies and ghosts before, but this was the first time he saw seventeen or eight resentful ghosts with pale faces and white eyes turning to look at him at the same time.

After taking a look at these resentful ghosts with strange expressions, Li Qing focused on Xing Zheng who was worshiping the moon.

At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew by.

Originally, this Xing Zong was not prepared to pay attention to Li Qing. After all, the attraction of a mere Zhi Zong was not as great as that of the Essence of the Moon. But when it felt that Li Qing's eyes had been staring at it, a cruel look appeared in its eyes. Then he slowly stood up and turned his head slightly to look at Li Qing.

When it saw the tattered apricot-yellow Taoist robe that Li Qing was wearing, its face instantly turned cold. Then it opened its mouth and roared at Li Qing, threatening Li Qing to leave the place quickly.


After hearing the roar of the frozen body, Li Qing moved forward without retreating, jumping towards it quickly with a 'bang bang bang' sound.

After seeing this scene, both the dozen resentful ghosts around and the walking corpse were all startled. Fortunately, those resentful ghosts saw Li Qing approaching provocatively despite the threatening voice of the frozen corpse, and the dead people's faces suddenly showed eerie and strange smiles. The walking corpse showed a cruel look, and roared towards Li Qing with its arms raised.

It decided to take care of this purple zombie that didn't understand the rules, and then teach it how to respect its predecessors.

Low-level zombies only have two or three attack methods, either sweeping with their arms or strangling.

So after seeing the walking zombie jumping towards him, Li Qing stopped beating, then raised his arms and turned slightly sideways. When the zombie jumped in front of him and was about to strangle his neck, he heard a 'whoosh' sound and Li Qing's arms hit it hard on the chest.

Suddenly there was a loud bang, and the walking zombie flew out faster than when it came, and then smashed a tree with a bang.

Just when Li Qing was about to jump forward to find the Xingzong that was thrown away by him, he heard a cry of surprise coming from the side of the broken tree.


As this voice appeared, the resentful ghosts who were looking at Li Qing in shock suddenly turned their heads, then looked towards the direction of the voice with bright eyes, and then slowly stood up. , and those pairs of pitch-white eyes were staring at the place where the sound came from. And he pretended to be popular at any time.

At this moment, the voice was heard again.

"Master, this zombie is different from the ones I've seen before!"

The moment he finished speaking, an anxious voice sounded.

"Qiu Sheng, retreat quickly, this is a walking zombie!"

The moment he heard the sound, Li Qing's expression changed.

this voice

Just when he was surprised, he saw two familiar figures slowly retreating from the forest into the mass grave.

What forced them into this mass grave was the dead body that Li Qing smashed away with his arms.

After feeling the strong Yin energy coming from behind, Uncle Jiu subconsciously looked back. Then his face turned gloomy, and then he narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice to Qiu Sheng: "Protect yourself!"

Qiu Sheng's face was stunned after hearing Uncle Jiu's words, and then he slowly backed away and looked at the mass grave.

When he saw the seventeen or eight resentful ghosts with long hair and green faces in the mass graves, they were wearing various clothes and had long hair. He couldn't help but trembled. Then he swallowed his saliva and asked Uncle Jiu with some stuttering: "Master ,Master, what, what should I do?”

Uncle Jiu first glanced at the walking zombie that was beating towards them, and then turned to look at the resentful ghosts who had begun to laugh ferociously. Then he nudged Qiu Sheng with his elbow and said in a deep voice: "Bring it on Close your eyes and recite the exorcism spell!"

As he spoke, he pulled out a mahogany sword from behind, then bit his finger with a gloomy face, then swiped it on the mahogany sword, then stepped forward fiercely and stabbed the orange-yellow mahogany sword towards The body was stiff.

Xing Zheng, who already had basic intelligence, saw the peach wood sword thrust towards it, and quickly stretched out his hands to grab it, fearing that the sword would pierce his chest.

‘Bah! ’

The moment it grasped the mahogany sword with both hands, the orange light on the mahogany sword suddenly brightened, and then it made a 'squeak' sound like a soldering iron on flesh.


The Xingzheng roared and let go of the Taomu Sword, then waved his arm and swept towards Uncle Jiu.


Before its arms could reach Uncle Jiu's body, Uncle Jiu kicked him in the chest in advance.

Uncle Jiu also used this force to jump back and jumped back to Qiu Sheng.

"Hoo ho!"

At the moment he landed, he heard a whistling wind behind him.

Second update!

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