Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 64: I often look out of place with you because I'm not crazy enough.

PS: [Written at the beginning]

This chapter is purely self-indulgent. It is a playful article promoted by dialogue. Please read it slowly, hoping to catch the airwaves.

This chapter is also a daily routine, it has nothing to do with the main storyline, you can read it or not.

[Hmph, **** article, don't even read it! 】


It is something invisible, intangible, but real.

It can be called reputation or prestige.

As a bondage, it contains invisible rules and regulations, silently controlling the external image of others in the eyes of others.

Even a greedy vampire businessman will pretend to be a great philanthropist; even a corrupt state official will pretend to be an upright and honest parent official.

The higher the position, the more famous one is, the more attention should be paid to the external image, and the feathers should be cherished, so as not to expose the unbearable side of oneself to the outside.


Thinking that with fame and fame, Akuya and the others will pay attention to their own image and stop being stupid, what a hopeless fool!

Outside the mansion in the suburbs where Zhou Fangwu and others live, there is a large open space.

What should have been an empty green meadow was full of people today.

"Come out, come out!"

"We need an explanation!"

"That's right! Give us an explanation!"

A large number of villagers are stuck here, asking the [Heroes] team, Zhou Fangwu and others to come out and give them an explanation.

Seeing that the scene was a little out of control for a while, Zhou Fangwu hurriedly stepped forward to stop it, followed by Akuya, Megumin, Darkness, and Sato Kazuma.

"Be quiet, please be quiet!"

Zhou Fangwu specially moved a tall wooden box, stood on it and looked down at the villagers below, suppressing the chaotic scene.

Use magic power to amplify the sound, and shout loudly:

"I'm Zhou Fangwu, the leader of the [Hero] team, you can tell me if you have any questions!"

Immediately, the villagers below started chattering, and the scene became extremely chaotic again.

Zhou Fangwu hurriedly shouted again: "Come one by one, come one by one!"

"Old man, you come first!"

Pointing to an old man dressed like a farmer, "I don't know what problem you have, just tell me!"

This trick worked very well, and the people below listened quietly to the old man's complaints.

"Master Zhou Fang! Actually, I don't want to come, but that [Crimson Demon girl with a brain problem] from your team comes to my farm every day to release explosion magic, which scares my cattle and sheep away a lot , what can we do if this continues!"

The old man's pitiful appearance is distressing.

"Hey! Who is [the girl from the Crimson Demon Race who has a problem with her brain], tell me clearly!"

"Huihui, shut up!"

"I'm sorry for the old man, please go to the side and wait for a while, and then do the calculation later, and I will compensate you for the loss."

Ignoring Huihui's dissatisfaction, Zhou Fangwu first bowed and apologized with her forcefully, and then offered compensation.


"I'm the owner of the tavern. The High Priest of your team bought high-end sparkling wine from me on credit, and promised to pay it back in a week, but now half a month has passed."

"I'm sorry for the boss, I will pay back the debt immediately, and I will pay 10% more as interest."

Zhou Fangwu settled the arrears on the spot, and at the same time turned around and said to Akuya: "Akuya, as a punishment, the pocket money for this month, the next month, and the next month will be gone. You heard me."


"Aqua, shut up!"

Ignoring Akuya crying and rushing forward to beg for mercy, Zhou Fangwu turned his head to look at the people below.


"I'm the magician of the town, and the crusaders of your team always come sneaking over, trying to steal my inventions!"

"May I ask, what is your invention?"

"Magic tentacle monster."

Good guy, I call him good guy!

Take a closer look, isn't this magician the one who shouted at the adventurer's guild a few days ago to escape the magic-changed tentacle monster and issued a crusade mission.


Darkness, you bastard, are you still thinking about your tentacle pet? !

"Don't worry, I won't let Leslo hurt the team members!" Darkness assured, patting her chest.

That's right, pet No. 2's name has been chosen.

"I'm very sorry, Mister Magician, I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

Zhou Fangwu immediately apologized, "Don't worry, I will take good care of my Crusader and won't let her disturb you again."

"Hey, Wu, buy one, just buy one! Leslow is still waiting for me!"

"Darkness, shut up!"

Ignoring Darkness who was in a hurry, Zhou Fangwu turned to look at the others.


Reappearing are two female thieves who loudly accuse Kazuma Sato.

"The nasty thieves of your team are harassing us in the street!"

"That's right, that's right!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar!

Molesting a female adventurer is a felony, and if it is found out, it will definitely go to jail, and it will be mandatory for more than half a month!

Akuya's face changed suddenly after hearing this, and she stepped back a few steps with her arms folded and looked at Kazuma Sato in disbelief:

"Finally... Finally An couldn't hold back her strong desire, did the scumbag and Zhen take action against other female adventurers?"

Hui Hui also taunted in a low voice: "As expected of scum and truth, the degree of perversion is beyond compare."

Darkness blushed and fell into delusion, as if she was the one being molested.

"Hey! Wait, there's a reason for that!"

Sato Kazuma's face changed in surprise, and he shouted for grievances: "Senior Zhou Fang, you have to trust me!"

Zhou Fangwu patted him on the shoulder, "I have always believed in you, Sato-kun."

"Senior Zhou Fangwu..."

"I've always believed in you... on the pervert side!"

Without waiting for Sato Kazuma to defend himself again, Zhou Fangwu shouted to the guards below who were maintaining order:

"Security, where is the security!"

But in the end Sato Kazuma was not taken away. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The cause of the incident was that the two female thieves humiliated Sato Kazuma in the street, saying that their team's ability to defeat the Headless Horseman was not due to skill but luck.

Sato Kazuki couldn't get enough anger, so he made some indescribable threatening gestures at them to scare them away.

But unexpectedly, the two female thieves complained first, saying that Kazu Sato was really wrong, and tried to slander him by pouring dirty water on him.

Eventually, the misunderstanding was resolved.

Even so, Sato Kazuma's images of scum, ghosts, and obscenities have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and cannot be shaken.

"I'm so tired, I really want to retire." Zhou Fangwu's brain ached.

[Heroes] The positive image that the team established after defeating the Headless Horseman was completely defeated by this group of troubled children!

"Anyway, I still have 250 million Eris in my hand, why don't I give it up, isn't it good to live a leisurely life in the country?"

At this moment, Zhou Fangwu thought of giving up.

"What Wu said, don't we still want to defeat the Demon King!"

"That's right! I haven't cast the ultimate explosion magic yet, how could it end before it even started!"

"I am looking forward to being taken away and humiliated by the devil!"

"As an adventurer, how can you not look at the higher scenery? Defeating the devil is the romance of adventurers!"

After the gathered villagers left, the team members chattered about their opinions.


Seeing their active and unrepentant appearance, Zhou Fangwu was even more angry.

"You guys...don't think this is the end, do you?"

He shouted:

"Everyone, sit up—!"

Preaching time has begun!

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