Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 306: 【Akuya Familia】established!

"This pattern is..."

Darkness saw the light on Zhou Fangwu's back, and couldn't help reaching out and gently stroking the special pattern that emerged.

"This is [Grace]!"

Akuya proudly introduced to Darkness and the others, "The water drop pattern on it is the proof that I am the [Goddess of Water]! In this way, Wu is mine!"

"Hey, don't be so ambiguous."

Akuya's speech was very dangerous, Zhou Fangwu was a little shy.

And the attention of others was still focused on the pattern that appeared on Zhou Fangwu's back.

"Goddess of Water...?!"

Darkness just remembered.

When Zhou Fangwu explained to them just now, he said that [favor] is something that only God can bestow.


Actually Aqua is a goddess? !

The high priest in the team, Aqua, the idiot with brain problems, is actually a goddess? !

It's shocking!

"Actually, I didn't intend to hide it from you... No, it might be better to say that Akua never wanted to hide it."

Zhou Fangwu turned his head and explained to Darkness and Huihui:

"By the way, you've noticed it too... Although the High Priest can use the [Resurrection] skill, everyone has only one chance to be resurrected, but Aqua has used the [Resurrection] skill on Sato-kun more than a dozen times."

Although Zhou Fangwu has always asked Akuya not to publicize his [Goddess], because he was afraid that it would spread to the Demon King and cause the monsters to riot.

But Akuya still couldn't help calling herself a goddess, especially in front of the team members.

But forget it.

This is something Darkness and Megumi will know sooner or later, it doesn't matter if they say it sooner or later.

Explain as early as possible that at least it will not create gaps in everyone's feelings at critical moments.

Coupled with the appearance of [Grace], [Goddess] Akuya is more acceptable.


Darkness scratched her cheek in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I thought Akua had the same secondary illness as Megumi, and always imagined that she was a goddess."

"Right, right. I thought Aqua was coming like me."

It's rare that Megumin didn't express her displeasure at Darkness for saying that she had a second-degree illness.

Instead, she was surprised that Aqua was a 【Goddess】.

I thought they were all chuunibha patients, so why did you become a real goddess?

Darkness was even more embarrassed, "How should I put it...Akuya's performance really made Huihui and I unable to think of the identity of [Goddess]."

"I understand, I understand, what you two think."

Sato Kazuma stepped forward to make up the knife.

"Based on Akua's foolish behavior for a long time, it's natural not to regard her as a goddess, isn't it? You see, I never regarded her as a goddess from the beginning."

"I am a goddess!

She is a real goddess! "

Akuya retorted loudly: "Think of me as a goddess, idiot Kazuma!"

If you don't try hard to fight for it at this time, then the image of yourself as a fool will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

…she thought so.

In fact, her image of an idiot has long been fixed.

"Aqua, engrave my proficiency value."

"OK! No problem, leave it to me!"

Akuya took out a piece of parchment and pasted it on Zhou Fangwu's back.

The rays of light gathered together, and then the values ​​were engraved.

"Here you are, Wu."

"Well, thank you, Aqua."

After receiving the parchment, Zhou Fangwu began to carefully check the proficiency.

Zhou Fangwu


Power: SSS1999

Durable: SSS1999

Dexterity: SSS1999

Agility: SSS1999

Magic: SSS1999


【The Last Hope (Wish_One)】




3. God's favor! (water, thunder, fire, wind, moon, earth, light)

Magic: [Travel World] [Analysis and Imitation] [Synchronous Summoning]

[Great achievements have been completed, and the rank can be upgraded]

You can upgrade your class.

What Zhou Fangwu thought of was the last battle with Ota in "The Wrong Place".

Like Aota, after defeating him, Zhou Fangwu successfully obtained [Great Achievements].

"Akuya, just right, help me upgrade."


Of course Aqua would not refuse.

This is the first time for her to promote a class to someone. If Zhou Fangwu, who is in need, is there, she can also get familiar with the process earlier.

"I'm starting!"


The bright light burst out again, and this time it was stronger than the last time, and it lasted longer!

Zhou Fangwu knew that this special vision would happen every time he raised his class, and he had long been familiar with it.

After 5 seconds, upgrade smoothly.

On the parchment that was engraved again, the proficiency value has returned to i0, but the adventurer level has been raised to LV5.

However, the improvement of class is a slow transformation of proficiency, and Zhou Fangwu now does not feel that he is stronger than before.

Ideas that want to be validated can only be postponed for a while.

But first, grant favors to others.

"Aqua, give favors to Sato-kun, Megumin, and Darkness as well."

"Okay! Come on, you three!"

Aqua bestowed favors on the three of them respectively.

Megumin and Darkness are women, so they went back to the room and engraved them alone.

Akuya worked back and forth for half an hour before the three people's favors were conferred, and she was so tired that she curled up limply in Zhou Fangwu's arms.

Betty, who was pushed aside, was quite angry.

This goddess has been very close to Zhou Fangwu since she came here.

Is it intentional!


Betty's mouth puffed slightly in anger, but was smoothed by Zhou Fangwu's warm hands.

"Let me see."

Zhou Fangwu held the parchment with the three of them's [Grace] value engraved in his hand.

It was a big surprise!

All three of them have talents (skills)!

[Acceleration], [Magic Power Burning], [Bronze Wall and Iron Wall]

They are all skills that will make people shine!

Kazuma Sato 【Acceleration】

[Increase own speed within a certain period of time]

A seemingly simple introduction, but there are so many possibilities hidden in it.

For example, movement speed, attack speed, etc., at first glance, it is a powerful skill linked to dexterity.

Megumi's 【Magic Burn】

[Consume a quarter of the magic power, which can double the power of the next magic released]

This skill and Megumin's [Explosion Magic] really complement each other!

She is specialized in [Explosion Magic], coupled with this powerful skill, the magic released can be called [Explosion First Person].

Megumi's goal was achieved on this day!

And Darkness's [Bronze Wall and Iron Wall] is the strongest among the three!

As the name suggests, it is to make Darkness's body extremely hard, and the duration is directly proportional to the mental strength!

Darkness's degree of perversion doesn't need to be repeated, her spiritual power is as exaggerated as her exuberant desire.

"I'm really surprised. Although none of the three have magic, I didn't expect that you all have talents (skills). It's a surprise."

Zhou Fangwu's compliment made the three of them very useful~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Hehehe, my name is Huihui!

He is a great magister who is proficient in [Explosion Magic]!

From today onwards, I will be the 【Number One in Explosion Magic】!

Ahhhhhhhh! "

Hui Hui's secondary illness occurred.

But the current Huihui does have such rampant capital.

Even Sato Kazuma knew this, so he didn't deliberately mock her.

It was definitely not because he was afraid that Huihui would use [Explosion Magic] to blow him up when he got agitated.

"Then [Aqua Familia] has been formally established."

"Oh!" X5

The crowd cheered.

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