Unify all heavens

Chapter 153 Brand new purple coffin (Part 1)

After hearing what Taoist Priest Four Eyes said, Uncle Jiu looked back at the group of purple zombies behind him again. When he saw that they were still motionless, he carried Shi Jian on his back and walked towards Taoist Priest Four Eyes.

While he was walking, he saw that many people had gathered around Taoist Priest Four. Because those Taoist priests blocked Uncle Jiu's sight, Uncle Jiu didn't know what was going on there.

"Could it be that Dragon Slayer was finally destroyed?"

While Uncle Jiu was thinking about this, he walked to Taoist Priest Four Eyes.

When he placed Shi Jian on the ground, he listened to Master Yixiu chanting the Rebirth Mantra.

I don't know why, but when Uncle Jiu heard the Rebirth Mantra, his heart sank inexplicably, and then he frowned and squeezed in.

The two corpses that first caught his eye shocked him, and then after taking a closer look, Uncle Jiu's face instantly darkened.

I saw that the two master uncles Lingri and Lingyue who originally went to subdue the dragon died here, and their death was so miserable.

Looking at the corpses of these two martial uncles, Uncle Jiu's eyes gradually narrowed, and his fists in the sleeves of his Taoist robe slowly clenched.

"Senior Brother, there is the aura of Dragon Slayer in this pit, it must be the work of that beast Slayer Dragon!"

At this time, Taoist Priest Simu said angrily with a livid face.

When Uncle Jiu heard this, he looked into the pit and saw that there was indeed an evil aura in the pit.

"Could it really be Dragon Slaying?"

With these words in his mind, he walked quickly to the pit.

Just when he squatted down and was about to jump in, he saw two copper coins at the feet of Taoist Master Qianhe.

"Copper coins for killing corpses?"

Uncle Jiu was shocked when he saw this, and quickly said: "Qianhe, take a few steps back!"

After the pale-faced Priest Qianhe heard Uncle Jiu's words, he took two steps back with a puzzled expression, and then looked down.

When he saw the two corpse-suppressing copper coins half buried by the soil on the ground, his expression suddenly changed. He couldn't help blurting out: "This, this is the corpse-suppressing copper coin?" As he spoke, he was supported by Master Yixiu. Then he slowly squatted down and picked up the two copper coins.

Because the two copper coins were at the edge of the pit, he subconsciously took two steps forward when picking up the coins. Then just when he picked up the copper coins and was about to stand up, his feet suddenly collapsed.

Before Taoist Master Qianhe could react, he fell inside as the ground collapsed.

Because Master Ikkyu had been supporting Taoist Master Qianhe's arm, just when Taoist Master Qianhe was about to fall into the pit, Master Ikkyu grabbed his arm and hung him in the air.

But because he was too panicked just now, the two corpse-killing copper coins he just picked up fell into the pit because of his loose grip.

Just when Master Yixiu pulled Taoist Qianhe up, he saw Uncle Jiu leaping from the edge of the pit and jumping in.

The pit was estimated to be more than ten meters deep, so when Uncle Jiu jumped in, the ground suddenly made a dull 'bang' sound.

On the ground, a group of people cautiously poked their heads out to look at Uncle Jiu under the pit, only to see Uncle Jiu squatting down and picking up the two corpse-killing copper coins, and then found a bronze fragment from the pit.

"Senior brother! Are you injured?"

Taoist Priest Four Eyes shouted at him.

Uncle Jiu did not reply immediately. Instead, he looked at the two corpse-killing copper coins in his hand. He saw that the two copper coins were already filled with the aura of dragon slaying.

After sighing softly, he shouted upward: "I'm fine, pull me up quickly!"


The moment Taoist Master Four Eyes heard this, he took out a corpse net from his arms, then grabbed a corner and threw it down.

After Uncle Jiu caught the corpse net, Master Yixiu and Agui pulled him up.

Uncle Jiu had just stood up when he heard Taoist Priest Simu saying urgently: "Brother, have you found anything?"

Uncle Jiu frowned when he heard this and said: "Because of falling into the pit, these two corpse-killing copper coins are now filled with the aura of dragon slaying, so it is still impossible to judge whether it was the dragon slaying or not based on these alone! "

Taoist Priest Simu opened his eyes when he heard this: "The two uncles are profound in Taoism, and only Tulong can kill them! Otherwise, just with those purple zombies, the two uncles can kill them all even if they are defeated. retreat!"

After he finished speaking, Uncle Jiu sighed and said, "It's not just dragon slaying. When you were unconscious before, two more flying zombies flew in from nowhere!"

"There are two more flying zombies???"

As soon as Uncle Jiu finished speaking, these Taoist priests suddenly widened their eyes.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes said categorically: "Don't think about it, the two uncles must have been killed by Tu Long and the two Fei Zombies! That traitor Tu Long actually had two Fei Zombies as companions!"

Uncle Jiu said helplessly: "The two flying zombies were not only the companions of the dragon slayer, but the enemies of the dragon slayer. As soon as they appeared, they directly fought with the dragon slayer! When I was unconscious, the three of them Fei Zheng is fighting hard and is inseparable!"

After saying this, he suddenly thought of something and his eyes suddenly widened. Without saying a word, he pushed away Master Yixiu and Agui beside him, and hurriedly ran in front of the bodies of the two master uncles Lingri and Lingyue. , and then immediately squatted down to check the corpse aura on the two corpses.

Seeing this, Taoist Master Simu said in shock: "Brother, what are you doing?"

Uncle Jiu did not answer him, but asked with a gloomy face: "Have you ever touched the bodies of the two uncles?"

All the Taoists immediately shook their heads.

Uncle Jiu frowned when he saw this, and then said in a deep voice: "That's strange, the corpses of these two uncles don't have the corpse energy of dragon slaying. If the two uncles really killed the dragon, it stands to reason that It was said that there should be corpse aura from dragon slaying on the body, but I took a look and found that the two uncles did not have a trace of zombie aura on their bodies!"

After he finished speaking these words, all the Taoists fell into deep thought.

At this moment, I heard Master Yixiu say with a slight hesitation: "Could it be that Tulong has restrained his corpse energy? After all, Fei Zheng's intelligence is no different from that of human beings!"

After hearing this, Uncle Jiu nodded subconsciously and said, "Master Yixiu is right, this is also a possibility!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Taoist Priest Simu stared and said, "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go and avenge the two uncles now! Although Tulong can't be found, the zombies he brought are still there. ! Let’s cut off his wings first, and then send the bodies of the two uncles back to Maoshan!"

Uncle Jiu nodded when he heard this and said: "Simu is right. The top priority is to kill the remaining Zi Zongs first, and then send the bodies of the two uncles back to Maoshan. Maybe other seniors in the sect can rely on the masters." The murderer was found in Uncle’s body!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Taoist Simu pull out the mahogany sword from his waist and said to Taoist Qianhe with murderous intent: "Qianhe, you, Wuye and Agui are more seriously injured, so you can Stay here to take care of the bodies of the two uncles!" After saying these words, he took the lead in carrying the mahogany sword and killed Zi Zheng, who was motionless a hundred meters away.

Upon seeing this, Uncle Jiu and the others took out their mahogany swords from their waists and followed the figure of Taoist Priest Four as they rushed toward the purple zombies.

Thanks to book friend A Little Slut for his 100 starting coins, book friend Mo Luoliang for his 500 starting coins, book friend Xiong Mao for his 500 starting coins, and book friend Sadness It’s Hard to Name It for his 500 starting coins. The starting coins are 1,000 starting coins from book friend moriatyhu, 500 starting coins from book friend Rao Chengfushan, and 100 starting coins from book friend Feng Xiaohuihui!

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