Unify all heavens

Chapter 120 Fourteen Years

After hearing Mamadi's voice, the expressions of the two young men changed drastically. They stood up hurriedly and turned to look at Mamadi.

As a result, Momadi's face looked even more anxious than theirs. She stared and said anxiously: "The rabbit meat fell into the fire!!!"

The two of them were stunned when they heard this: "Huh?"

Just when they were stunned, they saw the two of them passing quickly, and then hurriedly picked up the rabbit meat from the fire, and then blew the rabbit meat with their hands while blowing it. Wood ash stained on it.

At this time, Taoist Priest Wuye was also following Mamadi closely. When Mamadi's two disciples reacted, they saw Mamadi and Taoist Wuye already squatting in front of the fire, looking distressed. He blew the wood ash on the rabbit meat.

After seeing their appearance, Ahao squatted beside Momadi with a grimace, staring at the rabbit meat in Momadi's hand with bright eyes, looking like he was hesitant to speak.

While patting the wood ash on the rabbit meat, Mami frowned and glared at him, and said impatiently: "If you have something to say, just say it, don't dawdle!"


Ah Hao coughed lightly, then asked with a stiff smile on his face: "Master, have you gone to the Zombie Inn for dinner?"

Momadi turned her head when she heard this and asked with a strange look on her face: "Have you eaten? What's wrong?"

Ahao breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, patted his chest and said with a smile: "That's good, that's good, I will bake this rabbit."

Before he could finish his words, he heard him say with a numb smile: "Master knows that you roasted this rabbit for me to eat. Well, I just walked such a long way and I'm a little hungry!" As he spoke, he raised his eyebrows. He patted Ah Hao's shoulder with his hand and wiped the grease from his hand on Ah Hao's shoulder.

Ah Hao looked at the grease on his shoulders, his face turned bitter for a moment, then he touched his dry belly, took a deep breath and mustered up his courage and said, "But master, I roasted this rabbit for you."

Just as he was speaking, Mami suddenly narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth, and then the next moment he suddenly made a sound of 'ah, ah, sneeze'.

Ah Hao's face suddenly stiffened, and he stared at the rabbit meat with dull eyes.

Momadi raised her hand and rubbed her nose with a relieved look on her face, then handed the rabbit meat to Ahao, and said in a generous manner: "Why, if you want to eat it, I'll give it to you!"

Ah Hao looked at the rabbit meat in front of him that had been insulted by the numb snot, then waved his hand, pursed his lips tightly, and said with a look of pain: "No need, master, just eat it. I'm not hungry!"


As soon as he finished speaking, a strange sound came from his stomach.

After Momadi heard this voice, his expression remained unchanged, pretending to be ignorant, and continued to turn over the oily rabbit meat roasted on the fire.

Just when Ahao stood up with a grimace and walked to other places, he saw Taoist Wuye who was roasting rabbit meat, waved his hand to him, and said with a smile on his face: "Come to my place, I'm just right Not hungry!”

Ahao's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he walked quickly to Taoist Wuye as if he was about to cry with excitement. He said with a moved face, "Thank you, uncle!" while reaching out his hand to grab him. Taoist priest Wuye held a rabbit meat branch in his hand.

As a result, just when his hands were about to grab the branch, Wuye Taoist priest suddenly turned sideways to avoid Ahao's hand, then took out two steamed buns from his arms, and then put the steamed buns away with a kind smile. He handed it to Ah Hao and said at the same time: "Eat, uncle is not hungry!"

Ah Hao took the steamed bun with a stupid look, and then looked at Taoist Wu Ye with a dull expression.

At this moment, he especially wanted to smash the steamed bun in his hand hard, forcefully and without any emotion on the faces of Taoist Wuye and his master.

However, after thinking about the consequences, Ah Hao could only hold these two hard steamed buns with a bitter look on his face and walked to Ah Qiang who was already squatting under the tree.

Ah Hao handed the steamed buns to Ah Qiang and said angrily: "What the hell is this? Those two rabbits were obviously baked for us to eat, but they took them away!"

Aqiang smiled and said nothing.

At this moment, they heard the sound of "ringing, ringing, ringing" from behind them. Aqiang and Ahao looked back subconsciously and saw a young man driving nine walking corpses towards their direction.

"Keep away from strangers~ The Immortal is back!"

After seeing this young man, Aqiang and Ahao suddenly smiled on their faces.

At this moment, Li Qing arrived invisibly not far from Ah Qiang and Ah Hao, relying on the beating sound of the nine walking corpses driven by Ah Fa, until Li Qing jumped on a tree not far from them. Next, several people present did not notice him.

After standing quietly under the tree, Li Qing turned his attention to Ma Ma Di and Wu Ye Taoist priests who were roasting rabbit meat.

five minutes later;

Momadi and Wuye Taoist priests ate rabbit meat and their mouths were full of oil. Even their hands and faces were shining brightly in the firelight at this moment.

Not far away from them, four young people, Ah Hao, Ah Qiang, Ah Fa and Ah Shui, were sitting in a row under the tree. They were breaking hard steamed buns in their hands and stuffing them into their mouths, with envy on their faces. He looked at Momadi and Taoist Wuye beside the fire.

"Are they still considered masters? They eat rabbit meat, and let their apprentices eat hard steamed buns! Kaka kacha"

"Who says it's not? Oh, click, click, click."

After another five minutes, the four young men's cheeks were sore from chewing the steamed buns, while Ma Ma Di and Wu Ye Taoist priest were content to use their bones to pick out the meat stuck in their teeth.

"Bah, bah, bah!"

Numbly, he spat out the strands of flesh stuck between his teeth and scratched his back.

Taoist Priest Wuye said at this time: "Senior brother, what exactly is going on?"

Momadi looked around first, then sighed, and said to Taoist Wuye who had been waiting for nearly half the night: "Wuye, do you know what happened in Jiuquan Town fourteen years ago?"

The moment he finished speaking, Li Qing's eyes widened not far away.

Fourteen years ago?

So, he was buried in the ground for fourteen years?

Not far away from him, Taoist Master Wuye shook his head first, then frowned and said: "I was still on the mountain when this happened. Although I heard some news later, I am still confused."

Momadi nodded when he heard this, and then sighed: "Then let me start from the beginning!"

"Fourteen years ago, because of a foreign priest in Jiuquan Town"

Unconsciously, he talked numbly for nearly half an hour. Then when he was about to look for water because his mouth was dry, he turned around and found that the four young people had squatted in a row beside him at some point.

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