Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 244: Bring 【Enhui】back to "Su Qing"!


It is an ability that all gods in Orario possess, and it is the only medium that they can bestow and open human [device].

It can be said that this kind of thing can be used as long as it is a god, it has long been a bad thing on the street, and it is not precious at all.

And Zhou Fangwu asked for [Grace] as a reward, even Uranus, who was sitting on the throne, didn't expect it, and the expression on his face suddenly froze.

"Enhui... is it okay, just this?"

"Well, that's all I want."

Zhou Fangwu nodded, and said, "I'm very interested in this thing. Even though God Hestia knows it too, she can't figure out the reason."

"Indeed, although Hestia likes to read, this is not something she can touch."

With a hoarse voice, Uranus belittled Hestia lightly.

But he seemed to realize that the young man in front of him was his family, and said as if explaining: "Of course, even if she can get in touch, then she won't even think about it."

Zhou Fangwu also said indifferently: "So I thought of begging for it from Uranus, who is the first lower realm.

Presumably you must know the principle of this, and it can even be said that the appearance of [Enhui] must have your participation! "

"Correct conclusion."

Uranus affirmed Zhou Fangwu's guess, but he asked again:

"But why do you need this?

As a citizen without divine power in the lower realm, you cannot bestow favors on others, and you should know this too. "

"Yes, I know it clearly. But I just want to know how it works...Isn't it possible?"


Zhou Fangwu's rhetorical question made Uranus unable to find any reason to refuse.

But in fact he was still deceived.

The gods in Orario come from various gods, and there are countless families.

And in this case, all the gods can grant the same [favor] to the people of the lower world, which means that all gods can do it.

That is to say...

There's no reason Akuya can't do it!

Akuya, who is also a **** with supernatural power, as long as he knows how to engrave [Grace], it means that he can also refresh his proficiency in the world of "Su Qing"!

"How about it, God Uranus."

Zhou Fangwu looked at the **** of the sky who fell into silence because of thinking, and asked without panic: "This thing is not important to you."

"You're right, I really have no reason to refuse."

Uranus agreed to his request.

"However, [Grace] is related to [Bible text], and you need to learn this knowledge if you want to know the principle. I suggest you ask Fels about it... Anyway, it was also called [Xian adventurer of the

"Hey, [Sage], it?!"

Zhou Fangwu was surprised when he looked at the skeleton frame beside him, because no matter how he looked at it, he didn't look like an adventurer.

"Okay, Fels, you take Wu to the secret room and teach him about [Grace]."


Fels replied softly.

"Thank you for your generosity, Lord Uranus."

Zhou Fangwu also bowed to show respect.

"It's okay, this is the reward you deserve."

Uranus waved his hand so that the boys below would not need to be so polite, but he was silent for a while and then said: "Zhou Fangwu, if I guess right, your proficiency is about to reach the upper limit."

"Correct, not soon, but already."

Zhou Fang Wulue said with some pride: "If it were me now, I would be able to rise to LV2 whenever I wanted, and [Great Achievements] has already been achieved."

Hearing Zhou Fangwu's words, Uranus was not surprised, but at the same time he made another request.

"Really. In this case, I have one more request for you."

"What is it?"

"Stop spreading the news of your promotion to LV2."

Zhou Fangwu couldn't help raising his brows at the words Uranus said.

"Why... Should I ask that?"

But before Uranus could answer, he took the first step and said, "Because what I'm about to do requires concealment, right?"

"Yes, you are right."

Uranus nodded, and explained to him: "Olali's adventurers will report to the Adventurer's Guild when they are promoted to LV2, and then pass it on to the God's Association, and finally the God will be responsible for the newcomer. Adventurers take [Title]."

"More than that, if the news that I have been promoted to LV2 in only 7 days is spread, then I will become very famous in an instant, which will be very unfavorable to my next mission."

"That's why I want you to hold off on this news."

"Well...well, I promise."

Zhou Fangwu thought about it and agreed.

Anyway, this dispensable name is not important to him, and the suspension doesn't mean no recording, so he doesn't care.

Of course, it would be even better if they could get some compensation.

It's a pity that the stingy sky **** didn't reveal his meaning in this regard.

"Then, let's go down first."

Firth took a step forward after the conversation between the two, and led Zhou Fangwu to turn away after offering his resignation.

Uranus watched quietly, as if looking at their backs, and seemed to be looking at the future.

His eyes were full of divine light.

After arranging Zhou Fangwu, Fels turned back again, came to Uranus and bowed his head respectfully.

"Is everything arranged?"

Uranus's flat tone seemed to be indifferent to everything.

Fels nodded and said, "Yes, I have successfully placed the [eyes] in the [Loki Familia]."

"Ah, very good."

Uranus sat up straight after hearing this.

He seemed to attach great importance to this, and ordered very seriously: "Put Zhou Fangwu on the bright side to attract the enemy's attention, so that our real [eyes] will be liberated, and we will get more information. "

"But isn't Zhou Fangwu your chosen [seed]?"

Fels asked very puzzled: "Since you have high hopes for him, why do you put him in danger?"

"Fels, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com [seeds] are still [seeds] no matter how much nutrition they water. Only by breaking through the barriers and breaking the layers of [shells] can they finally become towering trees .”

"You mean, he needs training?"

"That's right. And... [Seed] is not the only one."

Uranus raised his head and looked up, as if looking through the ceiling at a [rabbit] boy who was struggling among the monsters.

"Other [seeds]?"

"You will know later."

Hearing Fels' question, Uranus didn't intend to answer, but instead ordered: "The [Loki Familia] needs you to keep an eye on it, and keep an eye on the movement of their expedition team."

"Yes, I understand."

Fels nodded, and then disappeared into the dark basement.

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