Unify all heavens

Chapter 121 The past!

"What are you doing?"

He stared fiercely.

"Nothing, nothing, master (uncle), keep talking!"

The four young men shook their heads and said in unison.

Seeing this, Mamadi frowned and asked expressionlessly: "Want to hear it?"

When the four young men heard this, they nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

After seeing this, Mamadi immediately sneered and shouted: "You want to hear it, why don't you bring me some water? Didn't you see that your mouth is already dry before I told you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw four bamboo tubes filled with water placed in front of him.


After seeing these four bamboo tubes, Ma Ma Di suddenly choked and coughed. Then he took a sip from a bamboo tube with his eyes wide open, then glared at them fiercely and asked to Taoist Wuye: "Where did I just talk?"

Taoist priest Wuye smiled and said, "You just mentioned the little girl's problem!"

He nodded and continued: "At that time, there was only one little girl left in Jiuquan Town. Brother Ninth had already left, but none of us were suitable to accept disciples, so the little girl was given a break. The master was taken away. Soon after we left Jiuquan Town, we heard people say that a corpse demon appeared in the town not far from Jiuquan Town. When we were about to rush there, we heard that two Taoist priests Qian and Wu , including their disciples, all died in the hands of that corpse demon."

When he said this, he sighed numbly: "Alas, Maoshan disciples killed ghosts and suppressed zombies, but in the end they all died in the hands of these evil creatures!" He drank some water with an ugly face, shook his head and said: " When we saw their corpses, we heard that Tu Long and a zombie actually fought with the corpse monster. Although we don’t know why they fought, but in the end only Tu Long survived, and Tu Long was the only one who survived. I don’t know what fate the dragon got, but he turned into an immortal bone!"

"Not turning into bones???"

When he heard this, Taoist Master Wuye suddenly took a breath of air and his eyes were as wide as bells.

After Ahao saw the shocked look on Wuye Taoist Priest's face, he asked Ma Ma Di with a puzzled look on his face: "Master, what is the non-bone?"

He snorted coldly and explained: "When jumping zombies evolve into flying zombies, there will be a transitional state in the middle, and this state means that they will not turn into bones. After reaching this state, all the flesh and blood of the zombie will shrink into the bones. , then purple tendons appear outside the bone."

When he said this, Mamadi's eyes suddenly narrowed. He looked at the fire in front of him and sighed with a sad face: "If it were just like this, how could there be such troublesome things now? What makes us most surprised is that Dragon Slayer was in that town at the time. He killed more than a dozen people, and then after the corpses transformed, Dragon Slayer disappeared out of thin air with these zombies, and then when he showed up again three years later, he had evolved into a flying zombie!"

"Three years to evolve into a flying zombie???"

Taoist priest Wuye stood up abruptly, with a look of disbelief on his face.

When he was studying Taoism in the mountains, he heard his master say that it would take at least hundreds or even thousands of years to evolve into a flying zombie without turning into bones.

Not far away, Li Qing's eyes widened sharply.

What kind of luck did Dragon Slayer encounter in the three years he disappeared, which actually allowed him to evolve into a flying zombie in just three years!

After seeing Taoist Wuye's shocked look, Mami shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "You know why our senior brothers are being followed by people this time, because these people want to know why Dragon Slaying can be done in three years. It evolves into a flying zombie!"

Taoist Master Wuye took a deep breath, frowned and said, "Can we explain to those Taoist brothers?"

Shaking his head numbly, he said: "Do you think we didn't explain it? We have been explaining it for more than ten years, but these people not only didn't believe it, but also spoke harshly to them. In the end, Simu quarreled with them out of anger, and was seriously injured. !”

After hearing this, Taoist Wuye's expression changed drastically.

Before he could speak, Mami's eyes flashed with a cold light and he continued: "After the four eyes were seriously injured, we completely broke up with them. Last year, Qianhe was plotted by those people when he was driving away the corpses, and he was killed. All the zombies we drove were sold to foreigners! This caused the reputation of our Maoshan to plummet."

The moment he finished speaking, Mumadi's face turned livid, and he gritted his teeth and said, "And all this is because of that scumbag Tulong!"

Taoist Priest Wu Ye's face turned ugly after hearing this, and he said angrily: "It doesn't matter if the dragon slaying is flying dead. The worst we can do is invite the masters and uncles in the sect to come out. If these elders of the sect come down, the dragon slaying is flying dead." Even Zong can’t escape the end of being wiped out in ashes!”

He sighed numbly and said: "Five years ago, Senior Brother went up the mountain to invite Senior Uncle Lingyun down, but after searching for half a month, Tu Long could not be found. Even the twenty-year-old Tu Long who had been with Tu Long all year round Many of the zombies disappeared! Then as soon as Uncle Lingyun returned to the mountain gate, Dragon Slayer began to wreak havoc on the world again, with thousands of zombies under his command."

After hearing this, Taoist Priest Wuye's eyes instantly stared like bells, and his lips trembled as he asked: "What, what, what's going on? With Uncle Lingyun's cultivation, how could he find someone for half a month?" How about not slaying the dragon?"

He scratched his back with a grin on his face, and then said: "After fighting with it for so many years, we finally discovered something!" He paused for a moment and sneered: "Slaying dragons every one or two Yue will disappear once, and this time it is when he first appears, so Simu hurriedly went back to the mountain to call for people, and tried to kill the dragon this time! To avoid future troubles!"

After hearing this, Li Qing, who was not far away, subconsciously narrowed his eyes.

Disappearing every month or two?

Just when he was thinking about whether it was that possible, he heard Mamadi suddenly say: "By the way, there is a palm-sized purple coffin hanging on Tulong's chest. We are all thinking about the period when he disappeared. Will time be hiding in that coffin!”

"Purple coffin?!"

Li Qing was shocked when he heard this, and his face became extremely gloomy.

No wonder Dragon Slaying could evolve into Flying Zombie three years ago. It turned out that it actually got a purple coffin.

This means that Tu Long is the fifth inheritor of the Purple Coffin?

Thinking of this, Li Qing's eyes turned cold.

To him, it didn't matter whether Tu Long betrayed him or not, because he had originally thought that before returning, he would absorb the corpse energy from Tu Long before he could evolve to the point of jumping into zombies.

Because he had not practiced corpse control at that time, his relationship with Dragon Slayer seemed stable. However, if Dragon Slaying's realm exceeded him by two major levels, he would automatically be out of his control.

Therefore, after Tu Long surrendered, Li Qing did not let Tu Long absorb corpse energy or suck the blood of Taoists.

Because dragon slaying is an unstable element.

At this moment, Mamadi suddenly stretched and stood up, and then said to Ahao beside him: "It's getting late, you go and deliver Nintendo's body to Renjia Village, and then go to the Zombie Inn to wait. our!"

After saying this, he said to Taoist Wuye: "Junior brother, let's meet at the Zombie Inn in three days. I will send these zombies to the East and West Villages!"

Taoist Master Wuye nodded to Mummy, then made a seal with both hands on his chest and said, "Senior brother, walk slowly!"

Not far away, Li Qing watched Ahao ringing the Sanqing Bell and taking away a walking corpse. The gloomy look on his face not only disappeared, but also grinned.

It really took no effort to find it after breaking through the iron shoes. Unexpectedly, he met Nintendo as soon as he woke up!

By the way, when the two chapters were released at different times, there were still more than 400 recommendation votes every day. In the past two days, when the two chapters were released together, there were only more than 100 votes every day. This is heartbreaking for everyone. Please recommend me! . . . Then it will be put on the shelves on the 26th, and there will be a minimum of ten updates on the same day.

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