Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 350: It's ready, I'm in a hurry

"Who are you and why are you here? This is a place that only hot spring administrators can enter, please leave quickly!"

His tone was very aggressive, as if outsiders like Zhou Fangwu and others had violated his territory.

If he hadn't known that he was actually a member of the Demon King's Army, Zhou Fangwu and the others might have been tricked by him.

"You bastard, what are you pretending to do here! You **** dare to pollute this town, I must purify you!"

Akuya immediately turned into a violent little girl.

There was a lot of holy light condensing on the right hand that had just been healed, and she couldn't wait to punch this powerful fist on his disgusting face.

"Hey... Why do I feel like I've seen this familiar face somewhere before? Where is it... Huh? You are Mr. Hans!"

Wiz, who stood at the back, thought for a moment when he saw the middle-aged man, and then directly exposed the lie he wanted to keep concealing.

"You, you, you, you... what are you talking about?"

Hans turned his head, not daring to look directly at Wiz standing in front of him.

He looked very shaken.

This is the most intuitive manifestation of a guilty conscience.

"Mr. Hans, it's me, it's me!" Wiz stepped forward again, and said to him, "I'm Wiz, your colleague in the Demon King's Army!"

"What are you talking about, the Demon King's Army or something... I don't even know!"

His final voice of justification was even more flustered.

"Mr. Hans! It's me, Lich Wiz!"

"Lich or something... Isn't that the highest level of undead! Such a dangerous existence... All in all, I don't have poison on my body, and I didn't pollute the hot spring!"

He said that basically self-inflicted.

Everyone present said that the hot spring was polluted, but no one said that poison was used, and Hans was forced to tell the real reason why the hot spring was polluted by Wiz.

But this immediately woke up Wiz, and she suddenly remembered Hans' identity.

"Speaking of poison... Mr. Hans, I remember you are a mutant of slime, poisonous slime, right?"

"What! What... I don't even know what you're talking about!"

Like an impatient entertainer being asked, he always uses the standardized answer of "can't tell for the time being", perfunctory Wiz who wants to recognize him.

Then, Hans began to look for excuses, "You people are always talking nonsense here, I don't understand what you mean anymore, forget it, I'm leaving!... In other words, please get out of the way, please? "

He's looking for an excuse to escape!

Unfortunately, no one gave him the chance to leave.

"There's no need to explain, Hans!"

"Don't pass here, Hans!"

"Do you think anyone would believe it, Hans!"

"That's all, Hans!"


Don't call me by my first name, you bastards—! "

Under Wiz's troubles, Hans' identity could no longer be concealed, and his self-esteem as a Demon King's Army no longer allowed him to continue escaping.

Hans' face became contorted.

He stared at Wiz first, and reprimanded him loudly: "Wiz, why are you here?! Didn't you say that you want to leave the castle and open a shop in any town! Then why are you still lounging around here? Hang around, go to work obediently for me!"

"It's too much-! People also work hard! But, I don't know why, the harder you work, the less money you can make."

Wiz cried out aggrieved.

But Hans didn't care, because Wiz made trouble just now, exposed his identity and blocked his plan.

"Then work hard for me! Don't stop until you die!"

He is like a black-hearted boss who wants to make workers 007, but doesn't want to spend a penny.

"Oh... why, it became like this..."

Hans sighed tiredly, "For this plan, I spent a long time investigating this town, completed the preparations, and finally put in practice... Wiz, as an irrelevant person who is only in charge of the enchantment of the Demon King's army castle Or, why did you deliberately come to hinder me?"

"...Huh?!...Well, could it be that I disturbed Mr. Hans? I, obviously want to say hello to Hans!"

"That's already bothering me—!"

Hans roared loudly, reprimanding the weak Wiz for being merciless.

"Look! My identity has been exposed!"

"Eh-, yes, I'm sorry-!"

Wiz quickly apologized.

But apologizing now won't help, because his long-held plan has collapsed.

"You guys... I remember [Heroes], right?"

To Zhou Fangwu's surprise, Hans seemed to know their identities.

"Where, don't underestimate me... From the moment you came to this town, I have already investigated your identities."

Hans pointed at the crowd with contemptuous eyes, and his tone was full of suspicion: "You guys, how did you kill Beldia and Barnier?"

"Relying on our strong strength and firm determination!... I have always wanted to say this sentence, and today I finally said it."

Before Zhou Fangwu could speak, Sato Kazuma said these words in a cool manner.

This sentence is very good, and it has the standard lines of a passionate protagonist.

Of course, it would be nice if there was no suffix that kills the scenery.

"Oh, how dare you be so arrogant... However, if you can kill Beldia and Barnier, and you don't flinch when you see me, you should have some strength..."

It seems that Hans also has the intention of preparing for battle.

"Well... if possible, I really don't want you guys to fight, can't you sit down and have a good communication?"

"How is it possible, you stupid lich!"

Hans was still reprimanding Wiz loudly, "I am the Demon King's Army, and they are human beings, how can they sit down and communicate?"

"But, am I not an example?"

Zhou Fangwu: "..."

Hans: "..."

other people:"…"

The air suddenly froze. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"You are a special person, you don't look aggressive at all, but you actually look like a doormat, plus you are a human being, of course they won't fight you!"

Hans spoke loudly, and then his body began to swell unnaturally.

First the arms turned into a ball of fluid, then the legs, and finally the head.

He becomes it.

Rather, it returned to its original appearance.

The appearance of the middle-aged man just now was imitated by it with its mimicry skills.

"And I'm different... I'm a slime, born as a special mutant monster, it's absolutely impossible to sit down and communicate with you guys!

Suffer to death, you group of trash fish, see if I don't take you..."

"【Absolutely Bingjie—!】"

Just when Hans was about to launch a poison attribute attack, a cold air that could almost freeze everything into ice suddenly emerged from the ground and wrapped Hans' huge body like a mountain.

This is the super ice attribute magic released by Zhou Fangwu.

The ice covering its body completely imprisoned it at the speed of its incomprehensible reaction.

It turned into a lifelike ice sculpture mountain, motionless in front of everyone.


"Ah... I just said it, if only I could sit down and communicate well. Why don't you listen to me?"

Weiss held his forehead with helplessness on his face.

It's a pity that Hans can't hear this sentence anymore.

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