
Sato Kazuma looked at Zhou Fangwu, and then understood, "Oh! You are also from another world, senior!"

"Hehe, that's right."

"Senior, my name is Sato Kazuma, I am 16 years old, please give me your advice!"

"Well, Sato-kun, my name is Zhou Fangwu, I'm 20 years old, please give me your advice!"

The two introduced themselves to each other, and the atmosphere became more harmonious.

Although Sato Kazuma didn't get the special ability like a plug-in, his super luck and occasional brainstorms are still very useful in certain situations.

"Ahhhhh, why did you introduce yourself so naturally?!"

Akuya yelled like a KY who didn't understand the atmosphere, "Do you know what's going on now?"

"what's the situation?"

"I, Aqua, the goddess of water full of wisdom, why did I come to the lower realm!"

After finishing speaking, Akua rushed forward angrily, pinching Sato Kazuma's neck desperately, shaking back and forth without letting go.

"Speaking of which, I also want to ask this question."

Zhou Fangwu nodded his eyebrows, and asked curiously: "Why does the goddess Aqua, who took over to guide the arrival of people from another world, appear in this novice village called Axel?"

"Actually..." Sato Kazuma explained the situation after hearing this.

Zhou Fangwu nodded after listening, "I see, I understand."

Things developed just as in the original book, Kazuma Sato was frightened to death and came among the dead, and was ridiculed for his selection ability for too long, so he took the mentally retarded goddess Aqua to the lower realm in a fit of anger.

"In other words, since you are so unwilling, forget it, you can go back by yourself." Sato Kazuma has not realized the seriousness of the matter.

However, Akua trembled with her hands, "What are you talking about! It's just that I can't go back! What should I do? What should I do? Tell me, what should I do!!"

Aqua put her head in her hands, paced back and forth, crying bitterly.

"Wouldn't it be good to defeat the Demon King?"

After careful consideration, Zhou Fangwu suddenly said: "As long as you defeat the Demon King and complete the trial, wouldn't it be all right? In this case, wouldn't Goddess Aqua be able to return to the heaven?"

It is very simple to want to go home, defeat the devil, and get the wish promised by the gods.

In fact, Zhou Fangwu just realized that he was in a dead end, and he chose the wrong two cheat abilities.

If it is to defeat the devil, then his ability can be changed to instant death magic or fantasy creation, etc., which are powerful and specifically restrain the devil's ability.

Why bother to have the ability to travel through the world, putting the cart before the horse?

Unfortunately, it's too late to say anything now.

What Zhou Fangwu said made Akuya see the hope of returning to the heaven, and praised loudly: "That's right, as long as you defeat the Demon King, it will be all right! As expected of the brave man I selected, his mind is flexible!"

"Eh, is that so?"

Zhou Fangwu looked at her with deep meaning.

This mentally handicapped goddess will never forget that Zhou Fangwu was selected because of her mistake.

Sato Kazuma, who was on the side, also nodded, "According to the current situation, this is the only way."

"That's right, let's go defeat the devil now!" Akuya strode forward, rushing to the entrance of the village, ready to embark on the road to defeat the devil.

However, Zhou Fangwu forcefully pulled him back in the next second.

"Hey, Goddess Aqua! You don't mean to defeat the Demon King right now!"

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong, look at us, how can we have the qualifications to defeat the devil now!"

Zhou Fangwu pointed to the thin clothes on himself and Sato Kazuma, indicating that he had no equipment and his level was still a novice.

"Indeed." Akuya also found out.

Sato Kazuma stroked his clean chin, thought for a moment and said, "In this situation, you should go to the Adventurer's Guild to collect information first, and then improve your level."

"That's right."

The Adventurer's Guild is a guild formed to fight against the devil, or to fight against monsters.

In general different world adventure games, it is a very common human organization.

"Akuya, tell me the location of the Adventurer's Guild." Sato Kazuma asked Akuya to tell me the location of the Adventurer's Guild.

But Akuya was at a loss, and replied stupidly: "Huh? If you ask me about this kind of thing, I don't know."

"Useless waste material goddess."

Sato Kazuma insulted her unceremoniously, and then asked Zhou Fangwu: "Senior Zhou Fang, do you know?"

Zhou Fangwu shrugged and replied, "I'm sorry, I just got here too, and I ran into you before I could act."

"How about, let's ask a passerby." Zhou Fangwu suggested.

"Oh, there's no way, it's the only way."

Afterwards, the three of them learned the location of the Adventurer's Guild from passers-by who wore armor that looked like adventurers.

"Go forward, then turn right, then go straight and you will be there."

"Thank you."

The three of them left after thanking them, and arrived in a short while.

"Adventurer's Guild, this is it." Thanks to the proficiency in writing provided by Akuya, Zhou Fangwu naturally understood the writing on the sign at the door.

Then he said to Akuya and Sato Kazuma next to him, "Let's go in."

"it is good."

"Fast forward!"

Akuya took the lead in pushing open the door of the Adventurer's Guild, and Zhou Fangwu and Sato Kazuma followed closely in her footsteps.

As soon as they entered the door, the three of them heard the sound of welcome.

"Welcome! If you need to introduce work, please go to the counter inside, if you need to eat, please sit at the vacant seat."

The red-haired waiter greeted them cordially, and left after giving advice to the three of them.

"Let's go and become an adventurer."

Came to the counter non-stop.

The counter lady is a gentle-looking beauty with long wavy hair and a broad chest. She is a very outstanding mature woman.

Sato Kazuma's cheeks were slightly red, and his huge chest had a big impact on his dead house.

As a last resort, Zhou Fangwu had no choice but to step forward, "Hello, beautiful lady, the three of us want to register as adventurers."

"Want to become an adventurer? I see, you need to pay a fee to log in as an adventurer, is that okay?"

Although she was a little shy to be praised for her beauty, the professionalism made the counter lady try her best to calm down.

"Handling fee..."

Zhou Fangwu suddenly remembered that the three of them were all penniless, not to mention money, they didn't even have anything to exchange for money.

"Wait a minute, please allow us to come back later."


The three left from the counter and sat at an empty table in the hall to discuss. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"What should we do? We don't have any money." Zhou Fangwu raised this huge problem that stood in front of everyone.

"Hey, Aqua, as a goddess, don't you have money too?"

"Huh?! How could it be possible! It was pulled down suddenly, how could it be possible!"

"Tsk, useless waste material goddess."

"Who is to blame, who is to blame for this! You dead house Kazuma!"

Akuya had a quarrel with Sato Kazuma again, and it is estimated that a fight will start in a while.

"Etc., etc!"

Zhou Fangwu hurriedly pulled the two apart, "Stop making trouble, I have a solution!"

"any solution?"

"any solution?"

The two asked in unison.


"Borrowing?" X2

"That's right, it's borrowing. If we want to be risk-takers, we can only borrow if we are penniless."

Zhou Fangwu knocked on the table and made a 'dong dong' sound, "There are two options, borrowing from the union or the adventurers. Of course, I don't think the union will lend us. So, I have to ask the adventurers for a loan. .”

"This is a good idea." Sato Kazuma also agreed with Zhou Fangwu's approach.

However, Aqua didn't think so.

"Hmph, I'm Aqua, the goddess of water! It's just money, as long as it is enshrined?"

After saying that, Aqua left the table and went to find her followers.

Then, she was given away as in the original book—by her descendants, followers of the goddess Eris.

After the crying Aqua came back, he was comforted by the two perfunctorily.

In this way, the three thousand Eris came with alms, and the three successfully became adventurers.

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