Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 2: The ghosts and beasts and the gods of the mentally retarded descended!

"Well, I didn't expect to come to another world~"

After the blinding white light flashed, he opened his eyes again and arrived in another world.

The surroundings are no longer a towering steel city, but earthy wooden houses made of mud and tiles, which quite have the atmosphere of the middle ages in a different world.

There are no steel box-style cars on the road, but two-wheeled wooden carriages instead.

There are strong orcs, gnome-like dwarves, beautiful elves, and human races walking on the street. All races live in harmony.

Pedestrians also talked and laughed, which was very enjoyable.

"Let's not think about the matryoshka-like question of 'Why do you travel again after time travel, and finally get the time travel ability'. Let's take a look at the ability obtained from the mentally handicapped goddess first!"

Zhou Fangwu didn't act directly, but closed his eyes to check, and got (extortion) or (fraud) compensation from the mentally handicapped goddess Aqua.

After thinking for a moment in his mind, he opened his eyes and brows with joy.

"Well, that's how it is."

Zhou Fangwu understood how to use his abilities.

Two cheating-level abilities: traveling through the world and parsing and imitating, both are super powerful abilities that can be called cheating cheats.

Although the conditions of use are still very limited, it is undeniable that they are of great help to themselves.

The first is to travel through the world.

Traveling through the world, as the name suggests, is traveling to another world, which is very consistent with its name.

However, it has a prerequisite:

That is the anchor point, or coordinates.

Mark each different world as a point, and you can travel through the world, but the premise is that you have the coordinates of that world. Only after establishing a connection with the coordinate points of the world and forming a channel, can he activate his ability to travel through the world and reach another world.

No wonder Aqua said that the hope of going back is slim and basically impossible.

The coordinate points of the world are not so easy to find, and there are as many different worlds as there are stars. Even this world is just an asteroid among the many different worlds that exist.

If you want to return to the original world, you need to find its coordinates, which is really difficult.

Fortunately, he is very capable and can automatically search for world coordinates. There is no need for him to bother, as long as he waits with peace of mind.

Just don't know how long it will take.

Let's look at the last ability [analysis and imitation].

This is a rather simple, crude and easy-to-understand ability, a pure [analysis and imitation] ability.

Moreover, after being strengthened by the mentally handicapped goddess Akuya, her analysis ability has been greatly enhanced, she can analyze everything she sees in her eyes, and can directly learn and apply it.

Including but not limited to: magic, martial arts, skills, etc.

If you still don’t understand it, then you can think of it as Sharingan without negative emotions, Copying Eye that won’t go berserk easily, or Jianjigu’s Eye without billions of diseases.

Very powerful!

Of course, there are also disadvantages.

——It means that you cannot use the ability that your own attribute does not meet the standard.

For example, Zhou Fangwu can analyze Huihui's Explosion Magic and imitate it, but he cannot use Explosion Magic because of insufficient mana.

But compared to the disadvantages, the advantages are infinitely enlarged.

Travel across the heavens and worlds to analyze various powerful abilities, and then imitate and use them to strengthen your own abilities!

It belongs to the weak chickens in the early stage, but it gets better and worse in the later stage!

Where is the protagonist of this cool article!

not good!

I have to hold back my gradually perverted smile!

Now I am still very weak, I can't wave, I have to be steady!

[I'm so excited! 】

After calming down his excited heart, Zhou Fangwu looked around to confirm his geographic location.

"This is... I see, Axel from Novice Village."

After carefully checking the signs on the road, Zhou Fangwu knew that the place where he appeared was the place where Aqua, Sato and Shinchu came to the different world in the original book, and it was also the starting point of the story plot.

"Hey, if that's the case, then wait here for a while."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Fangwu walked to the side, giving up a lot of space where he was standing just now.

He didn't choose to race against time to rush to the Adventurer's Guild, register as an adventurer and kill all directions, and then learn all the abilities in different worlds.

There is only one reason to wait here - he is waiting for the arrival of the hero and heroine.

That's right!

It is Akuya, the goddess of mental retardation, and the hero of the original novel, Kazuma Oni!

Because, the moment he left, he saw the magic circle that suddenly opened, and the figure that appeared inside was Sato Kazuma in green sportswear!

I believe it won't be long before Sato Kazuma will say: 'Then I'll take you with me! '

Then the two will fall from the sky and come to Axel Novice Village.

A good-for-nothing goddess, a good-for-nothing otaku, stepped forward again without the ability to cheat, and agreed to Fuzhao and form a team with them like a savior.

At that time, Akuya and Sato Kazuma would be grateful, and with the assistance of Akuya's super nanny, Sato Kazuma would cover up.

Why don't you take off immediately?

In this way, Zhou Fangwu waited patiently.

1 hour has passed...

2 hours have passed...

3 hours…

"What's the situation, why don't you come down!"

Zhou Fangwu stood here like a fool for nearly three hours, but he didn't even see the shadows of Akuya and Sato Kazuma.

"Could it be that the white light is too dazzling, and the flashing speed is too fast, causing me to see it wrong? It's not Sato Kazuma, but someone else?"

He fell into self-doubt,

"No, that's not right! Could it be that it's because Sato Kazuma has been choosing abilities for too long, and it's not time for the two of them to come down yet?"

Suddenly remembered that in the original book, because Sato Kazuma took too long to choose abilities, Aqua couldn't help but taunted and said extremely nasty things, which caused Sato Kazuma to choose Aqua as the [ability] in a rage. Zhou Fangwu immediately understood the plot of bringing the story from the lower realm.

So, just wait.

The sun is rising and the temperature is getting hotter.

Standing in the sun was too hot, so Zhou Fangwu had to hide in the shade, "Damn it, for the sake of the future, be patient!"

After waiting for a long time, Zhou Fangwu was so angry that he really wanted to leave, but when he thought of Akuya's super support in the future, he could only grit his teeth and wait.

Finally, when he was drowsy while waiting, there were bursts of noise from the side.


"It's animal ears! Some people have animal ears! There are also elves! Here, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is a different world..."

A blue mentally handicapped man who was screaming loudly, and a man who poked his head and commented on the dead house of the passing crowd, the two appeared not far from Zhou Fangwu.

Isn't it Aqua and Sato Kazuma!

It's finally here!


"Hey, you are noisy!"

Sato Kazuma didn't know what it means to respect a goddess at all, and he didn't know what it means to be humble to a woman. He taunted him unceremoniously: "Stop shouting, if I am also regarded as the same as a woman with a brain problem like you Guys, what should we do?"


Akuya yelled louder after hearing this, and threw herself on Sato Kazuma while yelling, strangling his neck tightly.

Of course Sato Kazuma, a 'feminist', would not be used to her, so he fought back and fought her.

Seeing this, Zhou Fangwu knew it was time for him to play.

Then he said: "Well, I thought something happened when I heard the noise, so I came to take a look. Isn't this Goddess Akuya?"

A sudden voice intervened, instantly attracting the attention of both of them.

"Who are you?"

Sato Kazuma looked at Zhou Fangwu with a puzzled face, but Akuya immediately remembered and shouted: "Ah, it's you!"

"Yo, my lord goddess."

Zhou Fangwu greeted him and introduced himself to Sato Kazuma:

"My name is Zhou Fangwu, and I am your senior, junior!"

PS: The new book is about to set sail, and I ask all the readers to vote for two tickets, please bookmark it!

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