Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 104: Leaving "From 0" for a while

, the fastest update, I didn't expect it, I went through the latest chapter again!

Early the next morning, everyone came to see Zhou Fangwu off.

"Wu, do you really want to leave? Is it because of me?"

The half-elf girl looked at Zhou Fangwu very nervously, her eyes showed fear and loneliness, she wondered if it was because she was too weak to let Zhou Fangwu down, that's why she asked to leave the Earl's Mansion.

She was afraid that if Zhou Fangwu left, everyone in the Earl's mansion would be disappointed in her.

"No, it's not like that, Emilia."

Zhou Fangwu shook his head, telling Emilia not to guess wildly, "It's just that I need to do some things, and I have to go back to my hometown as soon as possible. Don't think too much."

Of course, this kind of comforting words are just for Emilia to listen to alone.

Zhou Fangwu is not here, the purpose is not to let Emilia pay too much attention to a word he said unintentionally, so that he cannot make a wise judgment.

Emilia, who was scolded and taught a lesson yesterday, will definitely care more about Zhou Fangwu's words and deeds now, and will move closer to him in all her actions, and will also care more about Zhou Fangwu's views.

It's not good for her development!

That's why Zhou Fangwu proposed to leave, wanting to let his figure fade out of her sight.


Emilia patted her chest in reassurance. She simply didn't know how much sacrifice these people who silently paid for her behind the scenes had made.

"But! After I leave, it doesn't mean that Emilia's test will end. I hope that Emilia will have amazing growth when we meet next time, is that okay?"

"Well, I will definitely work hard to gain the approval of the villagers, so that they will no longer be prejudiced against the silver-haired half-elf!"

"That's good."

Zhou Fangwu nodded in satisfaction, and now Emilia can already look directly at the troubles and sufferings brought about by being a silver-haired half-elf.

After that, Emilia looked at Subaru Natsuki with great entanglement.

"Well, Subaru also..."

"Ah, don't worry, Cai Yue-jun will still stay here."

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Seeing her joyful expression, Zhou Fangwu raised his eyebrows.

Is Emilia relying too much on Natsuki Subaru?

Walking in front of Caiyue Subaru, he whispered in his ear with a little worry, saying: "Caiyue-kun, encouragement and comfort are fine, but please don't do unnecessary things. You know, she needs to grow up." , instead of being a puppet manipulated by others for a lifetime."

"It's too much to say that Emilia Tan is a puppet or something!"

Nayue Subaru didn't hide it at all, he yelled to express his dissatisfaction with Zhou Fangwu's words.

But he changed his tone and said: "However, I have already recognized that Emilia Tan needs to grow up. So, I will not interfere too much, I promise!"

"That's good! Ram, you come to supervise him."

Zhou Fangwu asked Ram to supervise Nayue Subaru.

I hope this will keep Natsuki Subaru sane and not interfere too much with Emilia's growth.

"Yes, Ram must not let Barus interfere with Lady Emilia!"

Ram immediately accepted Zhou Fangwu's request, and then said with disgust on his face: "About this, Ram has a suggestion—how about tying up Barus?"

"What?! Senior Ram, that's too much! Don't I have human rights?"

Natsuki Subaru was taken aback.

"Instead of bothering Ram to supervise things all the time, why not just get Barus out of the way right from the start? Ram has to tidy up and clean the Earl's mansion every day, and he doesn't have so much time to pay attention to Barus. S."

"What is 'cleaning and tidying up the mansion'! Aren't Rem and I doing these tasks every day?!"

Nayuki Subaru was startled by Ram's brazenness, he yelled, "My sister does the most hard work and doesn't say anything, but my sister does the least work but complains all the time, can you be more considerate of working late Rem! Elder sister should set an example for younger sister, not the other way around!"

Although it was good for him to fight the injustice for Rem, Rem obviously did not accept his kindness.

She said softly: "No, my sister does more work than me. Rem is just exerting some physical strength and doing some dispensable work."

Natsuki Subaru was embarrassed by Rem's self-deprecating words.

I had no choice but to say dryly, "Rem... I'm too spoiled by your sister."

Now he still doesn't know the secret between Rem and Ram, and he doesn't know what the knot in Rem's heart is.

However, Natsuki Subaru is now focused on Emilia.

Obviously, he didn't have the extra energy to explore the past between the two of them.

"Well—that's how things are—don't worry Wu, not only Ram, but also Rem and I will pay more attention to Emilia-sama—but how to say—I am also Emilia's popular servant , isn't it—"

Roswaal seemed to have just remembered his duty as a courtier. What the clown-like behavior showed were disgusting falsehoods and lies.

"Just leave it to me—"

"Well, then please Roswaal you."

"By the way, Wu really doesn't need to write a letter of introduction. Although the kingdom's knight order has your name, you haven't reported for duty yet, and I don't know if the kingdom's knight order recognizes you."

"It's okay, everything will be arranged according to your previous plan."

"Yes, Wu said so, I feel relieved-."

Hearing what Zhou Fangwu said, Roswaal immediately smiled.

Zhou Fangwu didn't tell Nayue Subaru to be more careful about Roswaal, because he was afraid that Nayue Subaru would become suspicious and recklessly explore Roswaal's details.

In addition, Natsuki Subaru is immature now, and it will easily attract Roswaal's murderous intentions.

Therefore, it is better for him to be ignorant and honest.

In this way, he will not attract Roswaal's attention, nor will he intentionally harm him, but follow the instructions of the [Book of Wisdom].

"Then, I'm leaving."

Seeing that things were almost done, Zhou Fangwu proposed to leave.

"Bon Voyage!"

"Is it true that you don't need Rem to deliver it? I have prepared a few sets of clothes, and you should pay more attention to safety on the road and don't talk to strangers."

"Indeed, the royal capital has been very uneasy recently, so we should pay more attention to safety—"

"Please go slowly." X2

Amidst the farewell sounds of everyone with their own personal characteristics, Zhou Fangwu got on the dragon chariot and drove the dragon chariot away from the Earl's mansion.

The dragon car running on the road was fast, and the trees on the side of the road quickly passed his sight.

However, just after leaving Roswaal's territory, Zhou Fangwu stopped the dragon carriage.


Maximize the use of [Perception] skills to detect whether there are people around.

The huge increase in magic power brought by [Magic's Blessing] made the [Perception] skill instantly spread, covering a radius of thousands of meters.

Everything hidden in the dark can be seen in a panoramic view.

"Hmm~www.wuxiamtl.com~no one."

After confirming that there was no one there, Zhou Fangwu withdrew his [Perception] skill.

Then, start building the magic circle again.

"Space transfer!"

The magic circle lit up, and the dragon chariot disappeared from sight.

Afterwards, Zhou Fangwu sneaked into the forest, and then communicated with [Crossing the World] in his mind, preparing to leave the world of "Zero".

Closing his eyes, he could clearly feel that the [magic protection] was leaving his body.

Without the huge boosting effect, the feeling of fullness disappeared, and even the magic power declined.

However, he has already prepared for these.


Following the words, Zhou Fangwu's figure disappeared into the forest.

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