Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 382: The 12 Powers of the Sun God

Early the next morning.

Zhou Fangwu and Sanila came to a dilapidated ruin.

With a lot of food, and a tent, plus a lot of trivial items.

It looks like you're going to be away for a long time.

Because of his special power, these are all necessary.

"Is it okay here? Isn't this a ruin?"

Looking at the surrounding historical relics, Zhou Fangwu couldn't help being a little puzzled. Logically speaking, shouldn't such places be important places that should be protected? Why would he let himself destroy them?

And Sanila gave the answer.

She smiled and said to Zhou Fangwu: "Yes, although it is a ruin, it is not an important relic. The most important thing is that this ruin will soon be rebuilt and incorporated into the urban planning to become a new residential area, so no matter where you are No matter how rampant it is, it will be wiped out in the end."

Zhou Fangwu sighed slightly after hearing this, and subconsciously complained: "You, don't you think I'm a free labor force?"

As soon as he finished speaking, his heart broke down.

The time is too short, and I haven't changed my identity yet, subconsciously complaining will definitely scare Sanila.

Sure enough, I heard Sanila's frightened and flustered explanation, saying: "No, no, no! How come! Sanila will not let the king do such a despicable thing! If you don't like it, we can change to another place!"

She cried anxiously, almost knelt down to apologize, but fortunately, Zhou Fangwu stopped her.

"No, forget it, it's very troublesome to go to other places. Since you said it's okay here, then it's fine here. It just so happens that destroying something will give me a clear understanding of my own power."

Zhou Fangwu's decision is here.

Anyway, it's just a superficial test of power, and the location doesn't matter. Since they don't care, Zhou Fangwu won't be polite to them.

Close your eyes and communicate with the powers in your mind.

Huge magical power... No, it should be called mana power.

At this time, Zhou Fangwu's magic power has been transformed and strengthened into a higher level of magic power, which is the unique power of [God Slayer].


A illusory sun appeared behind Zhou Fangwu's head, shining on Zhou Fangwu's cheeks with a faint halo, under the sun's illumination, there were illusory patterns mapped on the disk.

His powers are very special, there are as many as 12 of them!





holy snake


fire phoenix



Anka Talisman

grazing cattle


Plus the ship of the sky [Manjet] and [Methick Tait].

In terms of quantity alone, it is already very exaggerated. It is also the first time to kill a god, and the authority obtained is even more than that of Kusanagi Godou!

It is also much more than the other [God Slayers]!

That [pull] is stronger than expected.

If he hadn't descended to the godhood in order to escape from the shackles, he might have wiped himself out in an instant as a "creator **** Ra".

[Sun God] and [Creator God]

The difference between the two is not a star and a half.

No wonder he called himself [Sun God Ra] in his chants, and no wonder he said that his body was the most suitable for him. It turned out that he descended from the gods in order to be able to go out, and finally recovered slowly after thinking about occupying his body Godhead, thus becoming 【Creation God · Ra】again.

Pandora once said that he is a special god, and it seems that the special place is here.

How should I say it?

Lost his wife and lost his army?

No, [La] is even more unlucky than Zhou Yu and Sun Quan.

It doesn't matter if you have descended from [Creation God] to [Sun God], and all the divine power you have accumulated so hard has been taken away by others, and you may not be able to appear from the myth again, isn't this just downright unlucky? .

If it hadn't been for the 10 years of hard waiting that made [La] too eager to lose his mind, he really might not be able to succeed in killing God with the help of Pandora by relying on luck.


Just like the protagonist Kusanagi Godou's various powers are limited, Zhou Fangmu's powers are also limited.

Moreover, the restrictions are more troublesome than those of Kusanagi Godou, and unlike Kusanagi Godou's different powers and abilities when facing enemies, Zhou Fangwu is a little more special!

— Changes over time!

Although in the cognition of the modern society with advanced science, everyone knows that the earth revolves around and rotates around the sun, but the earth in mythology is different.

People in ancient times took the earth as the center of the universe, just like the sun has a constant operation in the sky for thousands of years. It rises from the east every morning, slides to the west every moment, and then rises from the east again.

Zhou Fangwu's authority will also change with the change of the sun.

From [Scarab] at 6 o'clock in the morning to [Goat] at 6 o'clock in the evening, there will be changes every hour.

But unlike the protagonist Kusanagi Godou, Zhou Fangwu can release unlimited powers within a limited time!

This made Zhou Fangwu not very satisfied.

I have worked so hard to sacrifice my life to kill the gods, but in the end I was only given this kind of power.

Although there are many types and powerful effects, there is a big disadvantage in having a time limit. Once the time passes, the power cannot be used. No matter how you think about it, it is unacceptable.

It's not like going to the buffet to eat enough, the enemy will not wait for the time, and wait for the moment when your power comes to restrain yourself.

While you are sick, I will kill you.

This is the truth that everyone understands.

However, the next highlight made Zhou Fangwu feel satisfied and at the same time touched his lips involuntarily, thinking of the loli girl who called herself "Mom".

— [Anis Dora's gift].

Pandora is the first woman made of clay by Hephaestus in Greek mythology, and was given to mankind as punishment for stealing fire from Prometheus.

The gods endowed her with all kinds of things, things, languages, interests, and made her a perfect woman.

So, she has another name.

—[Anistora], meaning [the one who gave the gift].

And [Anistora's gift] is the ability that Pandora gave Zhou Fangwu the ability to protect himself.

The effect is also very simple:

[Ignoring the restrictions, you can fully activate all abilities for an hour]

Super exaggerated!

There is a complete difference between Godhead and Godhead.

Just like Kusanagi Godou's authority, the role of light is useless in front of the higher-ranking Perseus.

[La] killed by Zhou Fangwu, although his godhead has been lowered to [Sun God], but his power and power is at the level of [Creation God]!

Although he has been complaining that the limit is too large, but he can get 12 [Creator God] level powers at one time, even if the limit is larger, he is happy.

It's better than those unlucky ones whose powers are not very powerful, and who need sacrifices, and then can't use them again within 7 days after using their powers.

What else is it called [God Killer]?

You said yes, [Anne Charlton], it was you!

Power 【Super Transformation】

Known as the [Pluto], although she has the powerful power exclusive to the [God Slayer], she can transform into various forms, but because she has to offer sacrifices, and after using a power, she cannot be killed in seven days. It will be used again within the period, so it is considered to be the weaker of the old [God Slayer].

Even the 6th [Sword King Anthony] who only has 3 powers can defeat her, after all, he has the power to cut off all existence regardless of everything.

And the ability bestowed by Pandora really solved Zhou Fangwu's serious illness.

You can kiss, hug, act like a baby, and get help.

So, who doesn't like such a "mother"?

Please give me a dozen!

"Then there is still some time for success, let's try the power."

Zhou Fangwu pulled out the [Devourer] from his waist, and then cut off his arm without blinking.

The arm fell to the ground, and a lot of blood was flying around. If it is not treated in time, it may cause bleeding to death.

Zhou Fangwu's sudden action made Sanila who was not far away pale with fright.

"You, what are you doing... my king!"

She quickly dug out a first aid kit from the sundries she brought, and then quickly ran towards Zhou Fangwu, intending to bandage his wound.

Zhou Fangwu stopped her and said, "No, no need, Sanila."

"But, but...!"

"It's okay, I did it on purpose."

Facing Sanila's puzzled and worried eyes, Zhou Fangwu activated [Scarab·Reset].


With a flash of light, the arm that fell on the ground disappeared, and once again bonded to Zhou Fangwu's upper arm, even the blood that had spilled on the ground disappeared.

If it weren't for the damage on the sleeves, Zhou Fangwu would have thought that Zhou Fangwu wasn't injured at all!

"Good, so strong...!"

"Oh—, is this power? It's really beyond my expectation."

[Scarab] is based on the myth that the sun rises from the east every day, which will remain unchanged no matter what happens in the world, so it has evolved a power called [Reset].

That is: at 6 o'clock every day, you can restore your own state to the time point you set, unlimited times!

Cut off the arm again, reset it again, and experimented back and forth dozens of times.

Not only this, but also releasing various curse spells on himself, but all of them were reset to the initial state. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Zhou Fangwu can finally conclude that during this period of time, he can really reset his state without limit.

Accidents can be used as a trump card?

Zhou Fangwu's mind became active.

Just imagine, if there is a battle with the enemy one day, and then you are about to defeat yourself with difficulty. But I didn't expect that I suddenly reset my own state to reach the peak. Is the enemy going to collapse?

It's interesting to think about it.

In the end, he made a cut on his arm, and after a simple bandage, he didn't care about it.

After all, the power test experiment will continue.

Is it true that after the time has passed, he cannot use the power of the previous time period, and Pandora gave him the [Anistora's gift] that can save his life? He still needs to experiment with these two abilities.

Next, it is the experiment of other powers.

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