Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 305: Favor improved successfully

Winter in another world is rather boring.

Because there are no electrical appliances and no other entertainment facilities, even if everyone is lazy, they all gather in the living room to chat.

It's just that there is always one person missing these days, which makes others curious.

Sato Kazuma saw that everyone was sitting on the sofa, and even the newly joined Great Elf was hugged by Senior Zhou Fang, but he just didn't see the mentally handicapped goddess in the team.

"Huh? Where's Akua? I haven't seen her these days."

"Yeah, I'm curious too."

"Hey, from what Kazuma said, it's true that Akua has locked herself in her room for the past few days, so something happened?"

"Let's go and see."

"You're right, I'm worried too."

Megumin and Darkness still cared about Aqua very much.

It's just that Sato Kazuma didn't think so. Instead, he guessed maliciously: "That idiot, didn't he wreak havoc in the room?"

The mansion exploded due to his own reasons before, so he was still very afraid that Akua would do something stupid too.

And it's not the same now as it was before.

Now that it's winter, if the mansion explodes and collapses, then they really can only stay in a hotel.

This was something he was extremely unwilling to do.

And just as the three of them got up and were about to go to the second floor, when Zhou Fangwu wanted to explain, Akuya ran down from the second floor in a hurry.

At the same time, he yelled loudly:

"I made it! I made it!"


Everyone was puzzled and didn't understand why Akuya was so excited.

And what about 'successful'?

"Akuya, what did you succeed in?"

"[Grace]! I have successfully improved!"

Akua raised her nose and puffed her chest out, looking very smug.

This is her usual expression.

It's just that Aqua like this made Sato Kazuma have a stress response.

After all, before, Akuya would cause him a lot of trouble every time he did this, and even caused him to die several times.

"Hey, you idiot Aqua! Explain what happened to me quickly!"

"Ah—?! Stupid Kazuma, dare to say it again!"

Hearing that Sato Kazuma denied her efforts, Aqua couldn't bear it at all, and immediately quarreled with him again.

And Zhou Fangwu was surprised that Akuya could improve so quickly.

It seems that the matter of increasing believers is really a big temptation for Akuya.

"Okay, let me explain."

As the person directly involved in the matter, Zhou Fangwu is the one who understands the importance of things like "Enhui" the most, so it is perfect as an explanation.

And if Akua really asked to explain, she might not be able to explain clearly.

"So so, so so."

After half an hour's explanation, Sato Kazuma and the others understood what "favor" is and what benefits "favor" will bring them.

Naturally, it was recognized by everyone.

"As expected of Senior Zhou Fang! This kind of magical ability can also be found!"

"That's right! As expected of [Hero]!"

"Indeed, if we get favors, then our strength will become stronger again. Wu, the [favor] you brought is very important."

Sato Kazuma and the others flattered Zhou Fangwu for a while.

Akuya was very upset, and shouted: "Hey, you guys! It was obviously improved by me, why are you all praising Wu!"

I worked hard and didn't get appreciated.

Of course Akua was not happy.

"That's right, I just got this kind of thing, and it's Aqua who can really give you [favor]."

Zhou Fangwu didn't take the credit either, he pointed to Akuya and said, "So, thank you to Akuya."

"Hmph, that's right! Obviously my contribution is the greatest."

Akua pursed her lips, dissatisfied with Sato and Shinji's attitude just now.

"Okay, okay, Akua, you deserve the most credit."

Darkness took the initiative to appease the petulant Akua, and then asked: "So, can Akua's improved [Grace] be officially used?"

"Of course there is no problem."

As soon as he said this, Akua became proud again, "Who am I? I am the goddess of wisdom, Akua!"

"It's the retarded goddess."

"Hmph, stupid Kazuma, it seems that you haven't understood the status quo yet."

Sato Kazuma's merciless complaints did not make Aqua angry, because she had already grasped Sato Kazuma's lifeblood.

"Huh? Why do you say that?"

"Why... You know, [Benefit] is only effective when bestowed by the goddess herself, and the goddess must do it herself if you want to update the proficiency."


"In other words, if I don't update Kazuma's proficiency, Kazuma will never be able to become stronger!"

Aqua was extremely proud, and at the same time threatened Sato Kazuma.

Since the lower world, she has been bullied by Sato Kazuma.

Even her majesty as a goddess was challenged by this ghostly man.

But this time, with [Energy] in hand, are you still afraid that Sato Kazuma will admit his mistake obediently? !

"Sa, please, Kazuma!"

Sitting on the sofa, Akua yelled at Sato Kazuma: "If you don't say 'I'm sorry, Akua-sama! I beg you to grant me [favor]', I will definitely not give it to you." Gracious!"


Sato and Mama are numb.

He never expected that he would be caught by Akuya's lifeblood, and he had to obey her orders.

No, no!

If you want to let yourself obey the order of this idiot, you might as well let yourself die!

Isn't it [Enhui]!

This kind of thing, not worth mentioning!

...he couldn't say that.

He yearned for great power, and his heart skipped a beat when he heard [Benefit].

Even if Senior Zhou Fang told him that most people would not be able to break through to LV2, he still wanted to try.


"I'm sorry, Aqua-sama! I beg you to grant me [favor]!"

"a ha ha ha-!"

Seeing Sato Kazuma bowing her head, Akuya was overjoyed and laughed wildly.


Sato Kazuma could only hate secretly, and at the same time decided to make her look good when he had the chance!

Zhou Fangwu straightened his forehead and sighed.

These two live treasures.

"Okay, Aqua, let's try 【Energy】."

General Zhou Fang took off his shirt~www.wuxiamtl.com~ He has the [Grace] bestowed by Hestia, and has the most intuitive sample. It will be easier for Akuya to grant [Grace] to others after copying.

"Now, change my family."

"Well, leave it to me!"

Akuya came to behind Zhou Fangwu full of confidence.

Pricked his finger and dripped the divine blood into Zhou Fangwu's back.


A blinding glare suddenly erupted, temporarily blinding all the onlookers.

It wasn't until 3 seconds later that the strong light dissipated little by little.

As for the [Grace] on Zhou Fangwu's back, the area showing the family members was originally blank, but after the blood of the gods dripped in, a pattern in the shape of water droplets slowly emerged.

——It is the symbol of [Aqua Familia]!

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