Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 213: I was serious about taking half a step back!

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[Rabbit] Bell who ran away naturally attracted the attention of other adventurers.

"What's wrong, all of a sudden..."

"What, what happened?"

"That boy, what the **** is..."

"How dare you eat the overlord's meal at Mia's mother, you are really brave enough."

"Really, so bold?!"

They didn't understand the cause of the incident, and they simply thought that Bell was eating the overlord's meal.

"Mr. Bell, Mr. Bell—!"

Hill quickly came out from behind the counter, called his name and chased after him.

Ais, who was sitting on the [Loki Familia] wine table, got up and followed out the moment she saw Bell.

Of course, Zhou Fangwu was also following along.

It was only when they came out of the tavern that [Rabbit] Bell had already run into the alley around the corner, and disappeared into the night in the blink of an eye.

The speed with which he escaped made all three feel a little helpless.

"That person is..."

"Mr. Bell..."

As if answering, as if worried, Hill murmured Bell's name softly.

Watching Bell running away in the night, Zhou Fangwu fell silent.

This is Bell's turning point and the starting point of his rise. Only after experiencing this setback and knowing his own weakness, will he have the desire to become stronger, and thus have the qualification to go to a higher place.

How can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain?

The harshness of others will eventually turn into the driving force for progress!

So, work hard to grow up, boy!

"Those people are too good to say that."


"The so-called strong is not the kind who can ridicule others wantonly."


"Even if you are a member of the [Loki Familia], you shouldn't be so mocking to others."


"That's right, the guest thinks so too."


"Could it be that the guest knows Mr. Beier, so he is also worried about him?"


Because he was thinking, he subconsciously echoed the person who was speaking.

But Zhou Fangwu's face changed slightly when he heard the people on the side asking and saw who was speaking.

It's Hill!

The most popular waiter in this tavern!

At the same time, it is also the clone of the goddess of beauty Freya!

[Sword Princess] Ai Si, who had been standing on the other side just now, had already left.

Looking back, it turned out that Loki hugged his shoulders and forcibly took him back.

Now, only Zhou Fangwu and Hill were standing on the street.

The two standing in the darkness seemed to be divided into two worlds from the bright tavern with the light under their feet as the boundary.

Being targeted? !

Zhou Fangwu felt that there was a big word [Danger] on his head.

"Does the guest know Bell? Can you tell Hill?"

Hill looked inquiringly, and then took a step forward to get very close to Zhou Fangwu, his delicate face was close to his face, his eyes looked up obliquely, as if he was looking at the face hidden under the hood.

The beautiful girl's nirvana - slanting up 45° and killing with her face up!


Zhou Fangwu couldn't help but want to run away from the girl who was so close at hand, the alarm sounded in his heart, he subconsciously took half a step back to widen the distance between the two.

At the same time, the heart is still roaring loudly:

Don't come here!

But the face hidden under the hood still forcibly put on a face of ice, without any expression change, because he didn't know if the girl could see his face.

"Hey, why did the guest back away, did Hill scare you?"

The extremely cute girl was surprised and apologetic at the same time, as if she was expressing self-blame for her abrupt behavior just now, begging to be forgiven by the guests in front of her, an amiable aura emerged spontaneously.

Seeing her like this, Zhou Fangwu shook his head lightly, "No, I just didn't expect Miss Hill to talk to me, so I was a little surprised."

Hill confirmed again, "Didn't you scare the guests?"



Hill, who was forgiven, let out a long sigh of relief, patted himself on the chest, as if he felt relieved after being forgiven, and asked again: "By the way, does the guest know Mr. Beier? It seems that the guest also ran out in a hurry. "

"...Well, I met once in the dungeon."

Zhou Fangwu gave an ambiguous answer.

It seems that he doesn't want to talk to her more, and he always makes some small gestures, all revealing that he wants to leave here quickly.

This made the pretty girl in front of her very angry.

She pouted slightly, and said dissatisfiedly: "Does the guest not want to talk to Hill, or does the guest want to leave because of something?"

"Why do you say that?"

"Because the guests seem to be uninterested."

"Lack of interest... No, Miss Hill misunderstood."

Zhou Fangwu tugged on his hood, and said in a slightly low voice: "It's just that Miss Hill, the most popular lady in the tavern, suddenly called on me, and she was helpless and didn't know what to do, that's why I made such a concession Miss Hill is dissatisfied, and I hope Miss Hill will forgive me."

This sentence is quite thought-provoking, but it sounds very sincere, but what kind of meaning is hidden in it, only Zhou Fangwu knows.

"Hehehe, the guests can really talk."

Hill was amused by this sentence, but she didn't let Zhou Fangwu go because of this, and said instead: "However, even if the guest compliments Hill so much, Hill will not let the guest skip the order."


"So, guests, don't try to eat the overlord's meal like Mr. Beier."

Hill stretched out his index finger and pointed under the cherry lips, pretending to be pitiful and said: "Mr. Bell's behavior tonight will definitely make Mia's mother angry. If there is another one, then Hill and the other waiters will be scolded, so ...The guest is a guest brought by Aniya, and the guest doesn't want Aniya to be scolded by Mia's mother, right?"

Her eyes seem to be able to speak, with a request that people cannot refuse, and people will be immersed in her special eyes without knowing it.

Zhou Fangwu's brain was a little dazed, and his spirit was in a trance.

But in the next second, a sense of coolness enveloped his mind instantly, allowing him to recover from his trance.

Is this allure? !

It's really scary!

"I see…"

Without showing any abnormality, he took out the coin from his pocket and handed it to Hill, and said apologetically, "Sorry, I was negligent. Here, this is my meal fee."

"Yes! I did! Wait a minute and I'll get your change right away."

After receiving the money, Hill was all smiles, and she turned and ran into the tavern.

Zhou Fangwu could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Scared to death!

I thought I was being targeted, but I didn't expect that I just came to ask for the meal fee.

However, what is going on with this strange feeling of happiness and a hint of disappointment in my heart?

That's not right, isn't it true that all transmigrators will be targeted by that beauty god? Why didn't I attract her attention?

Is it because your soul is not dazzling?

No, no, I'm an upright boy!

No matter how you think about it~www.wuxiamtl.com~ it must be because of the [cognitive impairment cloak] on me.

Yes, it must be so!


"Why do guests sigh?"

Hill, who ran out of the bright tavern again, brought back the change, and she looked at Zhou Fangwu who was standing on the street and sighing in doubt.

Zhou Fangwu looked at the gloomy night, and said meaningfully: "It's nothing, it's just that there will be a rain tonight... a heavy rain."

"Really, the guest should go back as soon as possible. Here, your change. Thank you for your patronage! Looking forward to your next visit!"

Without saying a word, Zhou Fangwu took the coin from the girl's hand, and at the same time was politely sent by the waiter, then turned and left.

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