The man who attacked Zhou Fangwu was very quick with his sword, and went straight to his throat.

If it weren't for his thieves skill - [Sense Enemy], which sensed the crisis one step ahead, he might have been killed by now!

"Who, come out?!"

Zhou Fangwu roared angrily and looked desperate.

The attacker did not hide, but jumped down from the wooden house and landed lightly in front of Zhou Fangwu.

"Mr. Ghost, can you please give me the person in your hand?"

That's what she said.

The figure in front of her was a woman, showing her beautiful face under the moonlight.

She is about 1.5 meters tall, and she is a head shorter than Zhou Fangwu. It is estimated that she can only reach Zhou Fangwu's shoulders when standing together.

Purple pupils, big eyes without the slightest warmth.

But the weird thing is that there is a smile on the corner of her mouth all the time, with a different kind of 'tenderness'.

Her black hair was tied back by a mint butterfly hairpin, and the purple tips were draped over her shoulders at the collarbone.

Wearing a black Ghost Killing Squad costume, covered with a feather pattern with a butterfly wing pattern.

"Ghost? Me?"

Zhou Fangwu pointed at himself, his face full of doubts, 'When did he become a ghost? '

"By the way, who are you?"

Even though he asked, Zhou Fangwu had already guessed who she was.

'Butterfly endure! '

"Butterfly bear..."

The girl with a knife standing not far away introduced herself with a smile on her face, with false tenderness and endless anger, "I am the pillar of the Demon Slayer Team, Zongzhu · Butterfly Shinobu. Does Mr. Ghost understand?"

It really was her!

"Then, Mr. Ghost, please die."

Die Die reluctantly raised the strange long knife in his hand, and went straight to Zhou Fangwu to kill him.

"Hey, wait!"

"No wait."

"Wait! I'm not a ghost!"

"I do not believe."

Butterfly Ninja didn't listen to Zhou Fangwu's explanation at all, and each time the knife was used, it became more ruthless and the angle became more tricky.

Zhou Fangwu and my wife Shanyi were really hard to dodge, and she was almost cut by her several times.

"Tsk, won't she listen no matter what she says?" The corners of Zhou Fangwu's mouth twitched.

Can you imagine it?

The woman with a smile on her face slashed at you with a knife in her hand, and each knife was more ruthless than the next knife, and she didn't care about your life or death at all.


Isn't that only the case with pink hair?

Why doesn't the law that the more powdered the hair, the harder the knife doesn't work for you?

And the one with black purple hair?

In vain I was so fan of you in my previous life, I really misjudged you!

Zhou Fangwu became more and more impatient, since he couldn't understand what he said, he just tried a few tricks.

With a slight effort in his legs, with a not-so-obvious electric light, he instantly distanced himself from Butterfly Ninja.

Putting my wife Shanyi under a tree beside him, Zhou Fangwu twisted his neck and shook his legs, loosening his muscles and bones and preparing to teach her a lesson.

"Ah, is Mr. Ghost finally getting serious?"

Butterfly looked at him with a smile on his face, and at the same time erected the sun wheel knife to be on guard secretly at all times to prevent surprise attacks.

Because of her rude behavior, Zhou Fangwu looked annoyed, "Since I don't understand, I have to teach you a lesson, little girl!"

Now Butterfly Shinobi should be 18 years old. Although she is only two years younger than Zhou Fangwu, her loli figure and ultra-young appearance make her look very young.

"Little girl...?!"

Butterfly held back a smile, but the veins on her forehead were obvious, which meant she was angry.

"Accept the trick, little girl, a thunderbolt with a radius of fifty meters flashes!"

Zhou Fangwu continued to sprinkle salt on her wounds while posing in a thunderbolt flash.

Sword skills, when used by different people, have different effects and damages. To put it bluntly, Zhou Fangwu who secretly learned from Thunderbolt is at least three to four times stronger than my current wife Shanyi!

After all, at the same level, the stronger the physical fitness, the stronger the power of the sword skill!

This is the eternal truth!

After Zhou Fangwu's physical fitness has been strengthened with skill points, it has far surpassed ordinary people!

From the very beginning, he planned to devote all his skill points to the two skills of [Magic Power Expansion] and [Physical Strengthening].

Although he has analysis and imitation skills, but if he doesn't have a good body, he can't use these skills and sword skills!

The same goes for magic.

Without sufficient magic power as a backing, there is no way to release any powerful magic.

If the human body is compared to a running computer, then the body is equivalent to the hardware of the computer. Only with good hardware conditions can we install and run various high-quality large-scale games!

Otherwise, like those old computers, it takes a few minutes to open a webpage, so what about running large games?

So, basic hardware is the most important thing!

Keke, far away.

Let's turn the camera back to Zhou Fangwu and Butterfly Shinobi.

With a big lunge and a sword in both hands ready to go, the figure gradually lowers, and the angle tends to be parallel to the horizontal line of the ground.

"Thunder's breath·One type·Thunderbolt flash!"


Zhou Fangwu went straight to the butterfly like a yellow lightning bolt!

In the next second, he appeared behind Butterfly Ninja, and slashed at Butterfly Ninja's head...


A light sound came from Butterfly Shinobu's head.

Zhou Fangwu's right hand became a knife, and he "cut" on her small head with no seriousness.

It is inevitable that Zhou Fangwu can instantly kill Butterfly Ninja.

Butterfly Ninja, who is not fit enough to rely on speed to win, has no power to fight back in front of the faster Zhou Fangwu.


Butterfly was stunned, and it took a while to realize, "This is... the breath of thunder?!"


Zhou Fangwu patted her on the head and said with a smile: "It is indeed the breath of thunder."

"Can Mr. Ghost still breathe Thunder?"

She thought that Butterfly Ninja would understand the fact that Zhou Fangwu was not an evil spirit, but in fact she misunderstood even deeper. Instead, she thought that Zhou Fangwu secretly learned the breathing method of thunder.

"I repeat, I'm not a ghost!"

Zhou Fangwu was so angry that he kneaded her cheeks, "Is this the mouth? Is it the mouth that maliciously slandered me?"

"I was wrong, I was wrong!"

Die Die quickly admitted his mistake, "Mr. Ghost is not a ghost."

"Hey!" Zhou Fangwu yelled, "What do you mean 'Mr. Ghost is not a ghost'? I really am not a ghost!"

Is Butterfly Shinobu such a character?

It's too irritating!

In order to avoid her misunderstanding, Zhou Fangwu hurriedly introduced himself, and then repeated what happened just now to prevent the misunderstanding from deepening.

"But I saw a green light on Zhou Fangjun's hand just now...Isn't that a blood ghost technique?"

"So that's it, have you seen it... Let me declare that the green light is not a blood ghost technique, it is my unique healing method. UU Reading"

Zhou Fangwu also understood that Die Ninja, who had been hiding in the dark just now, must have seen the green light in his hand, so he subconsciously thought that he was an evil ghost, and he used the blood ghost technique unique to evil ghosts.





After a long while, Die Die patted his forehead reluctantly, and said embarrassingly: "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhou Fang, I seem to have made a mistake."

"Really, you just got it wrong."

Seeing Butterfly Ren come out of the misunderstanding, Zhou Fangwu felt relieved.

It's really not easy.

"To express my apologies, Mr. Zhou Fang please accept this."

"what is this?"

Seeing the pancake in Butterfly Ninja's hand, Zhou Fangwu immediately got an appetite, and swallowed the pancake in two mouthfuls.

"Delicious! Sweet and soft, fragrant and delicious, really delicious!"

Zhou Fangwu licked the oil residue on his fingers, "Is there any more, I just happen to be a little hungry too."

After exercising with Butterfly Ninja, Zhou Fangwu was really hungry.

"Yes, there are many more."

Butterfly Shinobi took out a small package from his bosom, which contained small cakes of this style.

Zhou Fangwu's eyes glowed with gold, he picked up the pancake and ate it voraciously.

"Delicious, really delicious! What kind of cake is this, why is it so delicious?" Zhou Fangwu asked.

"This is wisteria cake."


Zhou Fangwu instantly felt that the pancake in his mouth was not fragrant.

However, Butterfly Ninja smiled again and said, "This is purple, vine, flower, and cake."

"So, so, I'm not an evil spirit—!!!"

Zhou Fangwu's mentality exploded.

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