Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 243: Blessing of the Sky God

When the shimmering magic pierced his eyebrows, Zhou Fangwu only felt that his brain was slightly different from before.

Become more sober and sharper.

"this is…"

He raised his right hand unconsciously, and a small whirlwind gathered at the tip of his raised index finger.

It was a subconscious reaction, and he didn't even use any magic power.

Feeling the breeze blowing underground, one naturally knows its flow direction and context.

— Listen to the sound of the wind.

Putting down his palms, he looked at Uranus without any surprise or joy in his expression, but frowning slightly with a puzzled look.

"You don't look happy, obviously this is the best blessing for you."

Uranus hoarsely asked the reason curiously.

"Yes, this blessing is indeed very important to me, but the current situation makes me worry even more."


"Fels also said just now that it knows my strength, so in that situation I can indeed handle it easily.

And when I ask you for an explanation, it is just a little unreasonable to make troubles and want to embarrass Fels.

But even so, you still gave me this compensation... To be honest, I want to refuse the task you mentioned even more. "

Zhou Fangwu said so much, the meaning is also very obvious.

— I don’t want to continue mixing it up.

However, Uranus was more satisfied with this kind of rapid retreat and full of wisdom.

He smiled with a dry face, and said, "Well, it is indeed the seed I selected. Needless to say, its strength is not inferior to others... Very good, very good!"

"Ahaha—your praise is really scary. Because even if I said so, you wouldn't let me quit, would you?"

"That's right."

Uranus breathed a sigh of relief. He looked like an old man who was about to go to the ground, without the majesty of God at all.

"Then, what is the mission?"

After Zhou Fangwu asked, he said: "I declare in advance that if it is too difficult, no matter what you say, I will not agree."

This is also to find a way out for yourself.

No matter how worthy he is as an adventurer, it doesn't mean that he is not afraid of the gods lurking in the dark.

These old monsters who have lived for hundreds of millions of years have a lot of tricks behind their backs.

The accumulation of hundreds of millions of years is not something that a rookie who has only debuted for one year can resist.

"Let me explain this."

Fels answered the call and gave Zhou Fangwu a task, "Actually, we want you to investigate the weirdo."


There are many creatures coexisting in this Orario, but if you try to classify them, you can only divide them into 2 types.

One is an adventurer and the other is a monster.

Among the adventurers are humans, orcs, fairies and so on.

The monsters are divided into monsters and heretics.

The difference is that after the death of the adventurer, the body will leave behind and will not produce magic stones, while the monster will not leave behind the body after death, but will only produce magic stones and dropped items.

Of course, so do heretics.


Another race appeared in Olalie now.


This newly emerged race is very special, it was formed after the death of the adventurer... no, it should be said that it was transformed by a special magic stone.

In other words, an adventurer with a magic stone.

Good guy, I'm direct good guy!

The Heroes Association is calling for experts!

Your adventurer's guild is actually an association of heroes with a layer of skin, right?

It's too dramatic!

"So, what does God Uranus need me to do?"

Zhou Fangwu squeezed his chin, thought for a while and asked back: "Do you want me to investigate whether this matter is true, or what purpose do they have?"

"I can guarantee the authenticity of this matter."

Urano made a direct promise and said, "As you said, I hope you can go to the dungeon to find out their reality."

He is the **** of the sky who represents tolerance.

But this does not mean that he can tolerate other enemies in the dark, creating new races under his nose.

The most important thing is to use the children from the lower realm as materials.

This is something he cannot accept!

Zhou Fangwu also frowned. He knew that there were heretics, an intelligent monster race, in the dungeon, but he really didn't know about strange people.


This sounds very complicated, and he can't completely sort out the whole thing by himself.

Not to mention the huge workload, it is also super troublesome.

Zhou Fangwu complained slightly to the **** of the sky sitting on it: "God Uranus, are you going to let me investigate alone? It's hard to do it by myself."

"Only you know the specific situation."

Uranus was silent for a while, thought carefully and said: "However, I will let you go on an expedition with the [Loki Familia]."

"What's the meaning?"

"Before, Loki came to me, and she also asked about the monster festival.

After discussion, she decided that the family members will go on another expedition in a few days, and you will go to the dungeon with them at that time. "

What Uranus said surprised Zhou Fangwu even more.

"What do you mean to say, you doubt the [Loki Familia], so you chose to let me monitor them?"

"There are also considerations in this regard."

Uranus didn't deny Zhou Fangwu's speculation, "Although Rocky doesn't seem to know anything, he has to relax in this regard, and it would be better for me if they find something."

"Is that why you asked me to watch them by the way?"

Zhou Fangwu murmured softly, and asked again: "But I am from another family, so it is very difficult to join the [Rocky family] expedition team... Normally, the expedition team will not allow strangers to join the team .”

"It is [normally]...but this time is different. This expedition has the assistance of other family members, and I have also talked with Loki, so you don't have to worry."

From what Uranus said, he seemed to have made arrangements early in the morning and was waiting for Zhou Fangwu's arrival.

"Huh, it seems that I have no reason to refuse."

In fact, Zhou Fangwu also had the idea of ​​going to the lower level to have a look.

Because he had no supporters and was afraid of encountering accidents, he had to return after reaching the [29th floor], which made him a little disappointed.

If he had the assistance of his teammates this time, he would definitely be able to go further and see more scenery!

This is really exciting!

He subconsciously licked his lips, feeling a little excited.

"It seems you agree."

Uranus also nodded slightly.

But what he didn't expect was that the boy he was optimistic about turned around and asked him for a reward.

"God Uranus, since I have worked hard for you, shouldn't you give me some rewards?"


"Look, I'm not a member of your family, and I'm still an adventurer~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I do missions and contribute to my employer, of course you have to give me some rewards."

Zhou Fangwu's grinning expression looked so philistine.

Fels couldn't hold back a little bit, and it stood up and reprimanded in a low voice: "What about the reward, didn't I give it to you just now, God's blessing on Uranus."

"You're wrong, Fels. That's compensation, not payment."

Zhou Fangwu shook his finger to correct its mistake.


"All right, Fels."

When Fels wanted to say something more, Uranus interrupted and asked again: "So, what do you want?"


The gods grant adventurers [Grace], I want to know the principle of its engraving! "

Zhou Fangwu's voice was full of longing.

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