Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 99: Cat ears... man? !

"Mr. Zhou Fangwu actually chose to be the knight of that lord. I think you must be working hard now."

Wilhelm upholds his own elegance and gentleman, expounds his views in a very euphemistic way, and expresses his concern for Zhou Fangwu.

He is trying not to hurt Emilia, and not to destroy Emilia's image in Zhou Fangwu's heart.

This gentle treatment made Zhou Fangwu very fond of him, although Zhou Fangwu didn't care whether Emilia was a "silver-haired half-elf".

Zhou Fangwu sighed, and said very melancholy: "Yes, raising a daughter is indeed very tiring, and it's the kind of physical and mental exhaustion."

"Cultivate a daughter? Does Mr. Zhou Fangwu already have a child?"

Wilhelm looked at the very young Zhou Fangwu, not understanding the relationship between Emilia and the boy's daughter in front of him.

"Ah, sorry, I seem to have said the wrong thing."

Zhou Fangwu laughed perfunctorily.

After thinking about it, she said, "To be honest, Emilia is not a qualified king now. She doesn't have firm belief and determination. However, she is growing rapidly and will soon transform into a qualified king!"

Wilhelm said thoughtfully: "It seems that Mr. Zhou Fangwu has great confidence in Lady Emilia."


Zhou Fangwu winked at him and said, "After all, I cultivated it myself, so of course I have confidence."

Only then did Wilhelm understand what Zhou Fangwu meant by raising his daughter.

"...Are you treating that adult like a daughter and nurturing her?"

Rao is the man known as the sword ghost by the world, and Wilhelm was also frightened by Zhou Fangwu's astonishing speech at this moment.

It's just that he has maintained good self-cultivation and composure, so he didn't show any surprise.

However, his evaluation of Zhou Fangwu has also risen to a higher level.

Just as Zhou Fangwu and Wilhelm were chatting happily, some idle voices came from behind them.

"Isn't it boring to wait outside all the time? How about a cup of black tea?"

The two turned their heads and saw Subaru Natsuki walking over with hot black tea.

"This is the most expensive black tea in the mansion, made by myself."

His proud look made Zhou Fangwu's face twitch slightly.

Smelling the aroma of the tea leaves, it was the ultra-rare top-quality tea that Lahm asked him to show off his skills last time.

This prodigal son!

It's not because the cup of black tea served by Subaru Caiyue is made of top-quality tea leaves; it's because Subaru Caiyue's tea making skills are not enough to stimulate the taste of the top-quality tea leaves.

This is a complete waste!

But this also shows that Natsuki Subaru has also done enough to entertain Emilia.

"Your Excellency is..."

Wilhelm asked with some doubts, wanting Zhou Fangwu to introduce him.

But before Zhou Fangwu could speak, Caiyue Subaru introduced himself first, "My name is Caiyue Subaru, and I am the servant of the owner of this mansion."

"I see. Your Excellency is Subaru Natsuki. My name is Wilhelm, please take care of me."

Wilhelm nodded knowingly, "However, I heard that Your Excellency and Lady Emilia are very close..."

"Really?! Emilia Tan and I seem to have a very unusual relationship? Is that so!"

Natsuki Subaru looked very happy, as if this sentence had hit the itching place in his heart, he hurriedly entertained Wilhelm to drink tea.


"Ah, it's my pet name for Emilia."

"That's right..."

Wilhelm expressed curiosity about the strange title, but he didn't mean to ask too much.

Caiyue Subaru picked up two cups of black tea and handed them to Zhou Fangwu and Wilhelm to taste.

The two took a sip in unison.

"It's delicious."

Wilhelm was a little surprised and said, "It tastes really good. I think the price of this cup of black tea should be quite high."


Wilhelm also tasted that the black tea was a very rare and high-quality tea, and Zhou Fangwu also nodded to admit it. But he said again: "It's just a pity that the brewing method of this cup of black tea is extremely poor, and this top-quality black tea was wasted."

After finishing speaking, he shook his head, looking distressed.

"Oh? Does Mr. Zhou Fangwu know some tea art?"

Wilhelm was a little surprised. In fact, he also knew the art of making tea very well, and he often made tea for his master.

"If we have time, we can communicate. I think there will be a lot of common topics between the two of us."

"Of course, if Mr. Wilhelm has time, I will definitely accompany him."

Facing Wilhelm's invitation, Zhou Fangwu would not refuse at all, but accepted on the spot.

And Natsuki Subaru, who was left out in the cold, began to yell, "Wait, why did you exclude me all of a sudden?"

"Why, do you know tea art too? Then, you can also join in the next communication."

"No, that's not what it means!"

Although Wilhelm kindly invited him, Natsuki Subaru did not come here to study the tea ceremony with them.

"Then, what do you mean by bringing out this precious black tea, do you know something from this old man?"

Wilhelm knew that he hadn't successfully changed the subject, the young man in front of him was not as mature as the knight at the side, and he didn't even notice that he obviously avoided talking about it several times.

"I want to know the reason for your visit today."

Natsuki Subaru didn't mean to be cliche at all, but said very directly: "Even if it's just a little bit, please tell me."

Wilhelm bluntly refused: "Sorry, I can't tell you the details."

Without the slightest social means, of course you will be rejected.

But this also shows from the side that Wilhelm must know the purpose of their visit this time~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Hearing Wilhelm's refusal to answer without hesitation, Natsuki Subaru knew that no matter what he did Asked, Wilhelm would not answer him.

Immediately sank down.

"It seems that the time has come."

Wilhelm was facing the entrance of the mansion. When he saw his envoy coming out of the Earl's mansion, he knew that the purpose of his visit had been achieved.

Following his gaze, Zhou Fangwu and Nayue Subaru looked.

"The ones who came out were Rem and... ah, who is that person?"

Natsuki Subaru said softly, looking very puzzled, while keeping his eyes on the so-called messenger.

It is a demihuman, and its race is cathuman.

He has medium-length flaxen hair tied with a white ribbon.

He was wearing a bluish-white jumpsuit, and his height was very tall and slender for women, without any ups and downs on his chest.

The big eyes are full of curiosity, and the two cat ears are very cute, and the tail is shaking slightly behind it from time to time.

Every gesture he made was feminine, or in other words, he had an aura of a little devil, the feeling of being around her.

When he came out with Rem, he immediately noticed Natsuki Subaru staring at him, and then put on a mischievous smile on his face.

"Hey, hey, I know I'm fascinated by seeing beautiful women, but I think it's not rude to keep staring like this, nya!"

He said so.

As soon as you hear it, you know that this is a difficult role.

His name was Felix Argyle, and he was a cat subhuman.

He is male!

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