Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 319: Date with Yoyo? 【Down】

Zhou Fangwu knew that she did not know 【Explosion Magic】.

This may have evoked her previous psychological trauma.

If she hadn't learned intermediate magic back then, even if the power wasn't that exaggerated, would she be able to learn the most advanced [Explosion Magic] like Huihui now?

"Let's go, Yoyo."


The two squeezed out.

In the silence just now, many adventurers gathered and surrounded the two of them.

It's just that the adventurers who stepped forward to challenge failed one after another.

Unknowingly, the accumulated bonus has exceeded 20W Eris.

Not a small amount!

This high bonus made the onlookers more and more.

It's just that they all know the difficulty of the challenge very well, and they also understand that their going up is just adding to the prize pool, and they didn't go up to challenge again.

But this bonus made them extremely excited, and they had no intention of leaving.

Seeing that no one came forward to challenge him, the vendor owner was also a little anxious.

In order to mobilize their enthusiasm, the vendor owner shouted again:

"Is there anyone else! Is there no one anymore?!

come! Are there no more challengers?

Does it seem that Adamantite is too difficult for the people of this town?

I heard that [Mobile Fortress Destroyer] was destroyed in this town, so I came to your place without hesitation!

Are you that weak? "

The vendor owner said more and more, wantonly belittling the adventurers onlookers, revealing in his words that he looked down on the adventurers in this town.

Of course the onlookers were very angry.

They push each other, beckoning those around them to step up to the challenge.

Everyone knew that this was the aggressive method of the vendor owner, but when they saw the piece of Adamantium ore placed on the stone platform in front of the vendor owner, they could only hold back their attacks.

While the adventurers present were looking at each other, a man suddenly appeared from the crowd and stood in front of the vendor owner.

— is a young man.

A white knight uniform with a purple lining, and a pure white cloak fluttering gently in the breeze.

Even though his face is expressionless, it can bring a strong sense of peace of mind.

The protagonist is here!

Zhou Fangwu appeared in front of everyone.

"It's Lord Lord!"

"It's [Hero]!"

"Wow, it's Lord [Hero]!"

Zhou Fangwu's appearance was accompanied by bursts of exclamations, which made the vendor owner feel uncomfortable.

He could already predict that Zhou Fangwu was here to mess things up.

"Yeah, boss."

"Yes, yes! Your lord!"

The vendor owner didn't know Zhou Fangwu at first, but he could tell from the names of other people that this man was a rising star in the kingdom, and also a newly rising upstart.

—Strength and fame coexist.

As a businessman, he wanted to take advantage of the downturned town of [Mobile Fortress Destroyer]. He came to this town to make money, so he naturally knew that he could not offend the lord.

But what he said just now was very rude.

You don't need to think about it to know that he has definitely offended the lord.

Because, the person who defeated the [Mobile Fortress Destroyer] was the lord of this place and the leader of the [Hero] team—Zhou Fangwu!

"Yes, I'm sorry! The villain's rude words offended you, I'm really sorry!"

The vendor owner turned pale and bowed to Zhou Fangwu one after another, expressing his strong apologies.

It looked as if Zhou Fangwu was a villain.

"Don't be nervous, boss."

Zhou Fangwu comforted him with a light smile, "Well, although I came forward because your words were hurtful, I don't want to use my status to force you to admit your mistakes."

"That, that..."

"However! You just said that there is no one in this town. I don't agree with this sentence!"

Zhou Fang put his fingers lightly on the stone platform, the piece of Adamantite, and then began to exert force with his fingertips.

"Forget it this time, if there is a next time...you know it!"

As he said that, his fingertips began to exert force!

I saw that the Adamantite under Zhou Fangwu's fingers began to crack.

This is known as the hardest ore in "Su Qing". Under the pressure of the fingertips, it gradually collapsed, and the stone platform on which it was placed was also destroyed into several pieces of rubble, which collapsed in front of the onlookers !

The power of one finger stunned everyone!


The vendor owner turned pale, and before he even had time to take away the fragments of the Adamantite ore and the bonus, he slipped out of the crowd in a panic, and fled without looking back.

It seems that Zhou Fangwu's strength is so strong that the vendor owner admires him.

Keep the money as compensation.

Yes, for nothing.

"No, as expected of the lord, this strength is really exaggerated."

"Hey, hey! Lord Wu is a [hero]!"

"That's right, [Hero]'s strength is something I have to look up to!"

"That's right, that's right!"

Everyone was talking in low voices, admiring Zhou Fangwu's strength, and at the same time approving his title of "Hero".

This quiet move is a height that the adventurers present... No, it may be that the adventurers in the entire Axel Novice Village cannot reach it!

too exaggerated!

"Hero! Hero! Hero! Hero!"

As if winning a battle and saving Axel, the onlookers shouted the name of a hero.

"Stop! Stop!"

It became more and more violent, and seeing that turmoil was about to break out, Zhou Fangwu had no choice but to stop them.

"Villagers and adventurers! We, Axel, have recently crusaded [Mobile Fortress Destroyer]. The economic effects brought about are very good. Many people from other towns have also gathered here, but..."

Zhou Fangwu paused, then said:

"You all know that we are just Novice Village, and the average strength will definitely not be very strong!

However, we cannot just throw in the towel!

If you are looked down upon by others, what kind of adventurer are you?

You say, right! "

The onlookers also began to shout loudly:

"Yes! Your lord is right!"

"If people look down on you all the time, what kind of adventurer are you? It's better to raise pigs at home!"

"That's right, that's right!"

"Since this is the case, everyone should hurry up and improve their strength!"

Zhou Fangwu pointed to the plain of Xinshou Village ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and said to everyone: "When I went to inspect the plain today, I found that many giant toads woke up early from hibernation! They are monsters, and the crusade against monsters becomes stronger. It's the job of adventurers, so... what are you waiting for, act now!"


In Zhou Fangwu's passionate speech, he successfully mobilized the enthusiasm of the onlookers.

After a short noise, the adventurers took up their weapons and rushed to the plain outside the city.

Zhou Fangwu, on the other hand, slowly put away the bonuses under the stone platform, and joined Youyou who had been waiting for a long time.

"Okay, let's go, let's go back."


The two nodded and walked towards the Lord's Mansion in the suburbs.

Looking at the adventurers running out of the city, Zhou Fangwu couldn't help but look up to the sky and sigh.

I am really a good lord who always thinks of others.

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