Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 97: Don't always think about destroying the world, give me a good consideration of the

The days that followed were rather monotonous.

Wake up by Ram every morning, and put on the knight uniform under her service.

Then the two separated.

Ram went to help Rem make breakfast, and he would take Natsuki Subaru to train to correct his irregular movements and breathing.

Say hello to Emilia and Parker who are exercising in the morning, and the three of them go to have breakfast together.

After breakfast, go to the Forbidden Library to exchange feelings with Betty.

Now Betty no longer resists Zhou Fangwu's intimacy, and sometimes even approaches Zhou Fangwu unconsciously and seeks to interact with him.

After 400 years of loneliness was broken, she became a little clingy.

By the way, under Zhou Fangwu's strong request, Betty would appear in the restaurant on time every dinner and chat with everyone for a while.

Although the tone is still as arrogant as usual, but at last she will take the initiative to join the topic among everyone.

It seems that the day to untangle her heart is not far away.


Like the original book, Parker has entered a period of madness.

It's just that this demonic period didn't bring any special distress to everyone.

Because Zhou Fangwu used the [Absorbing Touch] skill to pack all of Parker's excess magic power to Betty.

This is a great tonic, how can it be wasted?

However, this move made the Ice and Snow Festival that was supposed to appear disappear under the change of the world line.


"Then... let's do it one last time, first stretch your hand to the sky, and then shout: Victory!!"


Natsuki Subaru squatted down slowly and then jumped up, raised his hands and shouted the words of victory loudly, and the children in front of him also shouted loudly after him.

The adults standing not far away saw their children so happy, and nodded in satisfaction with smiles on their faces.

Everyone was immersed in the ocean filled with laughter and laughter.

Caiyue Subaru has been coming to the village for the past few days, one is to appease the nervousness of the villagers, and the other is to complete the tasks assigned to them by Zhou Fangwu.

Natsuki Subaru still doesn't want to give up!

But he was fully prepared, this time not only Lei Mu, but also Zhou Fangwu came.

Because Zhou Fangwu also wanted to see what Emilia did to subdue the villagers.

But when Zhou Fangwu came to the village, he was extremely disappointed.

Because Emilia didn't do anything at all, it was Subaru Natsuki who was working hard alone to increase the favorability of the villagers.

"Are you going to look at it like this, Emilia?"

Zhou Fangwu asked Emilia, who was using a cloak, "If you continue like this, you won't be able to pass the test."


She pressed the hat on the cloak, and said softly: "The king's election is about to start, but I have been hesitating..."

As a candidate for the throne, Emilia certainly knew something that Natsuki Subaru and Zhou Fangwu should not have known.

For example: It seems that the fifth king candidate has appeared, and the news that the king selection ceremony will officially begin.

But Zhou Fangwu knew it clearly.

This news was passed on to him by Elsa, and it was realized by the small flying monster controlled by Mei Li.

Although the Earl's mansion has an enchantment, it is still very easy for Zhou Fangwu to receive news.

"So, what are you going to do?"


Facing Zhou Fangwu's question, Emilia lowered her head.

After a while.

With firm steps, she walked towards Subaru Natsuki, who was playing with the children, and chose to join them.

Emilia has made up her mind that getting the approval of the villagers has nothing to do with making Zhou Fangwu her knight!

She went for her own long-cherished wish!

Seeing her determination, Zhou Fangwu nodded in satisfaction.

Parker floated beside him, pretending to be old-fashioned in a childish voice, and said, "Hey, Wu, has my daughter grown up?"

"Cough cough cough, yes."

Zhou Fangwu also coughed a few times pretending to be an old man and replied: "She is growing up a little bit, I am very pleased."

"Yes, thank you a lot, Wu."

It's the big elf.

Although it is known as the [Final Giant Beast], it still dragged down Emilia.

After Emilia, who has a huge magical power, contracted it, her strength shrank sharply and fell to the level of an ordinary magician in an instant.

And because it appears for a very short time, it cannot be with Emilia all the time, so it cannot be by Emilia's side when danger often occurs.

Especially in the recent period, because of Wang Xuan's upcoming relationship, there is an undercurrent in the Wangcheng. Pedestrians of all colors come and go, and dangerous incidents follow one after another.

It's a bit out of control.

Parker sincerely thanked Zhou Fangwu who had been nurturing his daughter with all his heart, and thanks to Zhou Fangwu's help, Emilia was able to escape the disaster of life and death every time.

"I'm really not a competent father."

It laughed at itself: "I can't even protect my own daughter well."

Zhou Fangwu also nodded in agreement, and said in deep agreement: "Yes, you are really not a competent father."

"Ah?" Parker blinked, "At this moment, shouldn't you comfort me and say that I'm doing well?"

"how is this possible?!"

Zhou Fangwu said bluntly: "Does what you do have anything to do with your duties as a father?!"

Parents not only have the responsibility to protect their children, but more importantly, they also have the obligation to cultivate children so that they have a correct value, morality and outlook on life!

It is no exaggeration to say that parents are the beacons of children, and everything about parents will be passed on to children!


Parker seems to be good for Emilia, and all decisions are based on Emilia.

But in fact, this is the fundamental reason why Emilia chooses to reject other people's kindness, but at the same time, she doesn't know how to reject other people's request!

—Emilia has no idea!

"You, what an incompetent father!"


Hearing Zhou Fangwu's low evaluation of it~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Parker was angry but knew it was true.

Because it is bound!

Because it is restrained by the witch!

It can only protect Emilia from harm, it cannot influence Emilia, let alone interfere with Emilia's decision!

'What do you know, kid! '

Although it really wanted to say that, it remained silent in the end, and even curled up.

But the next moment, it was dragged in the palm of Zhou Fangwu's hand.

"Sorry for speaking so hard."

After hearing Zhou Fangwu's apology, Parker said again: "You are her father, and I can feel your love for her. Not interfering with Emilia is definitely not the so-called free-range education, but an unexplainable pain." Bar."


Parker was slightly moved, "You are quite sharp, kid."

"A father who can destroy the world for his daughter, I don't think it's because he doesn't love his daughter. On the contrary, it's not an exaggeration to say he is doting. After all, the world has done nothing wrong."

Both Parker and Subaru Natsuki chose to destroy the world because of Emilia, but Parker was stopped by Reinhardt, and Subaru Natsuki was another way to destroy the world.

But obviously, Parker didn't understand Zhou Fangwu's words.

It tilted its head with a puzzled look on its face.


"So, don't always think about destroying the world!"

Zhou Fang bellowed loudly, "Give me some thought about how the world feels, **** Parker!"

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