Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 293: Goddesses fight! The Ishtar Familia is destroyed!

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At this time, the [Ishtar Familia] was on the verge of destruction.

Even though Zhou Fangwu didn't participate in it, he had already foreseen Ishtar's final fiasco.

Freya, who is also the goddess of beauty, is too strong.

This supreme goddess will never let go of the 'bugs' who have been harassing her in the dark.

Freya held Zhou Fangwu's arm.

Leading the child he likes, like the final winner of the competition with him, walked to the highest point of the [Ishtar Familia] residence.

The pace slowed down, a little slower.

She is enjoying this hard-won, short-lived, close-up intimacy.

Although I often got along with teenagers in the tavern before, the feeling brought by the different identities is completely different.

Now is an excellent opportunity.

If it weren't for the important things to do next, she would like to spend more time with the boy.

The two continued to walk up.

Walking on the broken towering stairs, overlooking the entire [Ishtar Familia] resident from the broken wall.

The sky is full of flames, and there are battlefields everywhere.

At this time, [Happy Street] has long lost its original prosperity.

The streets that used to be filled with exotic customs are now full of ruins that have been destroyed and blown up by powerful magic.

The cherry trees standing by the road were burned to the ground.

Flower petals flying all over the sky and burning sparks.

The two set off each other, embellishing the bleak night sky.

The prostitutes and wives who fled around screamed miserably and roared wildly on the street.

The adventurers of [Ishtar Familia] tried their best to resist, but they could only delay the ending.

Destruction is already doomed.

A little bit worried about Bell et al.

Although Zhou Fangwu came here alone, those idiots will definitely think that they are in conflict with the [Ishtar Familia] when they see this tragic situation.

When there might be a riot, they would rush here regardless.

Taking care of yourself is a good thing.


Now they are here, but they are causing trouble.

You know, there is still Freya who covets Bell here.

This goddess of beauty is likely to take advantage of the situation and **** Bell away!

"What's wrong, you seem nervous."

Freya was keenly aware of the stiffness of Zhou Fangwu's body, and asked concerned: "Is there something uncomfortable, or are you worried that Ishta will escape?"

"No, neither."

Zhou Fangwu shook his head, "Just being with you, a noble beauty, made my heart beat fast."

Thousands of wears and thousands of wears, flattery does not wear.

The gaffe just now has already caught Freya's attention.

At this time, it's better to lie and perfunctory her not to think elsewhere.

Only Freya, who concentrates on dealing with Ishtar, is a qualified beauty god.

"Hehe, you really can talk."

Freya was in a very happy mood.

It's obviously the flattery words that I'm tired of hearing, but after hearing it from [Hero]'s mouth, it rarely made her aroused (wet) and moved (moisturized).

The legs are a little soft.

Leaning gently on the boy's body.

[Hero] By her side, she was already fascinated.


【Above the tower】

"No, no way... how is it possible!"

Leaning on the outside of the tower, on the balcony built by the stone wall.

Ishtar was looking at the desperate scene where the family resident was on the verge of destruction, and was suddenly at a loss and couldn't continue thinking.

She couldn't figure out why Freya would choose this time to attack.


The name comes to mind.

Is it because of Chun Ji?

Because it can threaten her?

No, not right!

Although Chun Ji is very important, even if the prop (Chun Ji) is in hand, it is still out of reach to overthrow Freya's rule.

At this moment, she had self-knowledge.

"...Is it Zhou Fangwu?"

Ishtar smiled bitterly.

She realized something.

Combine everything that happened tonight.

She finally understood why, Freya deliberately chose today to attack the family.

"Are you so obsessed with [heroes]?"

Never allow yourself to take away this outstanding boy, to the point of starting a war?

"That woman, just for this—?!"


Especially absurd!

What a joke!

Just because of this little thing? !

And most importantly, that [hero] is not bewitched by her at all, no matter how seduced she is, it is useless!

But on the contrary, this also brought about the destruction of the family!

Endless resentment burst out deep in her heart.

But it was very helpless.

Only now did she understand.

Just because it was her own little seduction, she stepped on Freya's landmine instead.

Facing the crazy revenge of Freya, who is also the goddess of beauty, but far surpasses her.

"damn it!"

Ishtar cursed under her breath.

What to do, what to do?

To escape!

You must escape first!

Leave Orari first, go to summon the Amazons outside the labyrinth city, and then gather strength to start over.

Yes, that's right, that's it!

After a short thought, Ishtar decided on the next deployment.

At this time on the tower, there are still several elite subordinates among the family members.

Even if the family members are attacked by the enemy, they will still be stationed here.

After all, protecting one's own God is the top priority.

As their own guards, they are absolutely trustworthy in terms of strength and loyalty.

Unlike other peripheral members, they are the backbone of the elite.

This is Ishtar's last team, and he must make good use of it.

"Hey, you guys, cover me and escape from here quickly."

Ishtar ordered to the subordinates who surrounded her: "Let's leave the secret passage later, and leave two people behind to find the killing stone and props (Chun Ji)!"

To overthrow Freya, Chun Ji is undoubtedly the most important.

Even in the moment of crisis, Ishtar does not want to give up the last hope.

Defeating Freya is the real revenge!


Freya will not give her a chance to escape.

Click, click, click!

The sound of high heels stepping on the stairs is especially abrupt in the silent night.

But Ishtar, who knew who the footsteps were from, had a flustered expression on her face.

Those purple eyes that had long been infected by hatred were cloudy.

At this time, he stared to the maximum.

He looked fiercely at the two people who came out from the corner of the stairs.

"Freya—! Zhou Fangwu—!"

Unlike the smiling Goddess of Beauty (Freya), the hateful Goddess of Beauty (Ishtar) is even more frightening.

In the end who can be called the God of Beauty, the judge will be judged.

"Ishtar, long-lost greeting."

There was a fake sweet smile on the corner of Freya's mouth, but her eyes were full of indifference.

"I haven't seen each other since the meeting of the gods. How are you doing recently?"

"you you…"

"I think your life is very unsatisfactory. After all, you have fallen to the point where you want to seduce men."

Zhou Fangwu, who had been silent since just now, suddenly felt a chill.

Freya next to him gently pinched his arm, as if expressing her dissatisfaction.

But he didn't dare to refute, so he pretended not to know.

Ishtar staggered, her voice hoarse, "You, you...what do you want to do?"

"I have something to tell you... No, it should be goodbye."

Freya was smiling all over her face.

But the incomparably cold words spewed out of her mouth made Ishtar, who was already too frightened to speak, even more frightened.

Ishtar shook her hair and yelled like a crazy woman: "You, you hurry up and catch that goddess—!!"

At this moment, she was finally broken.

He ordered the men and women around him to catch Freya.


She did this without paying attention to Zhou Fangwu.

At this time, the role of the [hero] is to act as the goddess' guard.

If you choose to deliberately protect the goddess, it will appear very deliberate.

Even Freya doesn't need his protection.

"Extreme breath, water, and the transformation of time and rain!"

The light blue domain was suddenly released from the balcony, imprisoning all the adventurers who rushed forward, unable to move.

There was a look of panic on their faces.

Not only the ability to act, but even the right to speak out.

There was no sound at all.

Then his firm waist went limp, and his clear eyes gradually became lax.

Everyone was mesmerized!

Freya made up the knife and usurped all the members of Ishtar's family!

The two slowly passed the group of enemies.

Come to Ishtar.

"Hey, hey—?!!"

Finally, Ishtar couldn't hide her fear of Freya.

He screamed softly and wanted to escape, but he didn't see the pebbles under his feet.

Instead, he let out a cry of pain and fell to the ground.

By the way, Ishtar is still in full fruit state.

The dark skin was shining under the moon sky, and the bouncing plumpness once again ignited Freya's anger.

Being sensitive, she thought Ishtar was still seducing.

Letting go of Zhou Fangwu's arm, he slowly stepped forward to block the sight of Ishtar.

"Ishtar, you really don't know how to repent."

"Don't, don't come here! Hey—!"

Due to the fear of the silver-haired beauty, even though Ishtar was sitting on the ground with severe ankle pain, her hands still dragged her body backwards.

Even if her delicate skin was scratched by gravel, she never stopped.

Strips of bright red emerged on the skin, bringing a stronger allure, and at the same time making Freya's rage even more vigorous.

Until Ishtar's back, stuck to the cold balcony railing.

There was no way for her to escape.

"The chase game is over, I'm so tired."

Freya said something against her will.

She is full of smiles, it can be seen that she is satisfied with this kind of game.

And the victims of this game are also quite painful.

Fortunately, this pain is coming to an end.

"Let's end it quickly, Ishtar."

"Freya! I, I was just on a whim! I didn't know you would be so persistent! I, I don't dare anymore... So, please forgive me. Please, please forgive me."

Ishtar begged for mercy.

The family resident was destroyed, and the family members were charmed.

After all the tricks failed, she tried to make a final struggle.

I want to live even if I beg humblely!

However, Freya was unmoved.

"Ishtar, I can forgive all the pranks I have done so far with a smile...but not this time."

"That child is mine, and it will definitely be mine! No matter who dares to touch me, I will never spare her!"

At this moment, Freya finally revealed her true nature.

Outrageous, cruel, rude.

The undisguised exposure of her possessiveness made Ishtar feel terrified and at the same time speechless.

At this time, Freya and Ishtar are so similar.

They are all full of youthful desires.

It's just that one is bold and undisguised, while the other is indeed subtle and euphemistic.

But once someone touched the bottom line, it was like a violent python, devouring the enemy in one bite.

"I will destroy you and send you back to heaven!"

Freya's death sentence made Ishta feel ashamed.

She knew that no matter how much she begged for mercy, Freya would never let her go.


She is not reconciled!

"why why!!"

Ishtar's dark skin began to flush, and the wound cut by the stone left bright red stripes.

She roared excitedly, spreading far in the silent night sky.

She is very unwilling!

Whether it's the fame around you or the number of people who praise your beauty.

All of them are better than Freya.

No matter what, she couldn't surpass the aloof Freya.

Even though they are both called [Goddess of Beauty], why are there so many differences!

"What is the difference between me and you!?"



Freya's words dealt a heavy blow to Ishtar, and gave the goddess of beauty who had been comparing herself with her the answer she wanted most.

—even if it wasn't what she wanted to hear.

"Is there any other reason besides this?" Freya was still smiling.

"F-what are you kidding!"

Of course Ishtar would not admit this.

After her mind went blank, there was endless resentment, which burned her remaining rationality.

"Oh oh oh-!!"

At this time, Ishtar was like a shrew, with a ferocious face, she let out a roar like a wild beast, and rushed towards Freya with disheveled hair and teeth and claws.

Zhou Fangwu didn't move.

This is a war between women (gods), and he has no right (dare to) intervene.

It is best to die together!

He even had this malicious delusion.

But Ishtar, who lost her mind, how could she be Freya's opponent?

Ishta made a move to grab Freya.

But at the moment Ishtar approached, Freya turned around with a lightness and extraordinary elegance, which made the furious Ishtar jump into the air.

But Ishtar didn't stop, but rushed forward again, trying to push Freya off the tower!

However, this time, Freya hid again.

Not only that, but Ishtar, who used too much force, was forced to the 'cliff' by Freya!


Looking down from the gap in the balcony.

The cold wind from above stimulated her sensitive nerves, pulling Ishtar back from her rage.

She almost fell down.


Click! Click! Click!

The sound of approaching footsteps on the balcony was like a series of urging signs, which made Ishtar extremely terrified.


As soon as Ishtar turned around, she was pushed hard by Freya, and her body fell backwards again.

Wait a minute~www.wuxiamtl.com~Freya!

She wanted to say this, but was covered by a crisp applause.


Freya slapped her hard.


Being slapped cruelly on the face, Ishtar, who had already been weak, became unstable...

fell down!

From the balcony at the highest point, she fell towards the ground like an abyss.

The figure is also getting smaller and smaller.

"Goodbye, Ishtar."

Freya said her final farewell, "I hope you can learn to be smarter in the future... Oh, unfortunately, you have no future."

Freya looked at Ishtar who fell, and gave her advice to keep in mind for the rest of her life.

But after a while, there was the sound of falling objects from high altitude.


— That was the sound of a body being smashed to pieces.

Then, a gorgeous beam of light rose into the sky with a sacred meaning!

Huge majesty, inviolable!

This is to prevent the gods from being protected from fatal wounds (magic).

It also represents the fact that [Shangshen] was sent back to heaven.

Ishtar, disappeared in the lower realm.

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