Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 320: Megumi VS Yoyo! The first confrontation at the dinner table! 【superior…

, the fastest update, I didn't expect it, I went through the latest chapter again!

Zhou Fangwu and Yoyo, the two of them came back last.

When they walked into the hall together, they found that the table was full of sumptuous dinners, almost all of them were there except rare ingredients.

How is this going?

"It's time for you to come back."

Darkness happened to come out of the kitchen.

She was wearing a cream-yellow uniform, her long blond hair was tied on the side, from the front of her body to her chest, and she was holding a dish in her hand and smiling gently, she looked quite like a good wife and loving mother.

It made Zhou Fangwu's uncontrollable heartbeat quicken.

This perverted crusader, as long as he is not stupid, really suits his appetite.

Move your index finger!

in various senses.

"Darkness, this is..."

"Ah, this is a sumptuous dinner prepared to welcome Yoyo."

Darkness put the dishes in her hand on the dining table, and looked at Yoyo who was still a little cautious with a soft smile.

"Eh?! That, that... I, I...!"

Youyou was stunned for a moment, and quickly waved her hands to refuse.

"Well, just accept their kindness, don't be polite, Yoyo."

General Zhou Fang put his hand on Yoyo's shoulder, and pointed to the table full of dishes, "Look, they are all ready, if you refuse, it will hurt their heart."

"...Yes, yes. Thank you very much."

Good boy Yoyo, when accepted by others, her mood is very complicated.

"Ah! Wu, Yoyo, you are back!"

"You two are back."

Akuya and Huihui also came out of the kitchen, each holding a dish in their hands, it seemed that the two of them also helped in the kitchen just now.

But Zhou Fangwu knew that this was impossible.

[Hero] In the team, the only one who can cook is Darkness, who is not bad at cooking. The rest of Akuya, Megumin, including Sato Kazuma and Zhou Fangwu, are not proficient in cooking.

From this point of view, the two of them went to steal food.

"In the name of trying dishes, you pestered Darkness to ask for help, but in fact, you two went to make trouble?"

"Yeah, like me, just sit on a chair and wait. Why do you want to make trouble?"

Sato Kazuma said so with a face of course.

There is no shame at all for not helping. Instead, I think that what I do is correct on the grounds of not adding trouble.

"Stupid Kazuma! Even if you're a slumber at home, you can only cook instant noodles and other junk dishes, but at least you can serve plates and the like. Why do you sit on a chair obediently, like a baby waiting to be fed? !"

Aqua's words were very lethal, and Sato Kazuma suddenly became upset.

"What did you say-!"

"Hmph, did I say something wrong?"

"You idiot...!"

Sato Kazuma wanted to say a few more words, but before he could refute, he was interrupted by Zhou Fangwu.

"Sato-kun, today is Yoyo's first day joining, so don't quarrel."


Sato Kazuma clicked his tongue softly, and didn't continue arguing with Aqua after hearing Zhou Fangwu's words.

In fact, he also knew that he didn't take it for granted, but he couldn't help but want to refute it when faced with the ridicule of the idiot Akuya.

"Sarah, please take a seat."

Darkness beckoned everyone to sit down quickly.

Afterwards, the crowd dispersed.

Zhou Fangwu sat on the main seat as the lord, with Aqua and Megumin on the right, Darkness and Yoyo on the left, and Sato Kazuma sitting directly opposite him.

Not knowing whether it was intentional or unintentional, Huihui was facing Yoyo.

"I'm starting!" X6

After a perfunctory prayer before the meal, everyone picked up the bowls and chopsticks.

Although Zhou Fangwu is an aristocrat, and the identities of the others are quite special, but the team has a good relationship and they are all adventurers, so there are not so many aristocratic etiquettes at the table.

It's just weird that, except for Huihui who was gobbling, everyone else was very slow.

All of a sudden, Huihui's feasting seemed a little abrupt.

"What, what's wrong? Why are you looking at me with that look?"

Noticing that everyone's eyes were a little strange, Huihui wiped the greasy corners of her mouth but didn't seem to be aware of it at all. Instead, she was dissatisfied with other people's eyes.

"No, it's nothing... Darkness's cooking is delicious."

"Yeah, it's delicious, Darkness!"

"Where is it... ahaha."

Afterwards, Huihui continued to eat and drink.

The great magister who is also from the Crimson Demon Race, Yoyo's performance is much better than Huihui's, but she has always been very reserved and can't relax.

Maybe Huihui also noticed it, so she took the initiative to speak.

"That's right, that's right! Yoyo, among the Crimson Demons, is a well-known freak who is ashamed of her own name!"

Huihui revealed the short stories of her childhood playmates bluntly, which made Yoyo blushed suddenly but could not refute.

It's just that what Huihui said is not shameful black material at all.

People of the Crimson Demons are notoriously suffering from secondary illness, and their names are even more bizarre.

If you have to say it, maybe in their opinion, Yoyo who is ashamed of her name is a normal person.

It's just that Huihui's exposing the shortcomings is not over yet.

"It was the same when I was in the academy. Most of the time, she ate alone. As long as I swaggered around in front of Yoyo who ate alone, she would happily challenge me. This method has been tried repeatedly... "

No, there is more to say.

You will be very happy if you can take advantage of the situation to cheat her of her lunch box and treat it as the nutrient for your survival.

"Wait, wait a minute! Only, it's not that exaggerated!"

Yoyo put down the tableware in her hand and danced her hands wildly, as if to increase the credibility of her words.

It's just her blushing face, and her tone is not so firm.

"Y-shouldn't be... that's right... yes, yes! I seem to challenge you every day, but I'm not lonely at all, and I have friends! For example, for example... winter mushrooms, soft... "

Her brave appearance made people feel pity in their hearts.

In other words, in a village where the second disease among the Crimson Demons is rampant, Yoyo, a normal person, must have had a hard time.

Because she is the only normal person, she will appear out of place.

It's so pathetic...

Zhou Fangwu even had a picture in his mind.


"Yuyou, I didn't expect you to have such a past..."

"Yeah, it's too pitiful."

"Yuyou, we will be your good friends from now on~www.wuxiamtl.com~ so you can talk to us about anything."

The girls showed their kindness to Yoyo in a timely manner, causing the shy and cautious Yoyo to fall into panic.

Only Kazuma Sato strongly condemned Megumin's villainous behavior.

"Hey, Huihui! Since you know that Yoyo is so miserable, but you still go to lie to her for a lunch box, doesn't your conscience hurt?"

"I can't help it either!"

Huihui also has her own difficulties, "Her bento is my lifeline, without it, I might have died a long time ago."

"Hey, that's too serious!"

"But that's what it is!"

After Huihui took the initiative to open the topic, Yoyo also became the object of being teased, and gradually blended in.

Although she still can't let go, I believe that this situation will change after she gets acquainted with other people in the near future.

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