Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 63: Darkness X Tentacle Pet

Adventurer's Guild

Because the equipment of the team members is being customized, Zhou Fangwu and others are currently free.

Akuya and Megumin sneaked away without knowing what to do.

Sato and Makoto took the opportunity to go to Wiz to learn the skills of the Lich Department.

The previous [Touch of Absorption] was very practical, and he was very greedy. But at that time, Akuya stopped him desperately, and she refused to agree with him to learn, so she had to give up.

But now that Aqua wasn't around, he was left alone, and ran to Wiz's magic item shop as soon as he was informed.

I just don't know what kind of attitude Akua will have when she finds out.

Now there are only him and Darkness left in the team, and they are in a daze at the Adventurer's Guild.

The atmosphere is a little stiff, and someone needs to ease it.

Zhou Fangwu asked first:

"Darkness, have you customized your armor yet?"

"Well, I discussed it with Bill yesterday, and it's basically settled."

While speaking, Darkness tidied up her regular clothes.

From just now, the fiery gazes cast by the surrounding adventurers made her a little shy and a little excited.

no way.

Darkness, who was dressed in normal clothes, had an elegant temperament, fair skin, beautiful skin and a charming figure. In terms of appearance alone, she was an extremely attractive and cold beauty.

This guy, although his performance is useless, but his appearance is still a top-notch beautiful girl.

Of course, if it's just 'on the outside'.

Some people are good-looking, but unfortunately they are not dumb; some people are good-looking, but unfortunately they are abnormal.

"Hey, Wu! I always feel that your thoughts are rude!"

As if every woman's sixth sense is accurate, Darkness also immediately suspected that Zhou Fangwu was slandering her in his heart.

Zhou Fangwu just drank the juice silently, neither admitting nor refuting, but simply admiring the beauty in front of him.

"What are you talking about!"

Darkness said loudly, coyly: "I'm very shy here!"

"Oh, Darkness is such a beauty, this dress suits you very well, I'm so moved."

There was no fluctuation in Zhou Fangwu's voice.

But this was a perfunctory attitude, which made Darkness even more excited.

"Hmm~! Ha~ha~!"

This guy is hopeless.

I don't know whose hands she will fall into in the future.

Just as he was thinking this, the adventurer's door was opened with a bang, and all the adventurers turned their heads to look at the rushing daredevil.

"Sorry! Urgent mission! Urgent mission! I want to entrust an urgent mission!"

Daredevil stood at the door and gasped and shouted loudly:

"A modified tentacle monster!...A modified tentacle monster has escaped! I would like to ask all the male adventurers present to help!"

His voice was loud and clear, and everyone in the Adventurer's Guild could hear what he said.

"Magic tentacle monster... what is it?"

Zhou Fangwu was puzzled.

Everyone knows about tentacle monsters, and I can't say more about those who don't, I can only say...

Wait, ban nesting dolls!

However, the tentacle monsters that often appear in the book, plus the word [magic reform] as a prefix, Zhou Fangwu suddenly felt a strong sense of malice.

— for women!

It has to be said that it is right to seek help from male adventurers!

"Magic tentacle monsters are monsters that only attack women. They will use their tentacles to do such and such indescribable things to women. They are women's public enemies!

It is said that it was created by a certain abnormal magician. "

Darkness explained in detail.

and many more!

'This and that indescribable thing', is that what I think?

in addition!

That perverted magician, I'm sure it's one of the 'braves' sent by Akuya!

"Thank you for your detailed explanation! But what are you going to do, Darkness, why is your face full of eagerness?"

"Because I'm going too!"

remarkably brave!

Although it is courageous, but...

"Wait, Darkness!"

Zhou Fangwu grabbed Darkness who was about to leave, "Magic tentacle monsters will attack women, and how can you fight monsters without equipment?"

"Isn't that better!"

Darkness blushed, "You don't need to take off your equipment, it's more convenient for the magic-changing tentacles to bully you, I'll enjoy it while yelling..."

As she spoke, she fell into the delusion of being attacked by the modified tentacle monster.

You guy, do you want to play tentacle **** again after slime and goo kill?

I have to say, your unusually vigorous change (qing) state (yu) all year round is really shocking!

Really have your Darkness!

"Although I said that, the magic-changed tentacle monster is not a monster that I can deal with alone, so I hope Wu Neng will go with me!"

Darkness invited with a serious face.


What are you going to do?

To see you being toyed with by tentacle monsters?

But in the end Zhou Fangwu agreed to go with Darkness.

Because he was afraid that Darkness would not listen to the advice, and would sneak away to find the magic-modified tentacle monster by himself, and it would be bad if he got hurt again.

Although he agreed to go together, he was thinking in his heart:

The moment he saw the magic-changed tentacle monster, he sent it to the sky with an explosion spell, without giving Darkness a chance to get close.

Out of the Adventurer's Guild

"Then, how do we find it?"

Zhou Fangwu is not very good at finding monsters, so he can only ask Darkness.

"Yes, let me think about it."

Darkness began to think, and said after a while: "The magic-modified tentacle monster will definitely hide in a dark corner with few people and wait for an opportunity to catch her when a female adventurer passes by, and then drag her to a dark place." In the corner, doing all kinds of indescribable things to her!"

While talking, Darkness became excited again.

Zhou Fangwu was sure that the "she" that Darkness spoke of must be a delusion based on her own template.

Because the information given by the client did not include what Darkness said, and the magic-modified tentacle monster was just a very weak monster.

But this weak monster has a special attack attribute on women.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your delusion, but I still want to ask in advance, what are you going to do after you find the magic-modified tentacle monster?"

Although it was unlikely, Zhou Fangwu still asked with a hint of hope.

Darkness said as a matter of course: "Of course I will take it back and keep it as a pet!"

Expectations dashed in an instant!


You guy, just said you want to raise it, right?

Is it the kind of raising I want to not only feed and bathe it, but also "play" with it?

Zhou Fangwu frowned, and said with a headache, "It's a monster, and it's also a tentacle monster. Three of the five members of our team are girls!"

"Don't worry, I won't let Jester hurt everyone!"

Darkness patted her chest and promised.

Have you even thought of a name for it? !

But this made Zhou Fangwu even more determined to blow up the magic-changing tentacle monster to the sky!

I don't know if Zhou Fangwu's determination is too strong, or the demon-changed tentacle monster's desire to survive is too strong, or Darkness's bad luck.

The two of them walked around the Xinshou Village 3 or 4 times, but they didn't see even a single tentacle.

"Let's go back today, Darkness."

It was getting late, Zhou Fangwu felt that Akuya and Huihui should have gone back, so he also planned to go back.


Darkness was rather depressed after not finding the magic-modified tentacle monster.

Just when the two were about to go back, Aqua and Megumin appeared not far away.

"What a beautiful explosion magic, Megumin!"

"Hmph, that's the explosion magic that I'm proud of!"

You can tell from the conversation that Akuya and Megumi have completed the daily mission of one explosion.

"That's right, that strange monster wriggling its tentacles was blown to pieces!"

"Hmph, in front of my supreme explosion magic, even the devil..."

Just when Hui Hui wanted to brag a little longer~www.wuxiamtl.com~ she saw Darkness and Zhou Fangwu.

"Hey! Wu, Darkness!"

"Hey, Megumin and Aqua, you guys are back too! Just right, let's go back together."

Zhou Fangwu also said hello.

"Well, you said just now that the 'strange monster wriggling with tentacles' is..."

Darkness stepped forward and asked anxiously, she had a bad premonition in her heart.

Huihui flicked the magician's cloak, and said proudly: "There is a tentacle monster wandering around, and I, the great magister, took it as a daily burst target and killed it!"


After hearing the news, Darkness fell to her knees in an instant in frustration.

While his face was full of disappointment, he was still muttering: "Jester, Jester, Jester...!"

It can be seen that she loves this pet whom she has never met before.

"That...did I do something wrong?"

Megumin's face was full of doubts, but also a little apologetic.

"It doesn't matter Huihui, you didn't do anything wrong, it's better to say that you did it beautifully!"


Hearing Zhou Fangwu's words, Huihui was even more puzzled.

Zhou Fangwu couldn't bear to see Darkness so sad.

"Darkness, don't be sad, if you really want to, let that magician..."

Just when he wanted to comfort Darkness, he saw that Darkness was blushing and her limbs were trembling with excitement.

"This feeling... this unbelievable sense of loss, the feeling of losing a beloved pet... Is this the feeling of being a tauren?!"


This guy is really hopeless!

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