"This town has been polluted with many hot spring pools in a very short period of time, and the only way to do so quickly is to start from the source on the mountain behind the Axis Church."

The receptionist looked very shrewd at this time, not at all like the confused girl just now.

It seems that she is quite reliable at critical moments.

General Zhou Fang let go of Akuya and asked, "What should I do, Akuya?"

"Needless to say, of course we're going to beat him up!" Akua said viciously, with a dangerous expression on her face.

"Then, except for Darkness, the others are ready to go!"

"Oh—!!" X6

"Beatrice, you stay and protect Darkness."

"Eh? I, but I also want to..."

"Please, she's alone, I'm more worried."

"Hmph, obviously Betty also wants to go with Wu... well, I'll just stay."

"Well, I leave it to you, Betty."

Zhou Fang gave Darkness's safety to Betty, and then led the crowd to run out in a hurry.

"Be careful."

Behind him are the blessings of two women.

To the left of the headquarters of the Axis Church, there is a huge lake, which is also the source of water for the town.

Then, behind the church, on that high mountain, a healing hot spring gushes out.

On the way to the source of the hot spring, there are many soldiers from this town on strict guard to prevent anyone from going up and causing damage.

But in fact, someone has already gone up to sabotage.

"Look! I am the High Priest of the Axis Cult! Please look carefully!"

Akua was holding her own adventurer card in her hand, and she almost hit the face of the soldier in charge of security.

However, she still didn't get permission.

"No! I can't let you in!"

The soldier stared straight ahead without even looking at Akua.

"Even if you are the High Priest of the Axis Cult, we cannot let you go on. The only ones who can go in are the administrators in charge of managing the hot springs."

Straightforward, quite the standard demeanor of a soldier.

But in this way, it will delay time.

"Besides, you are wearing equipment, we can't let you in."

The soldiers looked at them in full armor, and frowning, the hands holding the spears were also secretly exerting force.

There will definitely be a battle next, and of course everyone must be dressed neatly.

It's just that this made the guarding soldiers nervous.

"I said you...!"

Akuya was about to get angry, but suddenly she seemed to remember something, took a steady breath and began to persuade her.

"Hey, as devout Axis believers, you..."

"Ah, sorry, we are followers of the Cult of Eris."

"What did you say-?!?!"

Akua's fur suddenly exploded, and she stomped on the ground and growled angrily: "Why—! Even though you live in this town, why are you believers of Eris!"

"Even if you say so..."

"Hey, please... let's go in! This town, the source of this hot spring is in danger! Think of it as saving this town... No, I'm saving this town—!"

Akua tearfully grabbed the soldier's armor, trying to get sympathy for her poor performance.


"No, no, no! This is the rule!"


Seeing the appearance of the soldiers who didn't know how to adapt, Akua became very angry again.

But she suddenly remembered something, and looked back at Zhou Fangwu with strong longing.

"Oh, really, here you are. Just this once."

Handing Darkness's necklace to Aqua, using a little trickery to make the soldiers sound like Zhou Fangwu didn't want her to use his own power.

That's right, it was to disguise Aqua as the daughter of Lord Dustinis' family.

"Ahahaha-, you guys, watch this!"

After getting the token, Akuya became airy again. She triumphantly raised the necklace in her hand, and hit the soldier's face again.

"Show me clearly, you idiots! This is the proof of Lord Dustinis's house!"

"What...! It turned out to be true!"

The soldiers also had expressions of disbelief.

"Please forgive us for being rude!" xN

The soldiers bowed their heads, then parted to make way.

The title of Lord Dustinis is really useful.


With her head held high, Akuya walked forward in big strides, feeling like she was pretending to be a tiger.

"Um... is Aqua-sama imitating the posture of a noble daughter?"

"...No, it's just a villain's success."

"Hey, stop talking, save face for Akuya."

Akuya, who was walking in front, almost fell over due to the thoughts of the people behind him.

"You guys... remember it for me!"

With a soft snort, she put away her pretentious posture, and then ran towards the mountains.

The mountain road is fairly flat, but there are a lot of weeds on the side of the road, and the snow also hinders the speed of progress.

It may be an important forbidden area, so no one has come to clean it up to now.

But the more you go up, the more people feel that something is wrong.

It may not be because of the forbidden area, but because there are too many monsters on the mountain.

However, to their surprise, these monsters had already lost their breath.


"What is happening?"

Arriving in front of a monster, Sato Kazuma began to inspect and strip the material as a thief class.

This is his professional habit.

"There are no wounds left by swords on the body, and no scars from blunt objects such as wooden sticks. In addition, there are no magic scorched marks on the surroundings and this huge canine tooth...is it poison or acid? !"

Sato Kazuma played out his importance in the team at this moment.

Although Zhou Fangwu is comprehensive, it only shows that he has no shortcomings in strength, but he is really not as strong as Sato Kazuna in these details.

"Judging from the size of the canine teeth, this is at least a monster that can be repelled by intermediate adventurers. It seems that the strength of the troublemaker should not be underestimated... Well, in front of the [Hero] team, they are all miscellaneous creatures who can't make waves. It's just fish."

"It's really commendable for you to be so confident, but it's better not to be so conceited before you know the strength of the enemy."

Habitually told Sato Kazuma not to be too arrogant, but in his heart he already believed that Hans was on top.

"Let's go quickly, I always feel that something is going to happen."

Akuya suddenly made a sound, and Erqi urged everyone to move on with the reason of 'feeling danger'.

"Well, let's go!"

Everyone continued to run up.

Although the road is not easy to walk because of the snow, but fortunately it is still flat, and there is only one road to the top of the mountain.

After an hour, everyone came to the top of the mountain.

"Ha...ha...ha...Senior Zhou Fang, you can fly, can't you take us with you?"

"Yes, I can fly, but I can't bring people to fly with me yet, sorry."

"Forget it, I was just asking casually."

Sato Kazuma wiped the dense sweat from his forehead, then turned his head to look into the distance, and at the same time called everyone to join him.

"Everyone, look!"

Follow the direction of his fingers.

That is a water pipe, and at the end of the water pipe is the source of hot springs constantly emerging...


The hot spring water here is really black!

It was pitch black, and there was still black steam.

"Hey, this is poisonous! The hot spring here is a completely poisonous hot spring!"


Following Sato Kazuma's surprised shout ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Akua ran forward without hesitation, and then stretched her hand into the pitch-black hot spring water...

"It's so hot—!"

Akuya screamed loudly: "It's so hot! It's going to burn me, I'm going to be cooked!"

She said so, but didn't take out her hand.

"This idiot Aqua!"

Zhou Fangwu cursed in a low voice, then quickly stepped forward and pulled her hand out.

"You idiot, what are you thinking! Why are you so impulsive, what should you do if you get hurt! Give me a good think about yourself, you are such a hopeless idiot goddess!"

"But...but, my water...that hot spring..."

Aqua was crying.


Zhou Fangwu sighed, then looked at the scalding hot spring water, gathering the magic power in his body to use magic.

【Absolute Zero】


Under the addition of powerful magic, the temperature of this hot spring dropped rapidly until it was frozen into ice.


Just when Zhou Fangwu was about to speak, from the other side, from a corner where everyone couldn't see clearly, he let out a light "huh".

"who is it?!"

During Zhou Fangwu's questioning, a middle-aged man stepped out of the shadows.

Brown-gray hair and fierce eyes.

—It's Hans!

His appearance is exactly the same as the portrait drawn by Aqua!

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