Unify all heavens

Chapter 124 Yongzhen Netherworld!

Because Li Qing was worried about an accident, he leaned his back tightly on the two iron chains, and then slowly sank along the iron chains towards the bottom of the dark pool.

Under normal circumstances, he could see at night, but what surprised him was that he couldn't see through the thick darkness below. He could only feel that the darkness below had an evil aura.

And the further it sinks, the thicker the yin energy becomes.

Looking at it, there seems to be something terrifying at the bottom of the dark pool.

Gradually, his figure sank into the darkness.

In this darkness, everything seemed to be cut off. There was no sound or light. Only the iron chain clinging to his back made Li Qing feel a little relieved.

Zombies are not without pain or fear, but their fear is different from that of humans.

Li Qing was not afraid of water ghosts or zombies appearing below. What he was afraid of was that a giant beast would appear below and swallow him up in one bite.

About five or six minutes had passed, but he had not yet passed through the darkness.

At this time, Li Qing's eyes had gradually narrowed. He estimated that he had sunk several thousand meters, but he had not yet sunk to the bottom of the pool.

At this moment, everything around Li Qing was dark. If the chain on his back was not still there, he would have thought that he had entered another dimension.

At this moment, Li Qing suddenly found that his eyes lit up. He looked down and saw that he had passed through the dark area and was not far from the bottom of the pool.

Because he was underwater, Li Qing could only vaguely see a huge boulder below.

As the boulder at the bottom of the pool got closer and closer, Li Qing's expression changed drastically. When he looked at it from above, the piece at the bottom of the pool did look like a huge boulder. But when he sank down in front of the 'boulder', he discovered that it turned out to be a huge stone pillar more than thirty meters high and seven or eight meters wide.

Although the stone pillars are covered with algae, the four large golden characters engraved on them have not been covered up.

"Yongzhen Netherworld"

The moment Li Qing's figure appeared in front of these four big characters, a dazzling golden light was seen fiercely emanating from the stone pillars, and then a gentle force pushed him off the iron chain and pushed his figure away. It pushed out more than ten meters.

After the golden light dissipated, Li Qing slowly sank to the bottom of the pool in the distance.

The next moment his feet stepped on the mud at the bottom of the pool, Li Qing looked forward. But he saw a huge sarcophagus suppressed under the huge stone pillars.

This stone pillar is already big enough, but the sarcophagus below it is about twice as big as the stone pillar. The coffin has several rows of densely packed iron rings, and the iron rings are locked with iron chains.

Li Qing glanced at the chains protruding into the darkness, and then jumped forward cautiously.

Because he was under the pond, Li Qing's figure became slower.

Just when he was about to approach the sarcophagus, he saw the golden characters on the stone pillars emitting golden light again, and then Li Qing's figure was pushed back more than ten meters.

As if he felt Li Qing's approach, when Li Qing's figure was pushed back by the golden light, he saw the sarcophagus under the stone pillar suddenly vibrating violently.

As the sand turned up, the water around the sarcophagus suddenly became turbid.

And in these turbid pools of water, the stone pillar emitted a golden light that was even more dazzling than before. In an instant, the entire bottom of the pool was dyed golden in the golden light.

When the golden light passed over Li Qing's figure, it seemed as if there was a heavy object pressing down on him. Li Qing's body suddenly became heavier. Before he could react, he felt that his body was slowly sinking into the sand.

Li Qing's expression changed greatly and he wanted to jump up, but the moment he jumped up, he was suppressed in the sand again under the golden light.

Different from the soft golden light before, this time the golden light was full of domineering meaning. In just an instant, Li Qing's body sank deeply into the sand, leaving only his head exposed on the surface, and everything under his head was Buried deeply in the sand.

In a daze, Li Qing heard an old man's voice ringing in his ears.

"Yongzhen. Netherworld!"

In this voice, Li Qing suddenly felt deeply sleepy.

Then he saw the world in front of him change drastically, and everything at the bottom of the pool disappeared like a phantom.

In the antique courtyard, a burly figure stood at the door of the study with his hands behind his back, and then an easy-going voice sounded in Li Qing's ears.

"General, the emperor ordered the poor monk to turn you and your warriors into zombies and go to the Netherworld to open a way!"

After hearing these words, the burly figure at the door was silent for a moment, shook his head and sighed: "If you teach me to die, I will be unfaithful if I don't die. In this case, can Master allow me to say goodbye to my wife and children?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the kind voice sounded again: "General, please, this poor monk just needs to prepare!"

The moment this voice finished speaking, Li Qing found that the world in front of him had changed again.

Outside the tent, a burly figure stood at the entrance of the tent and said to the more than a hundred young men standing in front of him: "My sons, the emperor ordered me to lead the warriors of hundreds of warriors to open a way to the Netherworld. You are not a selfish person. This matter is all based on your own free will. Anyone who volunteers can take a step forward! If you don't want to, I will not blame you. I will choose a beggar instead. However, you need to take your family, old and young, out of the city immediately. I will bear the blame alone! "

The moment he finished speaking, the soldiers in front of him hesitated, and then suddenly more than forty people took a step forward.

The burly figure looked at the forty soldiers in front of him, suddenly burst into tears, raised his arms to the sky and laughed, "Okay! Okay! Okay! The world is the same as the underworld. Since we can guard the territory for the Qing Dynasty in the world for more than ten years, then If we go to the Netherworld, we can also open the way for the Qing Dynasty!" After saying this, he took out the sword from his waist with a clang, raised his finger to the sky, and shouted angrily: "I am waiting to go to the Netherworld, Buddha will block the killing. Buddha, I will destroy the demons when they are in their way, and I vow to exalt my power of the Qing Dynasty!"

At the same time, these more than 40 soldiers also raised the swords on their waists to the sky and shouted in unison: "Follow the general to the death!"

At this moment, the scene changed again.

A burly figure stood in front of a cave, and a kind voice beside him said: "General, you only need to drink all the soup in the bowl to enter the netherworld!"

As soon as the voice fell, the burly figure drank up the dark liquid in the porcelain bowl in his hand. As his Adam's apple moved, the more than forty soldiers in front of him also raised their heads and drank up the liquid in the porcelain bowl in their hands.

The moment they threw the porcelain bowl heavily on the ground, they heard that kind voice suddenly say: "Everyone, please look back!"

The next moment, the burly figure suddenly said with trembling lips: "Master, why did you bring our family here?"

"General, don't be anxious, please continue reading!" After saying this, the kind voice suddenly sneered: "Do it!"

The moment he said these words, a strong voice suddenly shouted urgently: "What are you doing? Stop it!"

These two chapters have been overhauled, but it turned out to be a bit late. Sorry, this is the first update, and the second update will be at five o'clock.

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