Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 105: Sato Kazuma is sad

, the fastest update, I didn't expect it, I went through the latest chapter again!

Kazuma Sato, 17 years old.

Although his previous job was to squat at home, he has transformed into a gorgeous adventurer not long ago, and has changed his job to become an adventurer who in his opinion is very romantic and has the potential to spread heroic legends.

In fact, the name of their team is also [Hero Squad]!

And, what makes him even more proud:

Because the team leader defeated the Headless Horseman, one of the eight cadres of the Demon King's Army, the name of their team spread throughout Xinshou Village, gaining a high reputation!

As long as you walk on the streets of Xinshou Village, you will be praised by others!

This made him a little flustered.

Although they are basically flattering their team leader, doesn't this also mean that their [hero] team has made a splendid debut?

He is also proud to be part of the team!

One can imagine!

This should be the starting point for their legends to spread throughout the different world!

I believe that the day to defeat the devil is not far away!


Things are not as simple as he thought!

This is already the third month since he came to the different world.

From the tension and excitement at the beginning, I was full of anticipation for unknown adventures; to the present confusion and despair, I have a sense of fear for this day when a group of problem children destroy the peace.

This huge gap almost made him lose his beautiful fantasy of another world.

Although he had to work hard to live in a stable in the beginning, now he can eat well and live in a mansion in the suburbs even if he doesn't do tasks.

At the level, there have been great changes.

However, it is just a daydream for this group of people to defeat the Demon King!

Because, until now, they haven't left Novice Village yet!

This group of problem children is really useless and difficult to lead! !

It is really too difficult!

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He finally understood how hard their team leader had been all this time!

Involuntarily, his admiration for the team leader deepened a lot.

In the eyes of others, taking an adventure with a group of beautiful girls would be a very enviable thing.

Or maybe because of this, those jealous adventurers always spread rumors to slander him.

This made his reputation not very good among adventurers.

People often call him ghost and truth, dirty and truth, scum and truth...etc.

This is outright slander, slander!

He Sato Fujikazuma will never admit it!

He is as enthusiastic, kind and upright as the team leader!

It's all, it's all about these problem children!

【Adventurer's Guild】

"Hezhen and Zhen!"

"Yes, I am Kazuma."

"Raise a magic-modified tentacle monster!"

The woman sitting in front of him was Darkness, one of the problem children in the team.

Although she looks like a cold and beautiful female knight, she is actually a hopeless pervert.

And often fall into fantasy, may enter the state of feeling at any time.

It is very doubtful, is her brain filled with O liquid? Even what she said now is really unbearable.

As a woman, but want to raise the tentacle monster of the female enemy? !

"I say, Darkness."

"What's wrong, Kazuma."

"Senior Zhou Fang will not allow the team to raise such a strange monster, will he not be angry when he comes back? It is likely that he will directly blast him with an explosion magic."


After refusal, Darkness was not disappointed, instead she wriggled her armored body with a blushing face.

She seemed to be in a fantasy again.

Could it be that she was imagining the feeling of senior Zhou Fang's explosive magic bombarding her? !

This can't help but make people wonder whether her idea of ​​raising tentacle monsters is intentional.

Because she is really likely to raise a tentacle monster specially for the intense pleasure of being bombed!

"Hezhen and Zhen!"

"Yes, I am Kazuma."

"Buy a bottle of high-end bubble bar, only 30W Eris, very cheap!"

At this moment, Akuya, who was standing in the bar inside the Adventurer's Guild, was lying in front of the counter looking at the high-end sparkling wine inside.

The blue-haired mentally handicapped drooling close to the counter is the high priest of the team and a part-time goddess of water.

You may not believe it, but she is the real goddess of water!

However, Akuya's incompetent IQ made people subconsciously ignore her status as a goddess.

It would be better to say that no one in the team regarded Akua as a goddess from the very beginning!

—Except for Zhou Fang, the team leader.

Of course, also a problem child.

"Hey, Akuya, Senior Zhou Fang once said when he left, you don't have pocket money for these few months, right?"

"Let me say, cheapskate and true! I am a goddess, as my believer, shouldn't you come to worship me?"

"Who is a follower of you stupid goddess!"

"Huh-?! How come!"

"Give me a little self-knowledge, you good-for-nothing goddess! Besides Zhou Fang, who else would want you?!"

Sato Kazuma ignored her crying and rolling on the ground with tears in her eyes, and her merciless cursing was also to prevent the blue mentally handicapped from making progress.

She has always been like this, the more you care about her, the more excited she is. On the contrary, she will become normal no matter what.

Although after a period of time, it will become mentally retarded again.

"Hezhen and Zhen!"

"Yes, I am Kazuma."

"I can't bear it any longer, hurry, give me the thick and big one!"

"Hey, wait, idiot Huihui! Don't say such things! It will be misunderstood!"

The Crimson Demon girl sitting next to him, who was wriggling with her staff, was the great magister in the team.

Although she often suffers from secondary illnesses, her destructive power is the strongest among the team members, and even the team leader, Senior Zhou Fang, cannot compare to her.

Because she knows the very rare highest-level magic—explosion magic!


She also only has this one skill!

And no matter how much he persuaded her, he did not choose to learn other magic.

The most important thing is, whether it is sunny or cloudy, whether it is sunny or pouring rain, this guy has to release an explosion magic every day.

The team didn't pay for the losses of others because of this!

Similarly, she is also a problem child through and through!

No, the extent of her brain problems has far surpassed that of the female knight and high priest in the team!

"Hey, Huihui."

"What's wrong, Kazuma."

"During the time Senior Zhou Fang left, you often destroyed the farms near Xinshou Village, causing many cattle and sheep raised by the farmers to escape, resulting in a lot of compensation... right?"


"Senior Zhou Fang told you before he left, don't destroy the nearby farms...you know about this, right?"


Originally, Megumi was quite expecting that Sato Kazuma would take her there for a refreshing explosion magic, but after hearing what Sato Kazuma said, she immediately softened.

Exactly as Sato Kazuma said.

In the past two weeks, she has sneaked out of the farm in the suburbs to release explosion magic, and she has caused losses to the farmer. And these losses were all found on her head by the farmer.

The team also compensated a lot of money for this.

Although it was all her fault, she just couldn't control herself!

"As a Crimson Demon, isn't it normal to have to come once a day!!"

Huihui yelled her life motto loudly, "If you don't come here every day, how can you be the strongest magister!"

"Hey! Stupid Huihui, what are you talking about!"

Sato Kazuma tried to silence Megumi, but it was too late by this time.

Because the sound was too loud, all the adventurers sitting in the adventurer's guild cast their gazes over.

However, when they saw Sato Kazuma, the curiosity in their eyes immediately turned into disgust and disgust.

"So—! It's all about you group of problem children that made my reputation drop so much!"

Sato Kazuma cried and said with a headache, "Senior Zhou Fang, why haven't you come back, I miss you so much!"

His appearance was extremely pitiful and miserable~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Only the next moment, he broke away from the abyss of despair.

"Well, although it's nice to be missed so much, but when you know that the person you miss is Kazuma, you always have a twisted feeling in your heart."


Sato Kazuma thought he was hallucinating.

But when he looked up at the door of the trade union, he saw a heroic young man in a white knight uniform.

"Senior Zhou Fang—!"

He shouted the boy's name full of joy, and the other three girls also looked surprised.

"Wu! Welcome back!" X3

The teenager shouted: "Oh, I'm back!"

[Hero] team, assemble again!

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