Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 293: Introduction to the riot

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Watch the whole process of the battle (tearing, forcing) of the two goddesses.

Zhou Fangwu was hooked and applauded.

Sure enough, as long as they are women (gods), they are all preoccupied.

If you don't agree with me, I will send you back to your hometown.

There is no room for you to beg for mercy and maneuver.

Ruthless enough, decisive enough!

Fortunately, I have been restrained before, otherwise I would really be hostile by her.

A cold wind blows from the tower.

I don't know if it's because of the wind or other reasons, Zhou Fangwu felt a little cold.

dare not speak.

At this moment, the balcony became silent.

Freya is just like Ishtar.

Stand here overlooking the panorama.

It's just that what Ista saw was prosperity, but what Freya saw was decline.

Both are identical.

Just in terms of madness, Freya is even worse.

"Sorry, I scared you."

Freya smiled, soothing Zhou Fangwu's tense nerves with a gentle voice.

On the arms of the [Hero] again.

At this time, she is the real winner, the ultimate winner who drives away the child who covets her.

"If you have to say it... well, it is undeniable, it is indeed a bit."

Zhou Fangwu didn't flatter him anymore.

You know, excessive flattery will only devalue yourself.

Whether it is for myself (hero), or for Freya (goddess).

The title of [Hero] will make you cry.

So he subtly tested Freya's mood with a joking tone.

"Hehe, sorry, I don't want to do that either."

She covered her mouth and smiled lightly, her eyes rolling with endless charm.

Leaning lightly on Zhou Fangwu's body, enjoying the 'reward' he got after the victory.

She is in a good mood.

Even if it was short, she was satisfied.

Yes, very briefly.

Because whether it's her loyal guards or Zhou Fangwu's close family companions, they are all rushing here.

Their alone time is running out.

After a short period of silence, it was broken by a violent gasp.

Appearing in front of Zhou Fangwu was the entire [Hestia Familia] headed by Hestia!

Sure enough, as he had imagined, these idiots were too worried about their own safety, so all of them rushed here regardless.

And it's not just them.

Bell also carried three Naharuhime on his back, and Ota followed behind them.

This "violent man" who cared too much about his own **** also ran up with this group of "insignificant" miscellaneous fish.

"Hoo, hoo, hoo! Wu! As long as you're fine!"

Hestia looked happy.

The moment she saw Zhou Fangwu intact, she let out a long breath to relax her nervousness.

Although I know that my [hero] is strong.

But who knows whether [Ishtar Familia] has any killer moves hidden.

Even the exaggerated ability of Chun Ji (Wan Baomai) has come out.

If there is something else, it is very possible.


Hestia originally wanted to continue greeting Zhou Fangwu.

But when she saw the goddess who was holding Zhou Fangwu's arm, she suddenly had a look of disgust and dodge on her face.

"...Uh, why is Freya here?"

In front of his own face, he made no secret of his dislike for others.

To be honest, it's very rude.

But I have to admit that her intuition is really crucial.

Because [God of Beauty] Freya is indeed a difficult goddess.


Betty rushed up and threw herself into Zhou Fangwu's arms.

Compared to Hestia's embarrassment, Betty didn't have so many scruples.

Even if he firmly believed that Zhou Fangwu would not be injured, he still couldn't help hearing a group of idiots spreading panic.

This made her worry involuntarily.

Now she has come out of the cage.

After being rescued, she will no longer suppress her feelings.

So this arrogant elf, the first time he saw his contractor, he was so concerned that he rushed forward.

She is very clingy and defensive.

"Well, Beatrice, it's okay, I'm fine."

Because her arm was occupied by the goddess, she had to pat Betty's back gently with the other hand, passing on her warmth to her.

"You should trust me, Beatrice."

"... I wasn't worried at first, but those idiots... Hmph, Betty has never cared about Wu!"

While talking, Betty became arrogant again.

Zhou Fangwu had no choice but to give in to her, "Yes, yes, I know, Beatrice trusts me."


Betty snorted arrogantly.

But holding Zhou Fangwu even stronger, the lonely Elf feared that he would disappear.

In the eyes of Hestia and others, this intimate interaction happens every day, and they have long been used to it.

But for Freya, who was still a little nervous, she couldn't bear it any longer.

"Ah, are you the fairy spirit of the [Hero] contract...you really are a cute little girl."

Although Freya's tone was still gentle, Zhou Fangwu had an inexplicable sense of déjà vu because of the coldness that swept over again.


Betty was a little dazed.

She has signs of being charmed!

Zhou Fangwu, who had a bad premonition, took a step forward, blocking Freya's different vision of Betty, and also blocked the possibility of Betty's continued fall.

"Sorry, Goddess Freya, she's a little nervous."

Zhou Fangwu bowed and apologized, "But you are right, Beatrice is indeed the fairy spirit I contracted with, but she is not yet mature."

immature = young

That's a good excuse.

After all, according to the rumors, fairy spirits are the existence of guiding heroes, how can they always hide behind?

"...Ah, yes."

Freya made a perfunctory sentence in a low-interest manner.

Looking down at his empty side, without the warmth just now.

He looked at Zhou Fangwu, who stood in front of Betty, with a decisive expression.

Her mood went bad all of a sudden.

After expelling a strong enemy, there is still a strong enemy?

Even though she knew that the relationship between Betty and Zhou Fangwu was intimate, she still couldn't help but want to get angry.

Looking at the other goddess present~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Hestia is preventing her children from sinking in her own beauty at this time, but that funny and funny behavior has no effect, on the contrary, it arouses other children to want to Look at the heart.

Except for [Rabbit], everyone else has sunk.


Even if Bell's soul is pure and dazzling, it is the best that is rare in the world.

But compared with Zhou Fangwu's peculiar soul, it is the "hero" that attracts her more.

Getting bored.

The purpose of Freya's trip is to solve Ishtar.

Now that the goal has been achieved, she will not waste any more time here.

"Hestia, I'll leave first. Ota, let's go."

"Yes, God Freya."

Freya didn't wait for Hestia's answer at all, and led Ota down immediately.

"Oh, alright!"

And Hestia also replied belatedly.

A simple farewell, the two sides are separated.

The event came to an end, but that doesn't mean it's over.

【Hero's Attack Again】

The consequences of this incident after fermentation were more serious than Zhou Fangwu imagined.

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