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Led by the gray-haired maid, our [rabbit] Mr. Bell followed the most popular waiter with strong shyness and embarrassment.

To the relief of the shy boy, he didn't attract the attention of other adventurers, and just treated him as an ordinary guest.

Then he sat at the very front, at the bar counter of the tavern.

It's a private seat for one person.

You can eat leisurely without caring about other people's eyes, and you are also very close to the waiters in the back kitchen.

In fact, Zhou Fangwu was also led there by Aniya at the beginning, but he still wanted to stay away from attracting attention, so he decided to sit in a remote corner on his own.

The waiter has taken good care of Bell.

Not only that, there are acquaintances to turn around, and Bell has a very good evaluation from those waitresses.

This point can be seen from Zhou Fangwu's order until the food has not been served yet, but Bell has already eaten.

However, Aniya didn't keep her big customer waiting too long. Zhou Fangwu waited for his today's limited set meal after Bell finished serving.

A large plate of pasta, a large glass of brewed wine, and a savory fish.

Hey, isn't this the same as Bell? !

So, did I get scammed or did he get scammed?

Stop thinking about it and focus on fighting the food in front of you.

My stomach growled, it couldn't wait any longer.

Pick up a big mouthful of pasta and stuff it into your mouth. The fragrant pasta blooms in your mouth, and your saliva can't stop secreting.

"good to eat."

"Right! It's delicious!"

Hearing the guest's praise, Anya couldn't help flicking her cat's tail.

The taste of this plate of pasta is really good, a little better than that made by Rem.

In this way, it seems that Aniya did not deceive him, and today's limited set meal is indeed sold... But the price is expensive, and not many adventurers order it.

"Then, guests, please enjoy slowly, and I will leave Meow first."

Anya smiled and left.

And Zhou Fangwu ate again, wanting to enjoy the food.

However, this happiness was interrupted by a sudden visitor, and what happened next made him lose his appetite.

Under Aniya's loud welcome, for some reason, the noisy tavern suddenly became extremely quiet, and everyone's eyes were focused on the door of the tavern.

"Hey, look, look!"

"that is…"

The adventurers greeted their companions who were bored drinking and didn't know what to do, and pointed to the dozen or so sudden guests who had just walked in.

"Hey, that chick is so pretty!"

A drunk middle-aged man looked at [Sword Princess] Ai Si who had just walked in, and subconsciously began to talk.

His companion was shocked when he heard it, quickly patted him on the shoulder, and reprimanded loudly, "Idiot, what are you talking about, look at that badge!"

"…Depend on."

The middle-aged man who was still drunk suddenly woke up when he saw the laughing clown badge.

He couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat, because he was afraid of being held accountable, he subconsciously wanted to run away.

But after waiting for a while, no one came to find him, so he relaxed his tense body.

—He was lucky enough to be ignored by the [Loki Familia].

"that is…"

"That's right, it's the giant nemesis—【Loki Familia】!"

"Hiss—!" xN

As the knowledgeable adventurers popularized science, the other people sitting around subconsciously took a breath, and then began to discuss in a low voice.

"[Brave], [Nine Demon Princess], [Chongjie], the three LV6 first-level adventurers who have been famous for a long time, really have extraordinary aura."

"Is that the first-level adventurers?!"

"Wait, which one is the famous [Sword Princess]?"

"It's that girl with long golden hair."

"So young?"

As expected of Olalie's star family, the cheers when they came out were extraordinary.

"Okay! This dungeon expedition has worked hard for everyone! I won't return tonight if I don't get drunk! Drink!"

Under the greeting of the main **** Loki, the adventurers of [Loki Familia] all raised their wine glasses.

After drinking for three rounds, the werewolf boy in [Rocky's Familia] started to attack.

He is Burt Rocca, a first-level adventurer with the title of [Wolf].

At this time, Burt's face was flushed very unnaturally, and he seemed to be drunk.

As if having fun, he said loudly to the girl sitting in front of him on the left: "Okay! By the way, Ace!"


"Tell me about what happened to you last time!"

"What's up?"

[Wolf] Burt's continuous questioning made [Sword Girl] Ai Si confused, so her nature was fully exposed.

"That's the one. On the way back, a few Minotaurs escaped. Didn't you solve the last one on the fifth floor? It was about the [Tomato] boy you met at that time."

It seemed to be a reminder, but he inexplicably emphasized the pronunciation of the two words.

This made [Sword Girl] Ai Si react, and she said in a flat tone: "The Minotaur you are talking about, is the one that attacked us on the 17th floor but was repelled by us, and then immediately ran away collectively?"

There is no problem with her answer.

But the careful Zhou Fangwu found that after she said these words, the [rabbit] Bell's body became extremely stiff as if it had been frozen.

Even the [spring spirit] expression that had been on his face since just now disappeared.

The boy's self-esteem was shattered.

"That's right, that's the time!"

[Werewolf] Burt, who didn't know that he had hurt a certain boy's self-esteem, was still yelling loudly: "I don't know what miracle made them keep running to the upper floor, making us keep chasing..."

He didn't stop his displeasure with Minotaurus, but the conversation turned back to that impressive [Tomato] boy.

"...Then, I saw a soft-legged shrimp that I knew was a novice at a glance. It was forced to the corner like a rabbit, shaking all over, it was really pitiful to see, and the expression was still cramping. Leh!"

[Wild Wolf] Bert's words made everyone sitting around him interested, especially Amazon sister who had advised Zhou Fangwu.

"Oh, oh, so there is such a thing,"

Diona Silut exclaimed and continued to ask: "Then, what happened to that adventurer, was he saved?"

"Yes, is he saved?"

"Say it, say it."

Others continued to follow suit.

After suffocating people's appetite, [Wild Wolf] Burt said loudly with a mocking tone: "Then, it was Ais who chopped Mirotaur into pieces at the last moment! But... the guy, The whole body was covered with blood, it became like a bright red tomato, hahahaha!"

The words from the werewolf made the other adventurers want to laugh~www.wuxiamtl.com~ But seeing the expressionless faces of their leader and deputy leader, they had no choice but to bear it back.

But a werewolf boy who brought up this topic didn't care at all.

His laughter grew louder and gradually spread throughout the tavern.

Everyone who didn't know why couldn't stop laughing after understanding what happened, and the whole tavern became a sea of ​​joy.

[Rabbit] Bell sitting at the front hung his head, his body couldn't stop shaking violently, facing this topic that was ridiculed by others, he was in great pain now.

In the end, it seemed that after this kind of ridicule could no longer be tolerated.

He escaped.

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