Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 381: Godslayers with common sense are rare

early morning.

When the first ray of sunlight shined on Zhou Fangwu through the clouds, the halo covering his whole body gave him a sense of sacredness.

At this time, Zhou Fangwu was sitting on a bench in the garden, reading some information he asked Sanila to collect.

When I first arrived in this world, if there is no information, the timeline cannot be determined, and other arrangements cannot be made.

"So what, am I the seventh godslayer to kill the gods... Then, Kusanagi Godou hasn't killed the gods yet."

Zhou Fangwu is a godslayer, even if he didn't ask, those people would tell other information about Zhou Fangwu's 'same kind'.

As a matter of course, he will also tell other godslayers about his information.

"No, hasn't Pandora already told me that I am the seventh godslayer?"

Zhou Fangwu subconsciously touched the lips that seemed to have an aftertaste, and he could even feel the softness that still remained on them.

He obtained the power in [Yujie], and promised Pandora to help her escape from the shackles.

These, he has not forgotten.

He didn't know if it was his own characteristics, or Pandora's hands and feet, he remembered them all clearly.

Of course, [Mother's Reward] is also remembered.

There is another thing that makes Zhou Fangwu more concerned.

It was the girl he met when he first came to this world.

Zhou Fangwu described her appearance and asked Sanila to check.

According to the sorted out information, the girl has actually lived for hundreds of years, and she is also one of the seven [God Slayers] [Demon Cave Witch Mrs. Aisha].

Similarly, he also learned that the place where he appeared in the first place was called [Yujie], a place where humans can hardly come out after entering.

"Sure enough, she wants to save herself."

Zhou Fangwu was not angry that Mrs. Aisha threw him out, after all, it was to save himself.

Thinking about it carefully, she desperately explained and wanted to apologize, probably because she was not sure where she could throw her, so she apologized in advance in order to let herself forgive her.

There can only be one reason.

Mrs. Aisha has the power called [Corridor of the Fairy Realm], which can open the [Unworldly Barrier].

She has no control over this power, and its effect is that it usually goes where those in need are.

It is probably because of this that she will be happy to see herself.

As for the rest...

Zhou Fangwu didn't think that Mrs. Aisha, who was as weak and kind as Wiz, would deliberately let herself die.

In other words, it was a pure coincidence that I was thrown into the [Crokodi Lopoli Ruins] to fight with [Sun God Ra].

"No... it still has something to do with her."

Zhou Fangwu subconsciously felt something was wrong.

He suddenly remembered that Mrs. Aisha also had a power called [Grace of the Lucky Saint].

The effect of this power is that as long as Mrs. Aisha does good deeds, it will bring her super high luck, and at the same time, it will also bring super bad luck to those who hinder her. It is a super power related to [fate].

Ah, by the way, this ability can be turned off on its own.

But because Mrs. Aisha's personality is relatively unconscious, and she is easy to lose control, so it is not impossible for Zhou Fangwu to be implicated.

But... did I hinder her?

I don't understand, it's the first time we met, could it be that her authority saw the evil thoughts in her heart, so she fought back on her own?

No, no, no, she was the one who did it first, and it has nothing to do with me!

Well, it doesn't matter!

"My lord, Sanila has already prepared breakfast, please move over to enjoy it."

"Well, sorry to trouble you."

Following Sanila's footsteps, she came to a noble and elegant luxury restaurant.

Saying this may sound like a nouveau riche, but in fact, every part of this large manor is so magnificent.

And there are no men in the manor!

They are all maids, and they are all young, beautiful and beautiful girls with different styles!

After waking up and living here for 3 days, Zhou Fangwu has enjoyed the treatment of a king. As long as he makes a request, the maids around will definitely agree.

whatever it is!

But Zhou Fangwu understood that this was just a cover-up, a necessary means to please himself.

It is even possible that they want to use this method to indirectly control themselves.

Zhou Fangwu can use his energy and brain to show his animal nature, and do all kinds of outrageous things to these beautiful girls and maids, but in this way, he not only loses his face as a "God Slayer" but also a "hero", and lowers his own self-esteem. At the same time, it will also allow other people in power to find their own flaws.

Seeing that the table was filled with all kinds of rich dishes, Zhou Fangwu sighed slightly.

It's too greasy.

Who can eat big fish and meat early in the morning, shouldn't it be light?

Moreover, every meal is super-standard, gorgeous and rich. No matter how delicious it is, it is still the same every day.

He gave an order to the maid standing beside him who wanted to serve him.

"Sanila, tomorrow's breakfast will be simple and light, do you understand?"

"But! My lord, this is detrimental to you..."

Not giving her a chance to continue, Zhou Fangwu said forcefully, "This is an order."

"...Yes, yes. Follow the king's order." Sanila lowered her head and replied in a low voice.

Looking at her slightly trembling body, I can't help but wonder if I'm really that scary?

Although his face looks more heroic, but his personality is still relatively kind.

After thinking about it, he greeted the maids standing beside him.

"Sanila, and the few of you, sit down and have breakfast together."

"No, no, no! You are the king, I will wait for your servant..."

"This is an order."

Zhou Fangwu didn't want to waste his tongue, and they couldn't evade with one sentence.

"Yes Yes."

Led by Sanila, the other maids showed embarrassment, but sat down tremblingly.

Being far away from Zhou Fangwu, he only dared to eat the food placed in front of him.

"Really, too stiff, you guys."

Even Zhou Fangwu couldn't help them correct this inherent impression of being afraid of powerful people in just three days, so they might as well let them discover the fact that they are not so scary.

Zhou Fangwu was angry, but he was angry at those in power who did not treat human beings as human beings, and indirectly caused hundreds of thousands of people to die.

These maids are just poor people who were sent here to 'vent their desires'.

If I do some outrageous things again, then I'm really blackmailing my [hero].

"Well, this bread is delicious! Who made it?"

"Yes, it's me."

There was a little joy on Sanila's face, she was honored to be a weak person to hear the praise of the strong.

"Because I saw that Wang was interested in bread when he was eating, I studied it specially. It's great to be recognized by you, Wang."

"In such a short time?!"

Zhou Fangwu was slightly surprised, "3 days...no, this level can be achieved in 2 days. Sanila, you are really a genius."

"Your praise makes Sanila terrified."

Sanila lowered her head and said shyly, "You are the king. You can speak Arabic so fluently in only 2 or 3 days. Sanila really admires you."

That's right.

From just now, Zhou Fangwu was communicating with Sanila in Arabic.

But she misunderstood, this is actually the effect brought about by Godslayer's exclusive [Thousand Languages], and has nothing to do with him.

Although [Analysis and Imitation] can also be done, the time will be a little slower than [Thousand Languages].

"No, no, I have a special reason, Sanila is, you are a genius... ah, in terms of cooking."

The added words were deliberately teasing her.

Zhou Fangwu knew from the first day that Sanila was actually a saint.

It's not the 'saint' who can be used both day and night in the monastery, but a real saint with spiritual power.

Just like the miko in the island country, she actually has a special ability called [spiritual vision].

Information about gods and godslayers can be seen.

She was also specially sent by those in power to curry favor with Zhou Fangwu, simply wanting Zhou Fangwu to treat her as a useful tool.

Be it in bed or in battle.

"No, no, you are the one who is called the [King of Miracles], and you are the real strong man selected from the vast sea of ​​people."

She waved her hands hastily.

However, what she said always made Zhou Fangwu wonder if she was deliberately **** herself off.

"[The King of Miracles]...."

Zhou Fangwu knew that this title actually had a derogatory meaning hidden in it.

It sounds like [miracle], but it sounds like [shit luck].

From their point of view, being able to kill the [God of Disobedience] was entirely due to **** luck, not even the outbreak of [European Emperor].

But they dare not say it blatantly, so the title can only be called like this

"I think, there must be some people in power who are coveting the power and are furious. I don't know where the wild boy stole the power before them. It must make them hate me. Right, Sanila. "

"no no…"

"But, they haven't thought about it. In fact, do I have a big prejudice against them?"

Zhou Fangwu changed from his kindness just now, his eyes radiated a cold light.

Several maids including Sanila fell to their knees in fear, trembling and afraid to speak.

"For my own selfishness, I let such people die. Do you think I will bypass them, Sanila?"

"…Yes Yes!

O king, your determination is absolute, your order is absolute, your will is absolute, Sanila is willing to follow in your footsteps!

It's just... If you want to vent your anger, please do it to me, to us, no matter what kind of punishment it is, we will accept it!

Please, please...don't blame ordinary people in Fayoum province!

Please, my king! "

Sanila lowered her head and closed her eyes tightly. Beads of sweat flowed from her forehead and dripped onto the ground.

She was terrified.

But for the sake of her people, she is willing to sacrifice herself!

"...Stupid, I wouldn't take my anger out on other innocent people."

Zhou Fangwu patted her on the head lightly, "But you are right, you have to be careful not to hurt other people. Um... Sanila, do you know where there is an open place nearby that is not afraid of being destroyed?"

"...Huh?" Sanila was slightly taken aback.

And Zhou Fangwu explained with a smile: "So, before negotiating with them, I want to try my power. I can't fight at that time, and then my power will destroy the whole city by accident~www. wuxiamtl.com~Although what she said was scary, Sanila felt grateful to Zhou Fangwu.

"Compared to other [God Slayers], it's great that you have common sense!"

Sanila said sincerely.

Seeing her gratified smile, Zhou Fangwu was so angry that he pinched her little face and asked viciously.

"Ah, what do you mean? Sanila, are you dissatisfied with me?"

"No, how dare Sanila! I was wrong, I was wrong, I was really wrong!"

Sanella begged for mercy.

But imperceptibly, this oppressive feeling dissipated.

Even the other maids kneeling on the ground behind them showed grateful smiles to Zhou Fangwu.

It's great that the new king isn't a brutal man.

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