Unify all heavens

Chapter 131: Conquering Nintendo (please subscribe)

The moment Jiang Fei said the word 'death', the three people in the room were hit in the chest by a huge airflow, and then they flew upside down and hit the wall in this airflow.

Just hearing the sound of "snap", these three people had turned into a puddle of flesh.

Li Qing just glanced at the three people and then focused on Nintendo lying on the bed. Then he stepped on the door panel and jumped twice, standing next to the bed, looking at Nintendo's body carefully.

Although the foreign devil only fed Nintendo a little bit of hormones, it instantly transformed Nintendo, which was originally a zombie, into a walking zombie.

Li Qing's eyes flashed when he saw the aura of the zombie realm exuding from Nintendo's body.

This hormone is really powerful!

If Nintendo were allowed to evolve naturally, it would take at least 180 years to evolve from a walking zombie to a walking zombie. But under this hormone, it only took him less than a minute.

Because he didn't know if this hormone had any side effects, Li Qing pondered for a while and then ordered Jiang Fei: "Open these two bottles and feed him two mouthfuls of the same!"

The moment Li Qing finished speaking, Jiang Fei immediately responded: "Yes!"

As he spoke, he blew lightly on the stoppers on the two glass bottles, and then saw the two rubber stoppers flying up and falling to the ground in an instant.

After giving Nintendo two mouthfuls of these two liquids, he could see the corpse energy on his body increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just ten minutes, Nintendo's aura gradually increased, and it evolved to a level every few minutes.

Jumping stiff!

No bones!

Flying stiff!

Perhaps it was because he was fed a little more hormones than in the original show, but the aura on Nintendo's body was still gradually getting stronger after it reached Feizhuang.

His aura stopped increasing until he was about to break through the flying freeze.

Li Qing's eyes were full of shock when he saw Nintendo, whose aura was much stronger than that of Fei Zhan.

This hormone is really abnormal!

A mere walking zombie, because of this hormone, actually evolved into a flying zombie in just over ten minutes. No one would believe this if told!

At this moment, Jiang Fei, who was originally stunned, suddenly frowned and said: "My lord, although this thing is powerful, it is not the right way. Although the aura of this zombie is higher than mine, what he adds is only the aura, but not the body." Get any reinforcement!" After saying this, he looked at Nintendo's body and snorted disdainfully: "If my subordinates fight with him, it only takes a cup of tea to destroy him physically and mentally!"

Li Qing nodded when he heard this. Jiang Fei was indeed right. In the original drama, although this Nintendo was a flying zombie, it was not too strong in terms of strength or physical strength.

Even so, this Nintendo is still a flying zombie after all. Maybe in the future, if you find a place to raise a corpse and bury it for dozens or hundreds of years, it may be comparable to a normal flying zombie.

Thinking of this, Li Qing's eyes flickered slightly, and then he asked Jiang Fei: "If I take off this corpse-suppressing talisman, can you suppress him?" After saying this, Li Qing said again Added: "Well, just ask him to stop moving!"

Upon hearing this, Jiang Fei placed the two glass bottles in his hands at a corner, then frowned and reached out to poke Nintendo's body, then nodded heavily and said, "Okay!"

Li Qing nodded, then went to the table next to him to find a needle more than twenty centimeters long, and then used the needle to remove the corpse-killing charm from Nintendo's forehead.

The moment Li Qing took off the corpse-suppressing talisman, Nintendo suddenly opened his eyes.

When he saw the syringe in Li Qing's hand, his expression instantly turned ferocious, and he raised his hand to grab it at Li Qing.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he heard an angry roar in his ears.


As these two words burst out, Jiang Fei raised his palm and grabbed Nintendo's hand, and then pressed his other hand hard on his chest.


As the clicking sound sounded, Nintendo, who was about to resist, suddenly calmed down and looked at Li Qing with a pair of blood-red eyes.

Li Qing glanced at him with a sneer, then threw the needle in his hand aside, and then raised his hand to press Nintendo's forehead.

Just when Li Qing's palm was about to touch Nintendo's forehead, Nintendo struggled violently and opened his mouth to bite Li Qing's palm.

"Do you think this general does not exist?"

As Jiang Fei's angry voice sounded, Nintendo suddenly had a hand beside his mouth.

Li Qing took a look and saw Jiang Fei forcefully holding Nintendo's arm to his mouth.


Nintendo, who was about to bite it, immediately closed his mouth, then narrowed his eyes and looked at Jiang Fei with cruelty, and let out a beast-like roar from his mouth.

At this moment, Li Qing fiercely pressed his hand on Nintendo's forehead, and then transmitted his corpse energy towards Nintendo's head, while silently reciting the Corpse Control Technique in his heart.

Perhaps because Nintendo is not as powerful as Jiang Fei, it only took less than a minute for Li Qing's corpse energy to assimilate the corpse energy in Nintendo's head.

After glancing at Nintendo, whose eyes were becoming blank, Li Qing stretched out his hand to open his mouth, and then put a trace of blood essence wrapped in corpse air into his mouth.

After doing all this, the aura on Li Qing's body weakened a lot. Not only did a thin layer of black hair appear on his arms, but his body also became stiffer.

Jiang Fei glanced at Li Qing worriedly. Just when he opened his mouth to speak, he heard Li Qing say: "Let him go!"

Jiang Fei hesitated for a moment after hearing this, but still let go of Nintendo, and then narrowed his eyes. A pair of black eyes stared at Nintendo, and his right hand slowly placed on the hilt of the sword at his waist.

At this moment, the confusion in Nintendo's eyes gradually dissipated. After he glanced at Jiang Fei, a trace of cruelty flashed across his eyes. But when he sat up and saw Li Qing, the cruelty in his eyes instantly receded and turned into a look of respect. Then he jumped off the bed and bent down towards Li Qing.

He said respectfully: "Master!"

For some reason, when he heard the word 'master' from Nintendo, Li Qing raised his eyebrows subconsciously, and then said with a gloomy face: "Call me master from now on!"

After hearing the coldness in Li Qing's mouth, Nintendo bent his waist again and said respectfully: "Your Majesty!"

Li Qing nodded, then raised his hand to help him up. After taking a look at Nintendo, he seemed to remember something and asked, "Do you still remember your name?"

Nintendo was stunned when he heard this, and then shook his head with blank eyes.

Li Qing's eyes moved slightly when he saw this, then he smiled and said: "From now on, your name is Nintendo!"

Upon hearing this, Nintendo bent down again and said respectfully: "Thank you, Lord, for the name!"


Li Qing nodded first, then asked, "Are you afraid of injections?"

After hearing this, Nintendo shook his head subconsciously.

"Don't be afraid!"

Thanks to book friend Tianyehuanghuang, book friend 160309232718148, book friend Fang Xinye, book friend Zuo Feng, book friend I pass by, please don’t hit me, I will reward you with 100 starting coins.

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