Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 187: 2200 W Eris' IOU

, the fastest update, I didn't expect it, I went through the latest chapter again!

If you want to ask why it developed into this way, then the time has to go a little further.

"La Latina, what do you think?"

Although he knew what his daughter would answer, Darkness's father couldn't help but want to confirm again, saying, "Do you want to go on an adventure with your friends?"

And Darkness was just as he thought.

He replied bluntly: "Yes, Father, Lalatina wants to go on an adventure with them."


"Oh, Lalatina..."

"Lalatina or something."

Ignoring these companions who made fun of names that made her feel ashamed, Darkness said firmly: "This is from my own will, I don't want to be imposed on myself by others' wishes, and Lalatina doesn't want to get married yet. "

"Really. So be it, that's fine."

Darkness's father was a little sad, but agreed to his daughter's request. Afterwards, he said again: "It's getting late, and the dinner has already been prepared by the servants. How about resting for one night after eating and setting off tomorrow?"

"No, we're leaving now..."

"Take it as a farewell farewell for Lalatina... I don't know when I will come back again, so let's take it as fulfilling my little wish."

"…All right."

The words have come to this point, if Zhou Fangwu refuses again, he doesn't know what is good or bad, so he has no choice but to agree.

"Then I will trouble you."

"No problem."

He smiled and looked at the team members in front of him.

His expression made Mr. Zhou Fangwu feel that he had some kind of plot.

No, maybe the purpose is to sell favors to his daughter's companions so that they can take care of Darkness?

I hope it's not my illusion.

Although the Dustinis family is a great lord, the dinner is actually not particularly luxurious. There are no delicacies on jade plates or special ingredients, just ordinary daily meals.

It's just that the variety is complete, and it looks particularly rich when placed on the dining table.

This is an ordinary family dinner.

"Sa, you're welcome, just eat and drink."

As the host, Lord Dustinis called everyone to sit down quickly, and said, "Come on, treat it as if you are in your own home, please enjoy it as you like."

In fact, if he didn't say this, Akuya and the others could still pretend to be reserved.

But as soon as these words were spoken, these problem children were like starving ghosts who hadn't eaten for three days, gulping down the food on the table, without any intention of being polite.


Lord Dustinis laughed when he saw how they were devouring it.

Perhaps in his eyes, this group of adventurers who are not pretentious or pretending are a group of good partners who can rely on each other.

Regarding this, Zhou Fangwu really wanted to say, ‘This is just your filter. '

"By the way, I still have a bottle of bubble wine here, which is a gift from a certain nobleman."

Lord Dustines took a bottle of wine from the maid, and introduced to everyone: "I heard from him that this is a very rare wine, and it is no longer available in the market. In fact, I don't know how to drink, so I took it out. Enjoy it for you."

"Bubble wine?"

As soon as he heard that there was wine, Akuya suddenly regained his spirits.

She took the bottle of wine and inspected it carefully, looked at the package, dipped some wine with her fingertips, and then took a sip.

The extremely professional approach made Zhou Fangwu wonder how much bubble wine she secretly bought and drank.

Why is the wine master... a goddess?

"Wow! It's actually ivy wine?!"

Akuya yelled and explained: "This kind of wine is indeed very rare, even in the tavern of the Adventurer's Union, there is no such kind of wine. Even the Adventurer's Union has posted a bounty mission for this kind of wine, and the price is basically It is around 150W Eris, which is the extinct bubble wine on the market!"

She explained the origin of this bottle of wine clearly, as if she had drunk it before...

and many more!

As if she ever drank?

Zhou Fangwu frowned, and found that the matter was not simple.

In fact, it wasn't just him, even Sato Kazuma noticed it.

"Hey~ As expected of Akua, she is really proficient in wine, and I'm all for nothing."

Sato Kazuma praised her in a very cold and perfunctory tone.

It's a pity that Aku, who was so flattered by this careless and perfunctory flattery, didn't realize that he had actually been exposed, and instead turned his nose up and looked complacent.

"Hmph, I am the goddess in charge of water. Although this kind of wine is rare, I have drank it before!"

"Then I have a question, can I ask the goddess to answer it?"

"What, tell me and listen."

"Why... the poor goddess of water knows the taste of such expensive bubble wine?! Explain it to me, you idiot Aqua!"


It was only at this time that Akuya realized that when she showed off her knowledge just now, she had completely exposed herself.

"Hey, don't try to make excuses or lie, don't we know what kind of virtue you are?"

Sato Kazuma patted the table and threatened her: "It's better to tell the truth, otherwise Senior Zhou Fang will really abandon you, the spirit goddess who caused trouble!"


Akuya was stunned for a moment, and then she looked at Zhou Fangwu weeping again.


Softly calling Zhou Fangwu's name, it's really hard to punish her... If you think so, you're totally wrong!

"Akuya, I'm also curious, can you tell me?"

Zhou Fangwu also looked at Akuya, even though she was crying pitifully, he didn't let her go, but forced to ask: "Why do you know the taste of such expensive bubble wine, and not only the price, but also the task reward know so clearly"


Akuya choked, knowing that she couldn't be fooled, so she had no choice but to tell the truth.

"Actually, I bought this wine before."

"Hmm, um... eh?!"

"Didn't you say that this bottle of wine is worth 150W Eris, where did you get so much money!"

"it is this."

Under the questioning of the team members, Akua took out a piece of paper from between her peaks with trembling hands.

"what is this?"

Zhou Fangwu took it curiously.

"It's an IOU."

"Ah, ah—?!"

When I opened it, it turned out to be an IOU, the amount owed was 150W, and the borrower was Akuya!

Zhou Fangwu lifted his forehead and sighed.

Finally, finally?

Has Akuya finally lost control of himself and embarked on the road of borrowing money to buy wine?

Fortunately, she only borrowed 150W Eris, which is not too much.

However, is this really the case?

Following the IOUs that Akuya took out from his chest, Zhou Fangwu's blood pressure soared.

The brain is shaking!

There are a total of 13 IOUs, and the total amount owed is as high as 22 million Eris!

As expected of you, Aqua!

How on earth did you borrow so much money!

Is my reputation used as collateral? !

"Heh, heh heh, heh heh."

This time, even Zhou Fangwu, who always spoiled her, couldn't suppress his anger, it was too much!

"Aqua, sit up!"

"Yes, sorry, I was wrong!"

Akuya immediately knelt down on the chair and apologized loudly to Zhou Fangwu.

Seeing her very familiar appearance, Zhou Fangwu was really angry and thought it was funny, but before he could give a lecture, he heard hearty laughter from the side.

"Hehe, hahaha~"

It's Lord Dustinis.

It may be that the intimate interaction between the team members made him feel very novel and interesting, so he laughed unconsciously.

But being interrupted like this, Zhou Fangwu felt embarrassed to preach to Akuya again.

I had no choice but to let her go, and apologized to Lord Dustinis, saying: "I'm sorry, we were rude, and let you see our unbearable side."

"It's fine, isn't it?"

Lord Dustinis said with a smile: "You two are so close, doesn't it mean that the team members get along well? No wonder Lalatina likes to take risks with you. It seems that there is a reason for it."

"Hehe, you're joking."

Zhou Fangwu smiled embarrassingly, and seemed to argue: "Actually, our team is not like this, please don't get me wrong."

"Ahahaha, then take it as a misunderstanding. Come on, then try this good bottle of wine."

Lord Dustines didn't care, and asked the maid to pour wine for everyone.

Akua didn't know if it was because he escaped a catastrophe, or because he was able to taste the fine wine.

She cheered happily, "Yeah!"

But Sato Kazuma obviously didn't want to let her go, but reprimanded in a low voice: "What's good!' Ah, do you know how much trouble you have caused the team."

"Hmph, it has nothing to do with idiots and really."

"Why doesn't it matter, aren't we the companions of a small team!"

Sato Kazuma hopped and shouted loudly: "Why are you always like this, please be considerate of me and Senior Zhou Fang who are working hard for the team!"

"Well, don't be angry, Sato-kun."

Instead, Zhou Fangwu comforted Sato Kazuma who was about to explode, telling him to pay attention to the next occasion and his own image.

Let's talk about it when we go home!


Sato Kazuma sighed lightly. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

At this time, the maid had already poured a glass of bubble wine for everyone.

"So, everyone... Cheers!"


Raising the wine glass in his hand, he cheered loudly and drank it in one gulp.


boom! X5

In the next second, there was a uniform movement.

Everyone except Lord Dustinis passed out.

[Hero] Squad, all wiped out!

The above is Zhou Fangwu's last memory.

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