Unify all heavens

Chapter 123 Under the Pool


Just when Li Qing was about to jump up, a voice suddenly came from behind, and then a line of black smoke rose. Then his figure emerged bit by bit, followed by a sharp pain.

Li Qing always thought that after becoming a zombie, he would no longer feel pain, but this sharp pain like a branding iron on his back made him realize the reality.

When Li Qing turned his head and looked back with difficulty with a ferocious expression, he saw Ahao, who was only ten meters away from him, holding the Bagua Mirror in both hands and looking at him with a dull look on his face.

"court death!!!"

Li Qing's eyes were filled with murderous intent. He gritted his teeth and said these two words before jumping towards Ahao.

At this moment, three women sitting on a tree trunk not far away suddenly screamed in terror.


"Miss, run quickly~~~"

After hearing the sound coming from the cliff, Zhuzhu, who was swimming with full of memories, suddenly looked up and saw a hairy man wearing an apricot-yellow Taoist robe full of mud spots standing on the edge of the cliff. Purple zombie.

After seeing the zombie, Zhuzhu's face instantly turned pale, and she hurriedly swam towards the shore.

At this moment, the sky suddenly brightened, and the sun shone on the earth from the horizon.



The moment the sun appeared, bursts of black smoke suddenly appeared on Li Qing's body, which was about to turn around.

At this moment, Li Qing felt as if he was in magma. Not only was the corpse energy leaking out of his body, but he also felt a heart-wrenching feeling in his body.

He squinted his eyes and glanced coldly at Ah Hao, who was stunned, and jumped up from the edge of the cliff.

With a 'pop' sound, Li Qing's body, covered in thick black smoke, finally fell into the pool.

Li Qing originally thought that he would be able to escape the sun after jumping into the pool.

As a result, because his body was too close to the water, the sun could still reach him.

Li Qing's face turned gloomy as he saw the corpse energy slowly leaking out of his body.

He wanted to descend, but because his body was too light, not only did his body not descend, but it slowly floated up.

Just as he was about to surface, Li Qing subconsciously controlled all the corpse energy to gather between his chest and abdomen.

At this moment, Li Qing suddenly found that his body had become extremely heavy, and he slowly sank down without any movement.

At this time, Zhuzhu was running desperately along the path to the cliff with a pile of clothes, and then ran towards Renjiacun with the three pale-faced women who were frightened by Li Qing.

On the cliff, Ahao licked his lips in fear.

For some reason, he always felt like he was in big trouble.

Thinking of the zombie's eyes looking back at him when he jumped off the cliff, Ahao's heart suddenly beat violently.

"No, I have to send Nintendo to Renjia Village as soon as possible, and then talk to the master about this!"

Thinking of this, Ahao swallowed, trembled all over and rang the Sanqing Bell, controlling Nintendo and walking quickly towards Renjiacun.

After his figure disappeared, three figures slowly walked out of the woods.

A young man with a prickly heat on his chin was pale. He glanced at Ahao's back, then looked at the direction of the cliff, and with trembling lips said to a man wearing a straw hat next to him: "Old, old , Boss, did you see it just now? Did I, did I see it wrong? "

After he finished saying this, the man in the straw hat responded with trembling lips: "No, no, I just saw it too!" After saying this, he swallowed again.

At this time, the man next to them, who was as short and fat as a bucket, said with bright eyes: "Boss, what do you think we go and fish out the zombie that jumped into the pool and sell it for money?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the man in the straw hat raised his eyebrows, then raised his hand and hit the pudgy young man on the head.


Following the sound, the short, fat young man was beaten and staggered forward two steps.

He looked back with a confused expression, only to see that the young man wearing the straw hat was already livid, and then he yelled at him: "You are an idiot, didn't you see that the zombie didn't even have a Taoist talisman on its forehead? No. Do you dare to approach a zombie with a talisman on it?"

After saying this, he said to the young man with prickly heat on his chin: "Let him find the zombie under the pool, and we will go find the one with the talisman on his forehead!" As he spoke, he Chasing in the direction where Ah Hao disappeared.

The pudgy young man looked at the two figures and snorted coldly: "Hmph, go ahead. After I sell this zombie, even if you beg me, I won't give you a single copper!" As he spoke, he suddenly raised his head and slowly walked down the mountain along the path Zhuzhu had come up before.

Halfway through the journey, the short and fat young man suddenly looked back. After seeing that no one was following him, an enigmatic smile appeared on his face, and then he said to himself: "Tsk, tsk, you can do invisibility." Purple Zombie! If you can subdue it and practice it carefully, it will be of great use in the future!"

After saying this, he took out two purple talismans from his arms, then clasped his hands to hold the talismans in his hands, closed his eyes and silently recited the spell to open the Yin and Yang Eyes, and then saw his hands tremble, and in his hands The purple talisman sandwiched between it ignited with a 'whoosh' sound. Then he flashed the flaming talisman in front of his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, a faint red light flashed in his eyes.


After the young man laughed twice, he quickly walked towards the pool.

In the pool, Li Qing was about to stop after descending more than ten meters, but he found that a yin energy suddenly appeared under his body.

After feeling the yin energy, Li Qing's eyes suddenly flashed slightly. How could there be such a strong yin energy under the pool?

After thinking about it, he sank.

As he descended deeper and deeper, the yin energy became stronger and stronger.

After about two or three minutes, Li Qing's face became serious.

More than 40 corpses were seen floating quietly more than ten meters below.

The bodies of these corpses were slightly leaning forward, swaying from side to side with the flow of the pool water, as if they were walking.

As he descended slowly, the corpses underwater became gradually clearer in his eyes.

I saw these corpses covered by water and grass. They were uniformly dressed in Qing Dynasty soldier uniforms. Perhaps because they had been soaked for too long, the clothes on these corpses were in tatters, and even the color was faintly white.

Because of the flowing water in the pool, the black hair floating upwards on these corpses was rippling slightly with the water.

Just when Li Qing descended to these corpses, his eyes widened suddenly and his face became solemn.

I saw that not only did the bodies of these corpses not have any trace of decay, but they were all green, as if they had just died.

What made Li Qing solemn was not this, but the fact that these corpses were all tied with finger-thick rusty iron chains around their waists.

One end of these chains was tied around the waist of the corpse, and the other end was inserted into the dark bottom of the pool.

Li Qing took a deep look at these corpses, and then continued to look serious.

He wanted to see what was at the end of these chains.

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