Butterfly Ninja's life experience is more tragic.

She was originally the daughter of the pharmacist's family, but a ghost invaded the house and killed her parents. When she and her sister Butterfly Kanae were nearly murdered, they were lucky enough to be rescued by Yan Zhu.

After tempering, she and her sister passed the final trial, became members of the ghost killing team, and began to hunt evil spirits.

Four years later, my sister became Zhu, and she became my sister's stepson.

But in a certain ghost hunting operation, her sister Butterfly Kanae meets Tong Mo who is the second of the first string!

After the sister Butterfly Kanae fought hard, she still died before the moment when she saw the dawn.

Butterfly endured that it was all his fault that he didn't arrive at the scene until after dawn.

She blamed herself for failing to save her sister.

Since then, although she has always turned towards her sister with a smile on her face, her heart has always been filled with unquenchable anger and hatred towards ghosts.

Rather, Butterfly Ninja has a different kind of paranoia towards ghosts, whether they are good ghosts or evil ghosts, she wants to kill them.

Even her sister's wish is for humans and ghosts to coexist peacefully.

"Moxi Moxi, Mr. Zhou Fang won't be angry. I apologize to you. I'm sorry, I was wrong." Butterfly Ninja followed Zhou Fangwu's side, apologizing sincerely.


However, Zhou Fangwu didn't accept her apology at all, and just ran blindly to the inside of the Tian Spider Mountain.

The destination of the two of them is the same, and they are both the central battlefield of Natian Spider Mountain.

After Zhou Fangwu's emergency treatment, my wife Shanyi was almost recovered, and was handed over to the Yin Squad of the Ghost Killing Squad to take care of her.

So now it's just the two of them.

But Zhou Fangwu obviously didn't want to deal with Butterfly Ninja, all because Butterfly Ninja came up indiscriminately and chopped it up.

Wisteria is a kind of plant. Although it is not harmful to humans, it is quite poisonous to evil spirits. Ghosts will die if they ingest wisteria flowers.

Poisoning wisteria flowers to ghosts is also a good way to kill ghosts.

Butterfly Ninja uses this method.

Because she has little strength and cannot cut off the neck of the evil spirit, she chooses to poison her.

"I was wrong, I was wrong."

Butterfly apologized sincerely, but said in a tactful tone, "Besides, Mr. Zhou Fang is also at fault!"

"Am I wrong too?"

Zhou Fangwu laughed angrily, "You hacked me with a knife, am I still at fault?"

"That's right, who would have thought that Zhou Fangjun's hand would glow green. If it was a normal person, there would be no such abnormality."

"Well, you're right. Normal people don't have green light in their hands." Zhou Fangwu nodded.

"That's right."

"But! This is not the reason for you to kill me indiscriminately!"

"So I apologize to you, I'm sorry!"

Butterfly apologized sincerely, "Master Zhou Fang has a lot, please forgive me."

Seeing her humbly begging for forgiveness, Zhou Fangwu couldn't handle her anymore, "For the sake of your sincerity, I forgive you."

Afterwards, he would have to deal with the Ghost Killing Team, so it would not be wise to offend a column member.

Not to mention, Butterfly Shinobu has a very good relationship with other column-level players,

Be careful of her secretly making troubles and give yourself small shoes to wear.

"Really! Thank you Zhou Fang for forgiving me!" Butterfly smiled happily.


By the way, who are you!

Aren't you trying to be a gentle, gentle, Yamato Nadeko type woman like your older sister?

Why are you so energetic?

"My Butterfly Can't Be So Vigorous"!

Butterfly ran and asked: "Again, what is the green light from Zhou Fangjun's hands?"

Just now she went to check on my wife Shanyi's condition.

She found that my wife, Shanyi, was in surprisingly good condition. Apart from excessive mental exhaustion and falling into a coma, there was no other problem at all, and her body was intact!

This is amazing!

If she hadn't seen my wife Shanyi's gesture of releasing a flash of thunderbolt, she would have thought it was Zhou Fangwu who killed Brother Gui.

"Didn't I say that it is my unique healing method, which can be used for superficial treatment. It can only treat the body, not the spirit."

Butterfly moved slightly after listening, and seemed to have an idea in his heart.

Tsk, no wonder I bowed my head and admitted my mistake so quickly, it turned out that I was eyeing the [healing] magic.

Zhou Fangwu who wanted to understand quickly shattered her delusion, and explained to her: "Don't think about it, it's my unique ability, and I can't teach others."

[Healing] is a skill, unless Butterfly Ninja also has an adventurer card, Zhou Fangwu can't pass it on to her.

"That's right."

Butterfly accepted this fact easily.

In fact, she has seen this kind of special ability before, such as Lianzhu Ganluji Mili, her body density is eight times that of ordinary people, and her defense and strength are far beyond ordinary people, so at the same time she is also a big eater.

There is also Undead Chuan Xuanya, who can eat ghosts and temporarily transform into ghosts.

These are their special features.

It is also inimitable.

The topic didn't end, Butterfly Ninja still had a lot of questions about Zhou Fangwu, "Zhou Fang-jun, you are not a member of the Ghost Killing Team, are you? You dress so strangely, and why do you know how to breathe thunder?"

"If I said, 'I learned how to use Shanyi because I saw it once', what would you think?"

Zhou Fangwu didn't intend to hide his talent, and there's nothing wrong with him exposing it openly.

After all, he is also on the human side, and the Ghost Killing Squad will not frame him.

On the contrary, once it is confirmed that he has this kind of talent, then he will become the 'hope' of the Ghost Killing Team and be vigorously cultivated!

The Ghost Killing Squad has the hope of ending the millennium long-cherished wish, and Zhou Fangwu also learned all the breathing methods by taking advantage of the opportunity.

What is a win-win situation! (Tactical back)

But obviously, Butterfly Ren didn't believe what Zhou Fangwu said at all, thinking that Zhou Fangwu was teasing her, expressing dissatisfaction with her faux pas just now.

"Ahaha~ Zhou Fang-jun is really small."


Zhou Fangwu blinked his eyes, did he say something wrong?

At this time, you shouldn't act like, 'Wow, you are amazing, I want to bring you to meet the Patriarch! ’ The excited look, why did you mock yourself instead?

"Could it be that Zhou Fangjun of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com meant to say, 'No matter what kind of sword skill it is, after showing it in front of you, you can easily learn it'?"

Butterfly said this slightly sarcastic remark with a smile on her face, which meant that she didn't believe what Zhou Fangwu said at all.

Zhou Fangwu also heard it, this Butterfly Shinobi must have thought he was bragging.

But that's okay.

Facts speak louder than words, and after a while you will know whether I am cowhide or not.

Don't say anything, just call '666' behind me!

Can you do whatever you want with a plug-in?

Sorry, with a plug-in, you can really do whatever you want!

Zhou Fangwu smiled confidently, "Ah, that's true! It's no exaggeration to say that no matter what kind of sword skill you have, as long as you perform it once in front of me, I can easily analyze and imitate it!"

"Hehe." Butterfly couldn't resist retorting, but she didn't speak anymore either.

The chat ends with 'hehe'.

When Zhou Fangwu said this, it was not because he was arrogant, nor was it because he was drifting away.

But he really has this capital.

Now his level is level 6, with a total of 60 skill points.

Except for a small number of [Magic Power Expansion], the rest of the skill points are all spent on the [Body Strengthening] imitated from Darkness!

Although his physical strength can't keep up with Darkness, Zhou Fangwu is confident that he is stronger than Yanzhu!

As a matter of course, all kinds of breathing methods and sword skills are naturally easy for him!

Now he just wants to run to the center of Natian Spider Mountain, and then analyze and imitate the sword skills of the swordsmen there!

However, on their way straight to the center of the mountain, they encountered a ghost.

She is the elder sister of the spider ghost family!

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