"Sure enough, as long as you believe it, something like a cat's ear appears in front of you, and it does have incredible magical power."

As one of the representatives who like fluffy, Natsuki Subaru will of course become absent-minded when he sees the trembling cat ears.

The cat ears that were the same color as his hair attracted him deeply.

Not because of the value of the face, but pure cat ears? !

"I'm back, Lord Will."

Felix greeted Wilhelm, "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting outside, meow, are you bored of waiting?"

He speaks with an ethereal voice like a cute girl, his language addiction makes people very concerned, coupled with his very image dressing, the whole person is like a cat-eared girl who came out of Natsuki Subaru's fantasy .

But, he is a man!

"No, no, I just wronged the two next to me."

Wilhelm shook his head and said, "It's been an unexpectedly pleasant time to be the conversation partner of an old bone."


In response to the old man's answer, Felix raised his slender hands like a girl, leaned against his fair cheek and tilted his head.

"So it is, so it is."

With a very cute posture and voice, he said, "Are you two the Take and Subaru that Emilia-sama talked about?"

Felix looked exactly like a real cat-eared girl, but Zhou Fangwu, who knew his true identity and gender, had already classified him as a problem child in his heart.

A man with such a ladylike tone and gestures, his aura is similar to that of a little devil, and he is also a big guy in women's clothing.

After confirming the eyes, he is someone who cannot be offended!

He is a ruthless man!

Just when Zhou Fangwu wanted to distance himself from him, Felix rushed forward with a stride.

But the target was not Zhou Fangwu, but Natsuki Subaru who was fascinated by him.

His slender hand brushed around Nayue Subaru's neck, and his straight body clung to it without hesitation, which made Nayue Subaru dodge to the side in a little embarrassment.

However, the next moment, Nayue Subaru was lightly shouted by him: "Don't move, let me take a good look!"

The two were about the same height, and his cheek was facing Natsuki Subaru's.

The voice rang in the ear, and the light breath was itching. Subaru Natsuki, who had never been in such close contact with a girl, immediately stiffened and blushed, and at the same time tried hard not to let his thoughts become obscene.

"So it is, so it is."

Felix nodded knowingly, and did something that shocked everyone present.

—He bit Natsuki Subaru's ear lightly.

"You you you you... what are you doing?!"

Nayuki Subaru was extremely shocked, the thoughts he had been sticking to from just now suddenly collapsed, he took a few steps back and fell to the ground.

Nayuki Subaru's embarrassing appearance made the cat-eared man even more excited.

"Woohoo—what a cute reaction! I really want to do something!"

He shook his body like a moron who succeeded in molesting, and said happily: "Hearing this sound, the flow of water in the body immediately stagnated! Although I want to do something, it's a pity that I don't have time now." , so it’s impossible to meow now.”

This perverted speech...

The corners of Zhou Fangwu's mouth twitched, and he quickly moved to the side, staying away from the lady-wearing tycoon.

Sorry, he doesn't have the idea of ​​breaking the taboo and falling into the abyss yet.

However, Felix obviously didn't intend to let him go.

After flirting with Nayue Subaru, he walked quickly to Zhou Fangwu.

With seductive eyes, he nibbled his little finger and showed a seductive and provocative smile like a little devil.

He wanted to moles Zhou Fangwu in the same way he molested Nayue Subaru just now.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just checking his body."

Felix seemed to be explaining his abrupt behavior to Zhou Fangwu, and looked him up and down like a cat licking him from top to bottom.

It's a pity that this goblin, who makes people so excited that he can't control himself, is actually a real man with handles!

Zhou Fangwu shuddered suddenly, and took a step back unconsciously.

But fortunately, he didn't hug him like before, but just stared at Zhou Fangwu.

Maotong's pupils became thinner, indicating that he was looking very seriously.

"Yeah, that's how it is, that's how it is."

Felix said seriously: "My little brother doesn't look like an ordinary person. The flow of water is really shocking. Could it be that you have been blessed by a dragon?"

the flow of water?

Could it be that [water element affinity (advanced)]?

In this case, the dragon never blessed him, but was blessed by the goddess of water.

After hearing what he said, Zhou Fangwu raised his eyebrows and asked doubtfully, "Why can't it be a protection?"

"Brother said that, doesn't it mean that this is not a blessing?"

Felix twitched his brown cat ears, seemingly pleased with the fact.

But he also said: "However, I am not sure because of this. It is because the [water] on my little brother does not seem to be something inherent, but like a gift from others, or was bestowed."

"I see."

Zhou Fangwu understood.

As expected, the man who won the title of [Qing] over Roswaal is unmatched in his field of expertise.

"Indeed, as you said, the things on me are gifts from others."

Zhou Fangwu accepted his words, but said again: "But it was not given to me by the dragon, but the god! If I insist, it is the goddess of water."

"Goddess of water?"

The word [God] is something that can arouse people's curiosity. Felix is ​​a demihuman of cats, and he is more attracted to it than ordinary people.

"Her name is Aqua! The goddess of water, Aqua!"

Zhou Fangwu chanted her name loudly.


Before Felix could be surprised, Nayuki Subaru was shocked, thinking that Zhou Fangwu was going too far, and he would deceive people by saying the name of the mentally retarded goddess.

But in the next second, he thought again, did Zhou Fangwu deliberately report this name to vent his anger on him.

However, he never imagined that Zhou Fangwu was not lying!

This is indeed Akuya's blessing to him!

"So it is, so it is."

Felix nodded, not sure if he believed what Zhou Fangwu said.

But he asked again: "Since the little brother has such an excellent [water], why didn't he heal that one over there, instead he came to me?"

The "that person over there" that Felix said was Subaru Natsuki, and the treatment was because Subaru Natsuki forcibly used magic to injure the 'gate' during the [Warcraft Attack] incident.

In fact, the day after Natsuki Subaru was injured, Emilia came to Zhou Fangwu.

It's just that the [healing] skill can only be applied to the body, and cannot heal the 'door', so Emilia asked Felix for help again.

Zhou Fangwu didn't hide anything, and said bluntly, "I can't do it."


Felix said regretfully: "It's obviously so good, it's no less than my [Water]."

But Zhou Fangwu was not disappointed.

Because he told Emilia that a condition should be added to the content of the transaction: [He must watch from the side while Natsuki Subaru is being treated].

The purpose is self-evident, just want to imitate this treatment method!

"Felix, it's almost time."

Seeing the end of the topic, Wilhelm was afraid that Felix would delay the time, so he stood up and ended the topic.

"Ah~ www.wuxiamtl.com~ It's already this time."

Felix blinked and looked at the sun, knowing that the time had been delayed a lot, so he had no choice but to end the topic.

It's just that before he left, he said again: "We will meet again in the king's capital."

"Yes, then see you again in the capital."

Zhou Fangwu and Nayue Subaru waved goodbye to him.

After Longche left the mansion and disappeared from the sight of the two, Nayue Subaru said to Zhou Fangwu: "That girl is really cute."

"He's a man."


"I said, that girl with cat ears is a man."


Natsuki Subaru yelled in shock.

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