Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 186: Darkness who won the sympathy of 2 women

, the fastest update, I didn't expect it, I went through the latest chapter again!

"Why do you say that, Senior Zhou Fang!"

Sato Kazuna yelled loudly, "This idiot has handed over all the problems to you. If you are not careful, you will be tricked by her! It will have a great impact on your reputation!"

It was because he was misunderstood in this way that his reputation was very bad, so he couldn't see others being misunderstood and causing his reputation to be dragged down.

But Kazuma Sato said so, which completely angered Darkness.

"Hey, don't make me sound like an unwanted woman, okay?"

Darkness pinched Sato Kazuma's neck desperately, without holding back the slightest hand, the huge grip made Sato Kazuma almost go into shock.

It was obvious that she was really angry.

"Help, help! I was wrong, I was wrong!"

Sato Kazuma hurriedly begged for mercy.

Zhou Fangwu said softly: "Darkness, let him go."

Darkness let go of him with a soft snort, and said angrily: "How dare you say that... I am still a young lady, and there are still many young nobles who came to propose marriage."

"Heh, what about the perverted and hopelessly trembling noble lady." Sato Kazuma didn't accept the lesson just now, and was still mocking Darkness.

"Hey, beat you!"

"Then what exactly is your request?"

Sato Kazuma said unhappily: "You have been refusing to go on a blind date, what kind of man do you like!"

"It's good to be like Wu... No, what are you asking me to say!"

Darkness realized that she had made a slip of the tongue, and quickly changed her words: "I don't want to get married at all, I want to be an adventurer, I want to take risks!"

"It's impossible."

Sato Kazuma retorted: "In the final analysis, adventurers are not able to do a lifetime job. This kind of life that sometimes becomes rich and sometimes poor is not suitable for noble children like you, Darkness. You should find a good person and behave yourself." Get married as often as possible, and let your husband accompany you to take risks someday when you are bored. But this is only occasionally, and you will not do too dangerous tasks, and will not make your father and husband worry about your safety. This is the life you should live, understand!"

His long speeches were all about rejecting Darkness, rejecting Darkness's desire to continue their adventures with them.

But in fact, he was also thinking about Darkness.

In fact, Zhou Fangwu, Akuya and Sato Kazuma, unlike Megumin and Darkness, have more important tasks.

- Defeat the devil!

That's right, defeat the Demon King.

Even if the team is disbanded, even if Huihui and Darkness quit the team, they will not stop their steps to defeat the devil, but will unswervingly move towards the goal of defeating the devil.

That's why he wanted to take this opportunity to let Darkness, who was no longer fit to take risks with them, quit the team.

However, how could Darkness get married just like that?

"I'm not a woman who gives up lightly. I haven't taken risks, I haven't defeated the devil, and I will never get married!"

Darkness made up her mind, as if no one could stop her.

But when she did this, it seemed like she had set up one for herself.

"Hey you…!"

"Why does Darkness insist on getting married?"

Sato Kazuma obviously wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Aqua.

Akua tapped her lips with her index finger, and she asked with a puzzled expression, "Since Darkness doesn't want to get married, why are you forcing her?"

"Why, wouldn't it be better to take this opportunity to let Darkness leave the team?"

Sato Kazuma said: "Darkness is different from us. She has received an elite education and should find a noble who matches her instead of hanging out with us adventurers. She has lived a luxurious life since she was born. Life, and want to freely decide your own life, this kind of thinking is just playing willful!"

"That's just your own wishful thinking. Even Darkness's father didn't decide her life arbitrarily, did he?"


Hearing Aqua's words, Sato Kazuma was astonished.

He never expected that Akuya would actually speak for Darkness, and what she said was so reasonable.

And not only Aqua, but even Megumin pleaded for Darkness.

"That's right. Although it's not good for Darkness to use Wudang as a shield, you can't force Darkness to marry, can you?"

Perhaps in Huihui's eyes, it was very pitiful for Darkness to be forcefully forced by her father to go on a blind date with other people, so she also begged for mercy.

But have they all forgotten?

Although Darkness's father forced his daughter to marry, he had already promised her to be a child for her happiness.

What a huge harm this is to a father!

"You two..."

Sato Kazuma was left speechless by what the two women said.

Although he still wanted to say some exaggerated words, he knew that Darkness, who had already gained the support of the two team members, would never leave the team again.

Moreover, Senior Zhou Fang had been on Darkness's side from the very beginning, no matter how much he persuaded her, it was useless.

Obviously, his plan to abandon the team's M-shaking perverted female knight was shattered.

The hot potato is back.

"So, it's decided."

Darkness successfully won the sympathy of Akua and Huihui, so it must be no problem to return to the team to continue the adventure.

bang bang!

There was a knock on the door, and it was Darkness's father who pushed the door open.

His expression didn't change from when he left, but the redness in the corners of his eyes still revealed his sadness.

Looking at the people sitting upright, he smiled and apologized, and said, "Sorry, I didn't bother you."

"No, no. We just finished talking too."

"So, what was the result?"

"Please, let Lalatina and us continue the adventure, please!"

Zhou Fangwu lowered his head, and said firmly: "I will never let her get hurt, and with the reputation of [Kingdom Hero], I guarantee that even if I die, I will stand in front of her~www.wuxiamtl.com~ This sentence says He himself found it funny when he came out.

With Darkness's terrifying physical defense, there are very few attacks that can cause her harm. Even if there are, Darkness would like to stand in front of her and feel the pleasure that this pain brings to her. Wu's protection.

But these words won Darkness's father's heart, and he was very satisfied with Zhou Fangwu's guarantee.

Immediately leave everyone at home for one night.


"Why, why, why, why I live in the same room with Wu, someone explain to me!"

Darkness blushed and growled loudly.

"Heh, heh."

Zhou Fangwu twitched the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, he didn't know why.

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