Unify all heavens

Chapter 152 Nanshan Town (End)

After Li Qing devoured the cat demon's tail some time ago, his physical strength was already on par with Tiao Zhai.

Therefore, the flying zombie aura that Tulong said was like a hurricane to him. Although it was difficult, it would not be suppressed to the ground like ordinary purple zombies.

Then after this yin energy integrated into his body, the hardness of his body slowly increased.

Li Qing felt the changes in his body while looking at the miserable appearance of the dragon slaying on the ground.

Thirty seconds later, his body's hardness reached its peak of jumping stiffness!

Three minutes later, his body's hardness reached the early stage of non-bone formation!

But at this time, the Yin Qi completely disappeared!

Although the hardness of his body has increased, Li Qing's state is still in the purple stiffness stage, so he doesn't know if he can bite the dragon.

Thinking of this, he pressed his body straight down, reached out his hands and grabbed the dragon slayer's shoulders, and then stood up straight again.

At this moment, Tulong only had one leg left, and his spine was broken by Jiang Fei's punch. Because of this, even if Li Qing caught him, he couldn't stand still, and because his spine was broken, he was like a bird with broken wings, unable to fly even if he wanted to.

After feeling that he was being caught by Li Qing, Tulongshu said with a sneer in his heart: "Hey, hey, hey, Li Qing, you have to know that the frozen bones will heal on their own. It only takes three days for my spine to recover. That’s when you will perish!”

After saying this, he mocked: "For the sake of you and me, we were once masters and servants, so I advise you not to humiliate yourself. Just rely on your purple-zomb realm fangs? Don't say three things." God, even if I give you three months, you won’t be able to hurt me at all!”

The moment Tu Long finished speaking, Li Qing said coldly: "Whether it hurts or not, you have to try it to know!"

As he spoke, Li Qing grabbed Tulong's head with one hand, twisted it to the side, then opened his mouth and bit his neck.

"Hey, I advise you."

Before he finished speaking, Li Qing had already bitten it, and then there was a "rattling" sound from his fangs, as if he was biting on a stone.

After hearing this voice, Tulong secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and his expression returned to that mocking state.

"I've said it a long time ago, with your teeth in the purple zombie realm, you'd better avoid taking it on yourself."

When he said this, Li Qing sighed in his heart. Originally, he was thinking of evolving with the corpse energy of the dragon slayer, but he didn't expect that his fangs were still in a purple state. In this way, The only option was to forcibly destroy the Dragon Slayer.

Thinking of this, he moved the hand that was on Tulong's shoulder to his neck. After feeling Li Qing's movements, Tu Long immediately sneered: "You really can't fall off the coffin until you see it. Kah!"

Although the fangs cannot bite to slay a dragon, Li Qingruo's body hardness is equivalent to not being able to turn into bones. So before Tu Long had finished speaking, Li Qing had already twisted his neck.

After glancing at Tu Long who was looking back, Li Qing let go of his hand and let his body hit the ground. Then he jumped up sideways, raised his hands flat and clasped his hands together, and then hit Tulong hard on the neck with a 'click' sound.

Although all the bones in Tulong's neck were smashed by Li Qing, a crack also appeared on the bones of Li Qing's hands.

Looking at the motionless Tulong, Li Qing slowly stood up, then bent his left arm inward, and jumped high again. Amidst the sound of wind, his elbow hit the back of Tulong's head hard.

With a 'bang' sound, Tulong's head was immediately smashed into the soil.

Outside, Jiang Fei and Nintendo were looking up at the purple liquid in the air. At this moment, the purple liquid had slowly begun to take shape.

Seeing the liquid turn into a purple coffin again, their eyes suddenly narrowed.

Although Jiang Fei and Nintendo didn't know where Li Qing and Tu Long had gone, they knew that they were inseparable from the purple coffin in the sky, so after discovering that Tu Long had disappeared, they focused their attention on the purple coffin. superior.

At this moment, a burst of dazzling purple light suddenly appeared above the purple coffin, and then Li Qing's figure, who had disappeared for nearly half an hour, slowly appeared.

The moment they saw Li Qing, Jiang Fei and Nintendo's faces showed smiles, and then they flew up.

But just when they were about to approach the purple coffin, they saw that the light emitted by the purple coffin turned into a lavender light mask, and appeared right in front of the two of them.

While they were still stunned, they saw the purple coffin shrouded in light suddenly turned into a purple light and flew towards the distance, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"My lord!!!"

Jiang Fei and Nintendo were shocked when they saw this, and then followed the purple coffin and flew into the distance with anxious expressions.

In the purple light, Li Qing closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep, and then fully accepted everything about slaying the dragon in his consciousness.

Through some of Tu Long's memories, Li Qing could clearly know that after Tu Long obtained the purple coffin, he traveled through six worlds in total, and with the corpse refining chapter in the nameless formula, it only took a mere fourteen years. As a result, more than 9,200 purple zombies and more than a hundred walking zombies were refined.

Originally Tu Long was planning to lead these zombie armies to kill all the Taoist priests who came down from Maoshan this time, but he did not expect that Shi Jian could use such an amazingly powerful Taoist technique.

Li Qing roughly calculated that with the combination of Shi Jian's Benning Thunder Fist and Wooden Stake Technique, nearly 8,000 Zi Zhans were destroyed, and even Xing Zhans only had about twenty left at this time.

The remaining 1,200 purple zombies and twenty walking zombies are currently under the influence of the purple coffin, and one by one they recognize their masters towards Li Qing.

In addition, Li Qing discovered that the function of Tu Long's purple coffin was different from his. His purple coffin consumed the energy of time travel to heal himself, and created a shield to isolate people. The function of Slaying the Dragon's purple coffin is to enlarge and shrink it, and to consume the essence and blood in his heart to summon the shadow of a purple coffin to suppress the enemy. If the amount of essence and blood provided is sufficient, then the purple coffin can be directly driven to suppress it.

Just when Li Qing accepted the inheritance of Dragon Slaying, the Taoists on the ground also slowly woke up. Then everyone's big eyes stared at their small eyes, their faces full of confusion.

Uncle Jiu patted the dust on his body, then frowned and looked at the sky, only to see that the figures fighting in the sky had disappeared.

Upon seeing this, Uncle Jiu looked forward, only to see a dense mass of purple stiffness in the distance.

Uncle Jiu was stunned when he saw this, and then he looked at Shi Jian, who was lying in the dark more than 20 meters away from him. His expression changed instantly, and then he ran towards Shi Jian.

When he carried Shi Jian on his back and prepared to escape, he suddenly found that the purple zombies in the distance were motionless, like statues.

At this moment, he only heard the voice of Taoist Master Simu coming from in front of Nanshan Town.

“Senior Brother Ninth, come here quickly!!!”

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