Unify all heavens

Chapter 130 Uncle Jiu goes down the mountain (please subscribe!)

As soon as Ahao heard the word 'Nintendo', he panicked in his heart. Looking at Momadi with a dark face, he laughed dryly and said: "Send it over!"

After saying this, he was afraid of not being safe, so he added with an exaggerated expression: "Master, you don't know, this Ren family is so rich, their yard is so big, theirs"

Before he could finish speaking, Mamadi waved his hand to interrupt, then pressed his nose and said, "Now that I've sent it, let's go. Let's go to Renjia Village to stay one night, and then go to the Zombie Inn tomorrow!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as Mamadi finished speaking, Ahao's expression changed. He swallowed his saliva and said, "Go to Renjia Village? Why don't we go to the Zombie Inn overnight?"

Momadi sneered: "If you are not afraid of being picked up by a wild wolf while walking, then go ahead!"

As he spoke, Mami walked towards the direction of Renjiacun.

Ahao looked at Mamadi's back and wanted to open his mouth to tell the truth several times, but when he thought of Mamadi's 'weapon', he trembled all over, and then followed him with a grimace and a sigh.

On the other side, on a winding staircase going up the mountain, four figures in apricot-yellow robes were walking down the mountain with lanterns in hand.

Looking at the backs of the two old and strong men in front of him, Taoist Priest Simu smiled at Uncle Jiu, whose hair was already graying beside him, and said, "I thought it would be good to invite Senior Brother Ninth to come down the mountain this time. Unexpectedly, Lian Lingri The two martial uncles, Lingyue, have also come down!"

Uncle Jiu smiled slightly at first, then raised his brows and said, "After all, slaying the dragon has become Fei Zheng. Our generation alone is not enough to slay the dragon and drink a pot!"

Taoist Priest Four Eyes laughed when he heard this, and then said: "Senior Brother Ninth, the time you mentioned was fourteen years ago. You must know that during these fourteen years, I will be a proficient student in the practice of divine arts!"

Hearing the words fourteen years, Uncle Jiu's eyes suddenly dimmed, and then he glanced at Taoist Priest Simu who was talking nonstop about things. He quickly returned to normal and nodded in agreement from time to time.

The originally long climb up the mountain quickly came to an end under Taoist Master Shimu's lively explanation.

"Senior brother, I'm not talking nonsense. The young man named Qiu Sheng from Renjia Town is indeed very spiritual. If I hadn't already had Jiale, I wouldn't have told you about this! Wait until we kill the guy who slays the dragon After falling, I will take you to see that young man!"

After hearing what Taoist Master Four Eyes said, Uncle Jiu was about to respond when he heard an old voice coming from the front.

"Ah Jiu, you should go to Momadi first! I just made a fortune telling for him on a whim just now and found out that he had a fatal disaster recently, and you are his noble person!"

Uncle Jiu nodded slightly when he heard this, and then asked: "Uncle Master, where is Mamadi now?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard that old voice ringing in his ears.


Uncle Jiu frowned, and when he was about to ask where Renjiacun was, he saw that the three people in front of him had already walked away in the blink of an eye.

He shook his head, then turned and walked towards a town not far down the mountain.

Just as Uncle Jiu's figure disappeared into the darkness, Li Qing and Jiang Fei were already standing outside the house.

Because he was afraid of alerting the enemy, Li Qing did not go in immediately, but observed everything in the house through the crack in the door.

I saw that Nintendo was already lying on the bed, and then the foreign devil turned on a few lights beside the bed, and then checked Nintendo's body back and forth, nodded with satisfaction, and then took it out of his arms. A dozen silver dollars were handed to the young man wearing a straw hat. At the same time, he said in a very weird tone: "The clay stew is too ugly, Brother Bangwo is busy!"

The two young men were stunned when they heard this sentence. It took them a long time to figure out what the foreign devil was talking about.

Then the young man in the straw hat smiled and said: "For the sake of money, tell me, what can I do for you?"

The foreign devil nodded and said, "I'll be blinded by the mud!"

As he spoke, he moved an iron shelf in front of Nintendo's body, then found two glass bottles filled with liquid from a wooden cabinet not far away against the wall, and then carefully lifted and hung them on the iron shelf. Then he found a few more infusion tubes on the shelf. Just as he was walking towards Nintendo with several needles in hand, Li Qing outside the door narrowed his eyes instantly, then lowered his voice and ordered Jiang Fei: "See Is there a bottle on the iron shelf? Your task is to take it off the shelf and protect it!"

When Jiang Fei heard this, he glanced at the two glass bottles filled with liquid through the crack in the door, and then replied angrily: "Yes!"

Li Qing nodded, and then heard a young man's voice coming from the room.

"Hello? Hello! What are you going to do?"

Li Qing heard the words and looked in through the crack in the door. He saw the foreign devil piercing the needle into Nintendo's mouth with a smile, and said with a smile: "Then the eleven hormones will lock all the people in the house." Drink the Huaxue Guo and the shape will sink.”

Outside the house, after Li Qing heard this, he immediately raised his arm and touched Jiang Fei, and then saw Jiang Fei nodded.

Upon seeing this, Li Qing pushed the door open, only to find that the door was locked from the inside. He snorted coldly, then raised his arms and slammed the wooden door hard.

With a loud bang, the wooden door fell inward.

After hearing the loud noise coming from outside the door, the three people in the room turned around subconsciously, and then saw a purple zombie wearing apricot robes and a middle-aged man wearing light blue chain mail standing at the door. .

Before the two young men could react, the foreign devil opened his eyes and said in surprise: "Ma Ren, the god of mud-stewed corpses?"

And just as he was speaking, Li Qing ordered Jiang Fei beside him: "Go up!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Fei suddenly disappeared in front of him, and the next moment he saw Jiang Fei appear next to him holding two bottles.

At this moment, not only the three people in the room didn't react, but even Li Qing didn't react.

He looked at Jiang Fei in astonishment, and then said with some envy: "As expected of Fei Zhan, his speed is invincible!"

While he was talking, the foreign devil looked at the two bottles in Jiang Fei's arms, then looked back at the empty iron shelf with a look of disbelief. He suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Brother Mu Liang, take the hormones." Fang is blind!”

Jiang Fei glanced at Li Qing with a confused expression, and asked doubtfully: "My lord, what is he talking about?"

Hearing this, Li Qing glanced at the foreign devil, then sneered and said to Jiang Fei, "He's scolding you!"

As soon as Li Qing finished speaking, he saw Jiang Fei's eyes narrowed, staring at the sample cabinet, and then he shouted coldly: "How dare a mere barbarian curse this general?" After saying this, he Then he glared fiercely and shouted angrily: "Death!!!"

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